'C: I don't like Stefan or Brendan, but who told you that anyways?
((Within the next few minutes I heard the notification ring,))
S: A person told me.
C: Who?
S: He don't want me to tell...
C: Oh okay then :)
S: You're not angry?
C: Of course not, why?
S: Just wondering..'
Well that wasnt very useful.. oh well. I had to go out for lunch I think..? What time is it? '12:00' Oh, its still too early.. I looked towards the nurse, trying to sit up slightly, "Miss? I'm feeling better now..May I leave?" She looked at me for a brief moment before nodding her head. I smiled and thanked her, when my hand reached and twisted the door-knob, I felt it rather easy to turn, like SUPER EASY. (Yangire-Chan, this is for you!) I just shrugged it off, trying to push the door open. Thing is, when I did..someone else from the other side pulled it open, resulting in me stumbling forward and landing straight on that sillohueted figure.
That figure was actually someone who I was surprised to see. Stefan. I was so lost in my rubbish thoughts that I hadn't bothered to get up instantly, it looked like I was making myself comfortable where I was. A raspy chuckle anchored me back to the ground, "I was gonna come check up on you but I guess you're okay." He muttered, I felt my face glow fluorescent pink, one because, HE ACTUALLY CARED?!?! (Nahhh 😂) Two, all the previous thoughts roamed my mind, making sure to dust every corner and three because...HE ACTUALLY CARED?!???!!?
Instead of thanking him or asking questions I did the 'BEST' thing. I ran away. (😂👌🏻) I ran off to snuggle in a special place, it was a place I knew of since I was in year 2! But as I tried to squish myself inside the sandwich of space, I cut my forearm, not caring how deep the cut was while I cowered for awhile. Painful memories penetrated my mind:
'He loves someone else,
Youre nothing to him,
He was just being pitiful,
You don't exist to him.'
I was so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn't heard the booming footsteps that lead to my exact location. I could feel myself get yanked and pulled out of the gap but someone.
"CAM!" He panted, each hand placed on my shoulders, preventing me from running again. I dared not to look at him, why should I? "What's wrong with you?! I carried you to the medical room and came to check on you as well and this is the thanks I get???" He growled, I whimpered slightly and swung my head down even further. I felt him shake me slightly as if trying to shake out a bloody answer... speaking of bloody... my forearm wasn't painful, but it was drenched in blood. I didn't freak out though, I didn't want to alert Stefan or make him panic. Is this what I want...?
"Well?" The tapping of his foot irritated me, every tap sounded like a water droplet on the ground.
Is this the same person I love?
"Tell me why you ran away."
Should I still love him..?
"I'm sorry. For everything."
He looked at me with wide eyes, as if he was shocked to hear what I had to say. "For everything?" He repeated, "Everything." I said expressionless, gathering whatever confidence I had left to look up at him with glossy eyes that were filled to the brim with a faintly familiar liquid. My face was scrunched up in pain, my heart ached and I got lightheaded again, but I still kept going.
"I'm sorry, for everything.
For believing I was someone important to you,
For pranking you time and time again,
For making myself jealous when you hung out with other girls and left me in the shade,
For not being as pretty or as intelligent as other girls,
For thinking that I made you happy,
For believing that you understand,
For falling in love with you in the first place!"
My face was hot, not with blush or pigment but with water. Tears. I know once I said this there wasn't any going back, so what else was there for me to do?
"Who said I don't love you back?"
Im such an idiot...
"This: [Conversation between Camila and another girl]
'S: Why Stef though? You know he likes someone else right?
C: I don't like him! And besides, he doesn't like anyone..?
S: I think differently... 😏
C: ?
S: *Sends picture*
S: He's tall and wears glasses, being a friend of my brother as well.
C: No...you're serious?
S: Of course, it even says he'll tell me after school, which he did. ' "
I hate myself for loosing him..
He pulled me to his chest tightly, I sobbed silently.
"Please believe me...I didn't do that. It wasnt me.." He cried,
Why me...
"...Lets just go to Art..." I breathed out and we pulled away, heading to our class which was about to finish.