-time skip!-
We were all sat in what we presumed as a circle, doing our own little things and chatting between one another. A few girls walked by us and kept laughing. "Hey, what's so funny?" I asked them, they glared at me, flipping their hair, "ugh, why do YOU care?" A girl with light nutmeg hair and freckles objected, "Because you're laughing at us..?" I stated. She glared at me, "Who said we were laughing at you??" She mocked in a sarcastic tone, not wanting to push it, I stayed silent. The girl looked back to her friends, draping her backpack over her shoulder and turning to walk off. "Bylat." She murmured on her way out, What a— "Youre the Bylat." I shot, she spun around as if to release her 'ultimate insult' but got stuck and walked back in shame.
I smirked, I won! Just then, a prefect came up to our group and handed us flyers. "What's this shit??" Brendan asked excitedly, "Not sure.." Prudence replied, I snatched a glance, it wasn't that difficult to miss the huge: 'COMPETITION' sign but anyways, here's what it said:
'Dear students,
Day after tomorrow we shall be holding a COMPETITION for the following activities;
-Health (In regards to mental health)
Those students who would like to participate in any of the following tasks please report to your respective teachers. '
"Competition!" I chanted enthusiastically, startling all but one. "I'm not going." Duane concluded immediately, we all stared at him, he's crazy! Turning down an opportunity like this?! "You're mad." Alex stated, he shook his head, "I wanna go to the library is all." He sighed, the remainder of us just nodded sadly and headed off to our teachers.
I went to Ms.Zamien. "Ms. Can I join this?" I point to the 'Mental Health' category and she nodded, ushering me to run off and have fun. "Good Luck!" She announced as I sped off. We all met back to find out that Duane had just left, we were pissed, yeah, but hey, we were WAY more excited in this than anything else at the moment. I peered into Prudence's paper to see what she had chosen, Ah? She chose 'Sports' 'I chose Academics' Stefan thought, Mental Health. I responded and he nodded, "Prudence!!! What did ya take?!?" Brendan shouted, we all laughed, "Spo—" "ME TOOOOOO!!!" We laughed even harder if possible.
Alex tapped my shoulder, "Whatcha take Cam?" He asked, "Mental Health." He showed me his palm and I laughed, "I said Health, not Palm Reading." He shot me an: 'are you serious' face and I smiled, high-fiving him and letting the new topic die down into our usual topics.