-Camila's p.o.v-
I woke up to the harsh drilling on my cheek. "Brendan what are yo—" He shushed me and glanced back up at the couch. I twisted my body to reveal an astonishing sight, like seriously. You cant ever get these two even a freaking meter together! And yet? Here they are, peacefully napping on each others' shoulder. Now, Ill be honest, I was slightly jealous....ONLY SLIGHTLY OKAY. But I just held it in and clicked a photo on my cell. I looked over my shoulder to see if we were the only ones awake, turns out I was on the dot with that.
"What time is it..?" I sleepily whispered near his ear, watching Brendan flinch slightly at the contact. He flipped his phone and checked, "6:56." he smiled lazily, "And why're you awake at 6:56?" I smirked slyly but felt my mouth draw a straight line when he returned the smirk, "Who said I went to sleep?" he challenged. I giggled softly, "Alright, alright. Ill go raise Dawn now 'Kay?" he nodded, turning his attention back to his phone. As usual, I let my gaze fall on the nearly ebony abyss, I actually have a few minutes so... A weak curve lifted my lips but my eyes told a totally different story...
'He wont care.
You dont matter to him.
He'll still be as happy without you.
You're weak, pathetic.
(Please dont believe this. Whoever you are, be it if I met you or not. You are perfect the way you are. If you do believe all of this represents or have a question about that ^ then feel free to message me)
My cheeks weren't soaking, they were just..damp. I hate it. I dont understand anything. It is my fault but I dont know how to fix it I just..—I JUST WANT SOMEONE TO TALK T—
'1 New Message:
B: Cam are you okay?
C: Uhm yeah, what's up?
B: Cam its 7:20, you tell me what's not up.
B: Cam?
B: Camila??
C: Y-yes?
B: Are you okay?
((Far from it...))
C: Yep! Gimme 5 minutes.'
I breathed in deeply and exhaled fast through a cuff I made with my hands. Why I do that? It helps me steady my breathing. Anyways, I did what I needed to and tip-toed to the staircase, "Brendan, Im gonna go to the toilet." I called out, he managed to hear me without waking the others up, propping his head on the couch arm and nodding. I rushed to the bathroom and just let go...
-time skip to Brendan in the balcony!-
-Duane's p.o.v-
I woke up to find myself wrapped like a burrito. Where am I.. Oh yeah. I stretched my arms and got up carefully, seeing as how the remaining two were asleep. "Bathroom." I clasped my hands together and headed to what I presumed was her bathroom, but when I twisted the knob it didnt budge. I grunted in annoyance and stumbled backwards, spinning my head from left to right to look for the place I needed.
Maybe Camila's room has one? I pondered and walked in, it wasn't locked so... I walked in on Brendan doing some Simba and Rafiki shit in her balcony, "What's he doing..?" I whispered to myself as I watched the Sun follow his hands up the ladder of the horizon. Holy.. Suddenly he spun around to head out. I jumped into the laundry basket near me and held my breath, he didnt see me, thank God.
What the Hell did I just see?
-time skip a few days after the sleepover incidents-
-Stefan's p.o.v-
Well..Alex is absent again, this time cause he's actually sick. I was looking for Camila when I overheard Prudence and Duane, "Duane, if I tell you this will you keep it a secret?" secret..? I watched him nod slowly but clearly from the reflection in my glasses, "That night at Cam's place I swear she made the sky go all dark, and then I heard Stefan." NO. She explained further, "He was saying this random thing and suddenly the Moon started raising." she finished surprised, Oh sh—
-Camila's p.o.v time skip to a few weeks after Stefan's hearing-
I guess my thoughts were right.. Stefan was acting...different. He wasn't talking to me as much nor was he even paying attention while I spoke! I mean, I dont need the attention, its just that, if youre gonna listen then why cant you look like it?! Am I being too clingy? Im just not good enough for him I guess..
We sat in our usual circle when Prudence randomly fished for her phone and got it out. I tried looking over her shoulder but she wouldn't let me, saying she would when she found: 'The One.' I let her do as she pleased and she randomly began waving and shoving her phone in my face. What was on it you might ask? It was a pic of me laying my head on Brendan's shoulder, sleeping calmly. "Delete that!" I demanded, she shook her head, it went back and forth till I got annoyed. Taking out my phone and scrolling sideways to find the picture too, 'The picture' I showed it to her and she wailed, "DELETE IT." I shook my head, "You first." she sighed and deleted it. But before I could, Stefan saw it and dragged me by the arm to a secluded place.
"Why do you have that?" He asked, obviously trying to stay calm. I shrugged my shoulders, honestly I didnt wish to say anything of this sort to him. Not at the moment anyways. He took a step closer, "Why. Did. You. Take. That?" he demanded more sternly, but man...I was far from afraid, no...I was furious actually. "Why should I tell you? Youre the one acting different." I struck back, my voice laced with a mix of venom, jealousy and hurt. He looked taken aback for a split second, then returned to his station in this, "YOU WANNA KNOW WHY IM ACTING DIFFERENT HUH?!" he boomed, luckily there were no cameras placed where we were. I felt shattered but who cares right?? "Yes." My voice went mono-tone, my eyes went dark and my movements were robotic. "WELL ONE, YOU'RE NOT NORMAL AND TWO WHY THE HELL DIDNT YOU CHECK WHETHER SOMEONE WAS WATCHING OR NOT BEFORE DOING YOUR RITUAL?!"
(*=thoughts, bold= Camila, underlined=Stefan)
*Im not..normal..?*
What the hell isn't normal about me?
So what if I LIKE TWO!
*He's right..*
Dont overreact about every single thing!
*You just bring pain to everyone*
I dont!
Youre such a liar too! Hey, guess what?!
*thats it...let your heart turn to ash*
No girl or person in general is as clingy as you! What are you? Koala?!?!
*Tears run down my face*
Go...Go to hell...
Im sorry! What was that?!?
Cause I dont love Bitches or Whores. I never have..and that means you.
*Kill yourself*
*Do it.*
I rest my back against the wall again, cupping my hands over my nose and mouth, breathing rapidly. I couldn't help it, letting the sea-water flow down my face and let out the same word over and over:
'Im sorry..'
You liar
You dont deserve it, you dont deserve them.
'Please...Im sorry..'
Whats the point of being sorry when you make the same mistakes?
I felt a hand on my head, "..Look, Camila I..—" "DONT TOUCH ME!" I shook, my voice quivered as I heard him back away from my sudden outburst. It was silent..like the first day..but it isn't the same anymore.
There wasn't any going back.