Last class of the day, Science. I li— no, I love this class. We were allowed to use our phones and the teacher's pretty chill. I texted to our group:
'C: Hey guys, what time will we go and who's house?
B: How about mine? I bought it recently and its big so..
S: I'm fine with that.
C: 'Kay, so your place after school?
B: Yep. You guys can sell your houses if you want.
C: I think I'll leave mine in case I'm having parties and what not.
S: I'll sell mine.
B: So it's settled!
C: Yay! See you guys in a bit! '
I grinned slightly, what am I gonna do about those two..I glance back up to the teacher, waiting for time to pass by like Jack Rabbit...
-at home-
I sighed, rubbing the sweat from my forehead, I made a deal with myself that I would only bring 5 or less boxes. After 40 minutes I finally sorted out what I needed into said 5 boxes. One was with my personal things, another with clothes, the next with hygienic related things such as my hair comb, hair tie, soap, tooth brush and so on, following that was my stationary and craft materials. I always had a hobby and love for arts and crafts, the only thing I didn't do was knitting. And lastly, I filled a box just of albums and pictures of my parents and I.
With that, I was off to Brendan's place, which was closer than expected....
-time skip!-
"UGHHH GO! MOVE FASTER!" I moaned, pushing as hard as I could, "I CANT ITS STUCK!" Brendan shouted, "COME HERE LET ME DO IT!" I gave in, wiping my forehead that was soaked in sweat and snapped my hips in Brendan's direction, shoving him and the box he was holding through the door.(How many people did I fool there? 😂) Suddenly, we heard footsteps and a shout, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING UP THERE?!" Stefan shouted, we both got up and made our way down to meet him.
"Brendan tried to move a box and it got stuck between the doorframe." I explained, Stefan stifled his laugh resulting in Brendan hitting his shoulder with a bubblegum pink face, "Shut up dude!" he laughed. I past Stefan's waist, I only saw three boxes, "So little.." I muttered, not realising he heard me, "What's so little?" He queried, I pointed over to the boxes, "Only 3?" He nodded, "I never really wanted anything as a child, not that I would get it even if I wanted it." He exclaimed I smiled sadly, pulling him into a hug, "Its okay.." I whispered.
It hurt to hug him as I remembered what happened earlier today. When I pulled away Brendan grasped my wrist, "Is there something you have to tell me?" He cocked his head to the side, I shook my head, he smirked, "Then why're your pendants glowing?" I gasped, trying to hide it but I was too late. "Well?" He repeated, "Nothing happened!" I whined, he let go of my wrist, "Ok, if nothing happened then you don't need this~" he sang, dangling my phone between his index finger and thumb.
My phone!!! I turned my attention to Stefan who was already looking at me dumbfounded, 'Should I?' I asked him telepathically, he nodded briefly as I watched a lump go down his throat. "Fine, we'll tell you." I admitted in defeat as Brendan wore his victory smirk.