Few days have passed since the three have met, none of them noticing the power and connection they hold.
They have their responsibilities, and since they all live alone, its easy to take care of them. They have their time schedule:
'Camila: 7:00-7:30 (Dawn)
Brendan: 7:30-19:30 (Day)
Camila: 19:30-20:00 (Dusk)
Stefan: 20:00-7:00 (Night)'
They don't know that there's another counterpart in their routines, all they know is that they have to carry out their duties for their parents.
As the Prince of The Sun, Prince of The Moon and Princess of Dawn and Dusk.
~Still third-person p.o.v~
It was a regular school day for the three, just lazing around in their own classes and waiting to hang out with their bestfriends as usual.
Camila relaxed in her Commerce class. She was bored, very much so; twirling her mechanical pencil in one hand and tapping on the desk with the other. The teacher blabbered on and on about how important it was for them to pay attention and study the terms. Suddenly, another teacher burst in, she was tall and skinny, her frizzy hair blocking her face as she desperately searched for the young teen's teacher.
She whispered something in his ear and he nodded with a shocked and terrified expression. "Class dismissed, you shall be moved to another class as I have important business to attend to." Their teacher blabbered so quickly that Camila almost found it incoherent. She sighed and packed her bags, awaiting the next class the rowdy and friendly kids were to be transferred to.
~Camila's p.o.v~
Thank gosh Im outta there! It was starting to feel like no-man's land in there, so...quiet... I scanned around. "Mrs.Kung where're we going?" I asked her, she smiled at me, "You'll be joining the P.E classes, since there's only 15-20 minutes left you can sit and chat." she replied, I smiled gladly. Too bad Casie wasn't here today.
I shook that thought out of my head and walked with the rest of the students, chatting and thinking. I hadn't even noticed that we walked outside until I looked up, "MY EYESSSS!!!!" I yelped, earning a shush from the teacher and a round of giggles and laughs from my acquaintances. I blinked rapidly, looking forward in attempt to soothe the pain when I noticed two people playing games. I recognized them. Definitely I did so shush. (When your story character breaks the 4th wall 😂)
Stefan was playing dodgeball against a few other boys and girls while Brendan was jumping and trying to 'Scoop' the ball within the hoop in captain ball. I found it rather ironic that they were playing these games, I thought it'd be swapped (As in Stefan plays captain ball and Brendan plays dodgeball) 'cause of their physical attributes, but I suppose short people can jump and taller people can try to hit lower. I laughed at my own thought and caught their attention.
The teacher let us go and I went up to the talkative pair. "Heyy" I chimed, they looked at me smiling. Stefan pushed his glasses further up his nose while Brendan wiped his sweat with his shirt. "Oh hi Cam!" Brendan panted, Stefan waved while drinking water.