In the Wicthwine region, there are unique species of animals that wouldn't be present in our world. This is due to animals introduced by Humans long ago onto the world and breeding processes since then, but also the thaumaturgy introduced by the Dragons and their creators. Here's some of those animals.
Sheepwolf:361Please respect copyright.PENANAlzcds4cyM0
The sheepwolf is a small wolf-like dog that grows heavy, plushy fur similar to the wool on sheep. It has been named thus. With sheep that need a sheepdog for shepherding and protection against predators, the sheepwolf is able to protect itself, and a pack stick together and follows their shepherd. With large 'herds' of sheepwolf, they are usually divided into packs and shepherded by several people that way, or shepherded by their alpha leaders and a single shepherd. Sheepwolf pups usually aren't a hassle as they cling atop the backs of their mother for a time while the pack is in movement and settle down when the pack's stopped. Because of this, shepherds don't shave down to the skin, and instead keep a layer of fur left for the pups to cling on when they shave the wool. Some sheepwolves have been bred with the winged wolf, but to no avail as they came out with useless wings because the wool envelops the wings' structures; thus, no other breeding attempts have been made. The typical lifespan of a sheepwolf is 12 years.
Great Mountain Goat:361Please respect copyright.PENANAvyEe09Fyku
The Great Mountain Goat is a large, carnivorous goat-like creature from the Macdha mountains. It has been domesticated and now is very rare to find in the wild. This large goat's head is protected by its horns that curl from its head's sides to the front of the head, creating a nearly impenetrable shield around the goat's skull. It has sharp teeth and a large maw, allowing it to rip apart its prey and the enemies of its masters. The Great Mountain Goat is hoofed, keeping its ability to climb mountains with ease, but thanks to its powerful legs, it is able to chase down prey in a hunt across flat land, too. Its fur allows it to stay warm even in a blizzard in the mountains. This goat has been domesticated mostly for war, so that it could be ridden by soldiers into battle, with its horns and hooves crushing enemies in a charge and its teeth tearing apart enemies in a melee. Its lifespan is usually 18 years, but because of the development of its horns it usually unintentionally kills itself at 12 years. Most would have the frontal parts of their horns sawed or clipped if they were domesticated, so they live about 18 years.
Winged Wolf:361Please respect copyright.PENANAIo85mRW3V9
The winged wolf is an example of thaumaturgy going into a breeding process. It is the product of selective breeding done by the Dragons. The winged wolf has, as its name implied, wings that enable it to glide. The wings are feathered, allowing for nice gliding, along with the feathers on the wolf's mane, but because of the winged wolf's body structure, it is not able to properly fly. Originally this was intended for the wolves to sit on the backs of their Dragon masters, then glide safely down instead of taking the rough and jarring landing that goes with a Dragon hitting the ground, being used for hunting after they land on the ground. Now, however, they can be found in mountains preying on goats and birds, and their wings allow them to climb up mountains with relative ease. It has also been made an exotic pet. The winged wolf has a lifespan of 10 years, usually.
Helbird:361Please respect copyright.PENANAXLB6k8dkrq
The Helbird is rumored to be a descendant of the Phoenix, a type of birdlike Dragon. There are only a few known Helbirds in existence, as people hunted the birds for their unique feathers for both aesthetic and herbal reasons. The only Helbirds left are pets to nobles, such as Emperor Vorthun or, once, the late King Woldfath III, or in secluded groves in the wild. The Helbird is the largest bird in the region, its body larger than a man and its wings even larger, with feathers that emit flame when rapidly brushing against the air, or when coming into contact with high wind. This causes a trail effect of fire and smoke behind the bird as it flies in the sky, much like a Phoenix would have it. It is an omnivore, ingesting a diet mainly consisting of smaller birds, small animals, and plants if in the wild. However, in captivity, a Helbird is mostly given rural products such as beef, chicken, chicken eggs, grains, cabbages, potatoes, and other meats and crops. While the Helbird is smaller than the Phoenix, it still retains most abilities affiliated with the Phoenix, such as breathing fire. However, the fire it exhales is not harmful fire, but instead a magical flame that heals illnesses. It does not heal wounds, only diseases and aches. Originally this was intended for it to get rid of a plague that entered the land, and its natural hunting process would spread its breath in many places, leading to the cleansing of the land, but now, it is incredibly profitable for a person to own a Helbird, as their life will be much longer than the average person. Other abilities include knowledge of human speech; although it cannot talk itself, it can understand what people are saying and can take commands as well as console advice. The Helbird is considered an intelligent being with a soul in most cultures, and the killing of a Helbird usually receives the torture, death, and Hel-ritual penalty (where priests commit a ritual to send the victim to Hel's Underworld to be tortured for all eternity), but that didn't stop the endangering of the species when people hunted it for its feathers. The typical lifespan is around 30 years, but in captivity it can live up to 60 years.
Rabbitbear:361Please respect copyright.PENANApL1tBs798v
The rabbitbear is essentially a large bear-like rabbit. It has buckteeth in front, sharp teeth in back, a tough pelt, four bear-like paws on bear-like and rabbit-like legs, and two large, adorable rabbit ears (the kind that droop instead of stand up). Its hind legs are more powerful that its front legs, but still somewhat bear-like, allowing for a leap to stealthily take down prey and a run that is incredibly fast for a beast of its size. Currently, the rabbitbear resides on the islands off the coast of Kuste and Abring, but has made way into the colder north of the Outnorth. However, it was not able to survive elsewhere because of hunting and non-ideal environments. Its thin hairs allow it to swim well, but its fur being so thick allows it to survive in the cold Outnorth. In its native homeland of the Isles, it can get excessively hot because of the beating sun, so rabbitbears typically live in caves to stay cool and take swims after a hunt to keep from getting heatstroke. Its diet is omnivorous, but usually hunts prey in the wet season and eats plants in the dry season. In the Outnorth, the seasons are 'warm' and 'cold,' not 'wet' and 'dry,' so the rabbitbear adapted to hunt in the cold season and eat plants in the warm season. The rabbitbear is a religious animal in the Isles' cultures, and it is considered a great dishonor and shame to kill a rabbitbear, even if it attacks someone, unless if the person is a shaman and prepares a ritual for an old, dying rabbitbear (rather than a young, healthy one full of life and able to live many more years). Maimed rabbitbears are also used in sacrifices, as they are seen as unworthy of living if they cannot hunt. As the rabbitbear is indeed a rabbit variant, it is not as large or fast as it could be if it were a variant of the hare, but it is still a formidable predator, especially because it is heavier than it would be if it were a hare variant. The rabbitbear has a lifespan of 20 or so years.
Antlered Hare:361Please respect copyright.PENANA3S1tgxceS3
The antlered hare found its home in the cold plains and forests of the North country. Its antlers and larger size than its un-antlered cousin allows it to defend itself against predators. The antlered hare is similar to the normal hare, only slightly larger and with two small, branched antlers. The antlers of an antlered hare are said to be luckier than the foot of a rabbit, so it is common for the antlered hare to be hunted, but due to its quick reproducing, the population rarely goes under. The antlered hare outmatched the normal hare in the northern regions of Wicthwine, so in the north the antlered hare is known as the 'hare,' while in the central and southern regions it is known as the 'antlered hare.' The lifespan is around 8 years.
River Weasel:361Please respect copyright.PENANAtqm3rvGEfl
The river weasel is a long, flexible weasel that is commonly found along the forested river regions in the Central Province. It should not be mistaken for the otter, as the river weasel is a land animal, rarely ever taking a swim. Instead, they hunt in packs for beavers, otters, and other small animals on land. They hunt much like wolves would, but their small stature limits them in the selection of prey, and must be wary of larger predators, like the wolf and bear. They life in underground tunnels they dig under trees, and use the roots of large trees to conceal the entrances to their tunnels. While they are found in the forested regions around rivers, they can also be found digging holes in the soft soil of the grasslands. The lifespan of a river weasel is about 6 years.
Long Serpent:361Please respect copyright.PENANAskHWwPFmQk
The Long Serpent is a 10m (33ft) long venomous snake found in the plains of Wicthwine. Its main diet is small prey, but it can also hunt and devour larger animals, too. Humans sometimes fall prey to the Long Serpent, but it rarely targets men and stays away from civilization. It is the largest snake in the region. The lifespan is about 11 years.