Alright! First issue/chapter! I'm gonna sit down and do this. Since this is a first time thing for me and I really don't feel like instantly talking about the inevitability of death, let's just start with the basics of me.
I'm selfish, I know.
Well, as of now I'm a teenage girl (gasp!) that has aspirations to be a writer. And a musician. Don't talk to me about writing music though, I already tried that. The results were...well, let's just say I'm not good with sticking to one key signature whilst writing. Bandies will understand.
So I decided to discard that idea until I learn more about composition and music theory. I may come back to it though.
I never actually knew I liked writing until my Grade 10 English class.
Our teacher was teaching us English things, and announced that we would be writing a short story the next day or a couple days later. A collective groan among the class.
Well, the time comes, we're all given our prompt, and then I just get this rush. It wasn't mind-blowing, mind you, but I just felt myself smile the entire time as I just got this idea.
I don't remember what it is, actually,but I have the paper copy hidden somewhere in the confines of my room.
Yes, you heard right. Paper copy. Amazing, isn't it?
Once I realized that I loved expressing ideas like that, I started to get more.
Day dreams, night dreams, my own awkward thoughts. They all piled together and gave me what I would know later as my characters, plot, and more.
It kind of just took off from there. I don't have any specific memories of how I started publishing these things online, it quite literally just happened.
I think I started with a fiction story that I based on Harry Potter called House of Mirrors. I know it's somewhere on this site, so read it if you want.
Shameless promotion!
I've loved the Harry Potter series since I was born. Probably. So when I thought of a place, like Diagon Alley, but kept secret via an alternate dimension, one where wizards and magical powers were the norm, well that's when I thought "Hey, let's send a chick to that world with her friend-who's-totally-not-a-love-interest!" and promptly did so.
I think I made it to chapter 8.
Not to say I won't go back and finish it - I just don't know where I want this story to go. In that story there are different types of magic, related to many of the natural elements. I won't go all into it now, but for a first story I'm pretty okay with it.
But I'm definitely going to re-write a lot of it. A lot. Past-me doesn't know what she was thinking.998Please respect copyright.PENANA4vmJACdOBx
Wait, wasn't this first thing supposed to be mostly about me as a person? Darn it! Well, it is, I guess. Kind of.
Really I'm just here behind a screen going on about whatever crosses my mind.
Probably not a good thing to do.
This is probably bad paragraph structure.
But you know what? I don't care. This is my 'story' and I'll go as grammatically incorrect as I feel I should go.
Don't really know why!
Well, I guess I should start on something else. What, oh, what...hobbies? Sure.
As mentioned earlier, I have a knack for writing (dur) and music. The music started in Grade 7 when I joined Band. Greatest decision I have every made, no doubt. I actually just recently came back from a band trip and I can easily say that it was four of the best days I have ever had in my life.
Join band. RIGHT NOW. You won't regret it.
I should mention what I play, actually. I'm most fluently a flutist, but I've also started teaching myself other instruments, such as piano and guitar. When I can get the funds, in other words, when I get a job, I'll start saving up for a saxophone and a bass, two things I desperately want to learn to play.
First - the saxophone sounds so cool. Second - I can flirt much easier. Third - It sounds SO cool.
The thing with the bass is that not only does it sound cool, but it can easily help me learn the Bass clef, which is often seen in Piano music. I'm unfamiliar with it, so it would be cool to actually know what I'm looking at.
In other words, I'm a total Band Geek.
Oh, but it's worse than that.
I'm also a video game geek.
Now imma make this clear - I'm not a CoD person. At all. In fact, I'm not a big fan of first-person shooters in the first place. I'm more of a Nintendo type of person. Mario, Pokemon, all that.
I actually found out on the band trip that I'm amazingly good at the original version of Legend of Zelda. Why? Who knows. I'm just good at it. *shamelessly throws on sunglasses* I haven't been able to beat the game yet, since I just haven't found the time, but I'm on the fifth dungeon, without having used a walkthrough.
Unfortunately I had to break that awesome streak, since I've had huge troubles in the fifth dungeon. Turns out I missed a sword and the blue ring plus a crapload of heart containers. Whoops.
So I'm catching up on that, but through doing that I accidentally found the eighth and ninth dungeons.
Those things are straight out of hell, I swear. I noped out of that faster than I would at a box filled with men in fedoras.
Odd comparisons aside, those things are seriously scary if you go in there with no expectations. I was scared and scarred for life.
One day I'll take on that challenge though. One day.
Well, I feel like I've talked your ear off for long enough today. Who knows, I might return again soon and go deeper into some more topics. Feel free to ask me anything, it'll probably be answered.
Have a nice time, wherever and whenever you are.