Ah, another month has passed, and it is time for this lil' ol' blog of mine to have another update.
And really, nothing of incredible interest has happened, but I think it's a good habit to update all the same.
To start, I guess I can say I'm FINALLY getting better with updating my stories. It might not be too apparent on this site because I dunno how notifications work when I just edit a chapter, but I'm in the midst of rewriting Minecraft Hardcore - A Story. I started it in 2013 (Oh God) and I think that I've definitely gotten better at writing since then, so it felt like the best thing to do.
I also had a lot of inconsistencies within MCHC, like, I tried to incorporate odd little earpieces so that it could kind of be like in Let's Plays where everyone was still talking to each other even across large distances, but that was...bad. I figured it would be more realistic (I say, in a fictional story in a fictional universe with fictional characters) if they had an air of mystery when everyone splits off into different groups to do their things. So I've definitely edited that out.
But I'm trying to at least update that every week or two to keep myself in the game. I've been adding a lot more detail than I originally thought I would, little tidbits and more subtle interactions between characters that are necessary and all that.
Shameless promotions aside, now that it's summer and I'm just working, I can spend a lot more of my time at home working on projects and stories, which is a godsend. I have a lot of ideas and things I want to try both from the writing perspective and the YouTube one. Audiobooks are fun to edit. I just...need to kick myself in the butt so I do it more often.
And, well, not much else to note of as of this month. Kicking off the summer with all this and more sounds like a good place to start. So, uh, yeah. That's it.
Catch you guys later.