Author's Note:
Last week someone very close to me passed away. They had terminal cancer and we thought we would have more time. This has hit me pretty hard causing my muse for this story to disappear. I am so sorry to have to write this.
I also read somewhere that, while I have a disclaimer, PB doesn't particularly like fans rewriting scenes from their books. I think I did this a couple of times in this story. God knows I don't need any other trouble while going through this rough patch. I do plan to eventually rewrite this story. I will keep it up on here in the interim.
I do have a new story floating around in my head that takes place after the book two finale of The Royal Romance. I might start that soon since PB is estimating that book three won't be out until March. I definitely could use something to tide me over.
This weekend I will be out of state to be with my family and go to the funeral. I'm hoping I'll feel a little more normal and that my muse to write will be back so I can start regularly putting out content again.
Thanks to all of you that already knew about this and understand. I love and miss you guys! I'm not the praying type, but all of your love and support makes this all just a little bit easier. Thank you for everything babes and hopefully I'll have something new up soon <3