Summary: What if Dean had and/or still keeps a diary? Here you can read about his adventures in the Supernatural TV show. It starts with a little bit of an introduction for those of you that have no clue about what the show is about.479Please respect copyright.PENANAlkJHrl3yxC
My name is Dean Winchester and I am a Hunter. I hunt down and kill everything that goes bump in the night; vampires, demons, Leviathans, werewolves, shape shifters, ghosts, and a whole bunch of other things. It’s too long of a list to list everything. My younger brother, Sam Winchester, helps me. We’ve had other help along the way, too. I’ll never admit it out loud, but some demons and angels are helpful like Castiel, an angel, and Meg, a demon.
I wasn’t always a hunter. Neither was our father, John Winchester. We didn’t become Hunters until after Yellow Eyes, a.k.a Azazel, a demon, killed our mother, Mary Winchester, when Sam was only six months old. We had to leave the house and never look back after he killed her, because the house suddenly burst into flames. From then on, dad decided to get revenge on Azazel for killing her. So he learned everything there is to know about being a Hunter.
Sammy and I have been through some tough things, but some of the worst things ever would be dying, going to Hell, and losing everybody around us that we ever loved or cared about. Mom died from Azazel, dad sold his soul to a demon to save my life when I was between life and death in the hospital, Ellen and Billie Jo died together in flames in a store with Hell hounds to save us, and Bobby whom was a Hunter and friends of ours died in the hospital after a Leviathan named Dick shot him in the head.
Here is my diary of everything we’ve been through and my thoughts on those situations. I show it to you now, in case something would to happen, or if, by any chance, I get to have a family and show this to them. So here it is. I hope you’ll do well to remember me even after I’m gone for good. Enjoy the best you can, because it’s not all flying colors.
September 13, 2005
Sam and I are on the road to go find dad. Sam finally left Jessica behind for a few days until Monday when I’m to take him back home. Dad went hunting and he hasn't been home in a few days. But he left his diary behind. I think he wants us to pick up where he left off; saving people, hunting things. Sam says he wants me to. Not us. I beg a differ. Just because Sam dropped out of hunting for a while, doesn't mean he can escape it. It's what Sammy is and he just can't see it. I guess he doesn't want to be like me and dad anymore. Hunters of the supernatural that goes bump in the night. I wish I could reason with him, but I can't. He has to make his own decisions now that he's an adult. And if he doesn't want to be a Hunter and wants out, I can't stop him. It's not like I blame him or anything. I want out some days. But I always stop and think 'what would dad say? What would dad do?' and I keep going. The life I want is the life I'll never get. I'll never have a family like I want. The only family I have right now is dad and Sam. And it'll stay that way until we all die; hopefully, as Hunters.
September 16, 2005
Sammy and I are on the road again; this time for good. Hopefully, we'll be able to get things done. Sammy keeps having nightmares about his girlfriend, Jessica. The demon that killed our mother killed Jessica. I feel sorry for him, but I don't let it show. Jessica was a pretty girl. And I only met her once. I think, along with Sammy, that if I hadn't arrived on the porch to ask for his help in finding dad, she probably would still be alive. But who really knows. I don't dwell on it, though. I just leave everything in the past and don't ever look back. It's how I do things; but poor Sammy. I can't really imagine what he's going through. I mean, she died not long after I dropped him off and the house just burst into flames. It was me who got him out of there. It must be terrible to have to go through that. I know dad went through that when Yellow Eyes killed mom. But I personally have never gone through that. I just hope that Sammy will be okay to the point that I won't have to nudge him to get him to do what he needs to do to get the job done.
October 7, 2005
We saved a girl named Meg. We sent the demon out of Meg that was possessing her. We sent it straight to hell. Now we have to save dad. There are demons guarding him. He's not far from the river. We need a plan of action. If we know demons, and we do, they'll be in full force arms. And we only have three bullets left in the Colt. If we don't do it right, it'll be chaos and everybody will die. And I don't want to die, but I'll die any day for family and friends if I must. I just hope that dad is okay. Well, as okay as he can be being held hostage by demons.
October 9, 2005
I woke up in the hospital today after everything that went on. Dad died not long after I woke up from being between life and death. I nearly died. I'm afraid that dad might've gotten to Death and had Death take him instead of me. I should be dead. Not him. But Sammy and I will try our best to move on without him and honor him by doing what we have always done. Stay close, help each other, protect each other, and do our duty. Hunt down and kill things and save people; be the Hunters dad taught us to be.
When I went to go see dad in his room after I was myself again, and Sam left the room, dad told me something. I'm not going to tell Sam what he said, which is why I lied to him when he asked me if dad had said anything to me. I don't want to scare Sam by telling him this. Dad told me that I might have to kill Sammy if I can't save him. But what did he mean? Save Sammy from what? I need to understand if i'm going to save him from something.
October 29, 2005
Sam died and then came back to life tonight, but he doesn't know yet that he died. I just told him that he almost died, which is a definite lie on my part. I haven't told him yet, because I don't want him to freak out yet. I did something terrible. For selfish reasons, I sold my soul to a Crossroads Demon to bring Sam back to life. I have a year to live before the Hellhounds come to tear me to bits and drag my soul to Hell pretty much. I know it won't be all flying colors, but I did it to bring Sam back. He's my only family I have left. I felt like I had to do it; ever since I was a kid, dad drilled into me to always "watch out for Sammy." He drilled it into me to keep an eye on him. Protect him. Take care of him. That's my job. So I did the stupidest thing anyone could do. I sold my soul to a demon. Now I have a year to live.
February 30, 2006
This is it. I've gone to Hell and back literally. But now it's four months later and i'm back. I'm alive. An Angel pulled me out of the pit. I don't know why, but it happened. I have mixed feelings, because i'm alive and back in the game. I'm a Hunter again. I'm able to look after Sammy again. But the side effect is remembering when I was in Hell. When I was down there in the pit, I was mentored by a demon. I killed and I loved it. I don't want to be like that again, but I can't stop the feeling of hoping to be able to kill again. Kill something; anything. I just want this feeling of that gone. I don't care how I get rid of it. I just want it gone. I want to be the way I used to be. The way I was before I went to Hell. Even more than that, I want to be just like I was before I sold my soul to a demon.
March 2, 2006
Sam has been using his demon blood to exercise demons out of people. I see it as saving people, but i'm mad because he's using the demon blood to do it with the help of the demon bitch; Ruby.
April 15, 2007
It's a year later and Lucifer is free from his cage. Sam gave into his demon blood, obsessed over killing Lilith. I found out too late that Lilith was the last seal to be broken. I got there in enough time to see Sam kill Lilith and to witness the demon bitch's true colors. She was loyal to Lucifer. She wanted him free and she got it. But with a huge price on her hand; Sam and me working together to kill her with the only knife that can kill demons. So Ruby is dead, Lucifer is free, and the world is doomed. The apocalypse is coming if we can't stop it from happening.
May 22, 2009
It's been a few years now. I just came back from Purgatory. When Castiel and I killed a Leviathan named Dick, we went to Purgatory and Castiel was possibly killed. I couldn't see any more so I left. I don't know if he's alive or not, but if he is, i'm sorry I had to leave him. But in Purgatory, you don't trust anything or anyone. You are your own man. That's the rule of Purgatory. And if you don't follow them, you end up dead. I somehow made it out alive with the help of a vampire named Benny. Benny and I were the only ones that escaped. The others are still in purgatory. While I’m having flash backs of Purgatory, which Sam doesn't know yet, Sam and I are looking for a way to get the tablet of God back into our hands. Crowley took it from us. Oh, and to top it off, the prophet of the Lord, Kevin, and his mother ran away from us. Hopefully, they'll be safe and sound without us. Not that I'm happy about it or anything. I guess we'll just have to see; like we always have to do. Just wait and see what happens. If we sink, we sink. If we float, we float. If we go down, we'll go down fighting, as I always say.