Summary: What if Ruby hadn’t stayed dead? What if the apocalypse still had to be stopped? What if Castiel had never brain washed Lisa and Ben? What if Lisa and Ben had joined them? What if John hadn’t died? What if Dean hadn’t died? What if Dean hadn’t made a deal with a demon to bring Sam back? Read to find out what happens.503Please respect copyright.PENANAV6nkdk2zsC
It was a beautiful night, as John and Dean sat in an apartment on a couch, quietly looking at books to find out how, if all possible, to stop the apocalypse. Lisa and Ben were out doing some shopping. And Sam…Sammy was dead. Wherever he was, they hoped it was better than where they were. An apocalypse-doomed world. And only John, Lisa, Dean, and Ben could stop the end of the world.
The doorbell rang.
The Winchesters looked at each other before Dean got up, gun in hand, and walked over to the door and opened it.
“Hello, Dean.”
He slammed her against one of the walls inside the apartment, gun to her head, hand around her throat.
“What are you doing here, son of a bitch? I killed you.”
John stood not far behind him, watching the scene.
“I’m guessing this is Ruby. The Demon Bitch that used Sammy for her own amusement,” John commented.
“I didn’t use him in the end. I loved him. But because of your son, I wasn’t there to help him.”
“Liar!” Dean said.
Castiel suddenly appeared beside them from nowhere.
“Actually, she’s telling the truth,” the angel said.
“What’s she doing here, Cas? More importantly, why is she back?” Dean asked, lowering the gun to his side, finally letting go of her.
“She was so useful before, I thought she would be of help if we can’t stop the apocalypse from happening.”
“You brought her back? Why would you do that, Cas?”
“To help.”
“So what are we supposed to do now?”
“Let her help. And as much as you hate her, try not to kill her.”
Ruby sat in a chair by the couch.
Dean and John silently looked at her, knowing no matter what, they had to trust Cas.
They sat back down.
“What are we looking into?” she questioned.
“How to stop the seals from being broken,” John answered her.
“Have any of them been broken yet?”
“No. And we’re going to try and keep it that way,” Dean answered.
“Well, the first one is Religious Deception and Presentation.”
“Which means?”
“It means a man on a white horse with a bow and crown will go out to conquer.”
“What white horse?”
“The man on the white horse is Mikael.”
“Well, we need to keep it from being broken, because I don’t want to meet him.”
“Dean, he’s only an archangel.”
“Do we know who wants to break the seals and set Lucifer free from his cage?”
“I’m thinking you’re not her biggest fan,” John guessed.
“Demons like me hate demons like her that want Lucifer free.”
Castiel stood in front of one of the windows close by the Winchesters.
“You know, you could help us,” John said, looking at Cas.
“I’m not supposed to. I’m on probation. I’m supposed to just watch and see what you can do on your own.”
“That didn’t stop you from helping us before,” Dean said, also looking at him.
“Things have changed, Dean.”
“No. You have,” Ruby interjected.
John and Dean looked at her, surprised that she would take their side. Not Castiel’s or her own side. She really had changed. Maybe just a little, but it was enough for John to trust her just a little bit. He did keep in mind though that she was still a demon. She could easily betray, lie, and even back stab them. Demons had a reputation for that.
“I have to go. Good luck,” Castiel said before vanishing.
Days went by with them doing research to stop the seals from being broken.
A month later, Lucifer and Mikael were free. Dean was Lucifer’s vessel and John was Mikael’s. Now they faced off, both possessed by them without their permission. As they faced off, they stood on a grassy plane. Ruby, Meg, and Castiel stood a distance away. They were there to help. Ben and Lisa were in the car.
As they fought, Castiel read from a book, opening a hole in the ground that would send Lucifer back to Hell. At the same time, Ruby read from a book to get Lucifer and Mikael out of John and Dean.
A few minutes later, the six of them watched as Lucifer and Mikael were sent down into Hell. Together they had allied to save the world and had won.