Summary: Set in S5E. John Dean, and Ruby never died. The Winchesters need help taking down a bunch of demons, when a case in Topeka, Kansas takes them to an abandoned warehouse. Will they be helped in time? Read to find out what happens.492Please respect copyright.PENANAH895Rxqxg9
Previously on Supernatural
“Take your brother outside and run as fast as you can! Don't look back! Go!” John told Dean at seven years old, as fire started in the house.
When they were gone, John looked up at the ceiling at his wife. And at that moment, flames ignited on her and it was like a hungry monster.
“Mary, no!” he yelled, as it happened and the flames started towards him. Then he ran outside and made it to his boys just as the whole house caught fire.
Sam opened the door with Jessica at his side, to reveal Dean.
“Sam, we need to talk.”
Cut to a room where Sam and Dean are.
“Dad went on a hunt and he hasn't been home in a few days,” Dean told him. He took out their father's diary and held it in hand, as he said, “Dad wants us to pick up where he left off. You know; saving people; hunting things.”
Sam came home after starting the search for their father and layed down on the bed.
Cut to Jessica on the ceiling.
Cut to Dean getting Sam out of the house.
Cut to them going on the road to search for their father.
The Winchesters are in the front room of a house, when Dean realizes that their father has been possessed by Yellow Eyes since they found him.
Cut to his eyes turning yellow.
Cut to Sam with the colt and his dad on the floor on his back.
“Shoot me! You shoot me son!”
Cut to Sam shooting him in the leg and Yellow Eyes leaving their father.
Castiel and Dean are standing in Bobby's barn a distance off from one another, looking at one another, in the darkness.
“I'm an angel, Dean.”
Sam is sitting in a booth in a restaurant alone, when Ruby sits down in the booth across from him.
“Hi, Sam. I'm Ruby.”
Cut to her eyes flashing black and then back to normal again.
Present Day
It was a beautiful day in Topeka, Kansas as Dean drove his black Impala, Sam in the backseat and John in the front seat. They were heading towards a warehouse to get rid of some demons there. They were doing it together as a family, because they finally realized that they're stronger as a family, but weak alone.
It was a dark evening, when they arrived. They felt that they were ready and they could do it. They had never taken on a nest of demons, but they didn't think it would be as hard as taking down a nest of vampires.
They looked at one another, before they walked inside and closed the door behind themselves. And as soon as they walked in, the demons were ready for them.
Both sides looked at one another before they lunged at each other and chaos filled the room.
Sam Winchester killed one demon, before another one came from behind and tackled him to the floor. They wrestled one another until it had him in a choke hold. Sam though he was going to die fighting the demon, because his knife was a distance off and he couldn't get away.
As Dean Winchester tried to get the upper hand from a demon, he saw Sammy losing. He couldn't help though, because he was having trouble with his demon, too.
John Winchester tried to get unpinned from a wall by a demon, not wanting for himself or his children to die.
Ruby arrived to see the scene. She used telekinesis to throw it off Sam and kill it, before she killed the other two demons.
They got to their feet and looked at Ruby.
“Thanks,” Ruby received from Sam.
“You're welcome, Sam.”
John and Dean went to stand by Sam.
“You helped us,” John stated to Ruby.
“Why?” Dean asked her, trying to think of a reason as to why she had just saved their lives.
“Does it matter? You're alive,” she said.
She turned her back on them when she sensed the smell of demon, saw their faces, and how they tightened their hold on their demon killing knives. And when she did, she saw Yellow Eyes standing there.
“All three Winchesters in one place. Nice to see you. Except you, John. You have all been a pain in the ass.” He used telekinesis to pin the Winchesters to a wall. “What is it with you Winchesters? You're always in our way.”
Azazel turned one of his hands to the side and they groaned and winced in pain.
Ruby used her telekinesis to throw Azazel whom landed on the floor on his back. When he did, the Winchesters fell to the floor.
Azazel got to his feet and faced Ruby.
“Ruby, Ruby. You have been very bad.”
“If you want them Yellow Eyes, you'll have to kill me. They may be a pain the ass, but they're my pain in the asses.”
“Then I'll have to indirectly take you up on that.”
She took a step back, seeing something that the humans couldn't.
“Sick them, boys,” he ordered, before he disappeared.
Within minutes, they were all fighting for their lives against the hounds they couldn't see, but Ruby could see.
Sam and Dean used their hand guns, guessing where the hellhounds were, as the hounds tore into their flesh.
After a few shots, the hellhound was no longer tearing into Dean. Dean then got to his feet and wounded the one attacking his father and started in on the ones attacking Ruby.
Soon, they were no longer attacking Ruby, and Sam was doing fine. Ruby had saved his life, whether he wanted to admit it out loud or not, so he went and knelt by her.
Sam got to his feet and Dean looked back at his family.
“Help dad. I'll help Ruby out.”
Dean looked back down at Ruby, as his family left.
“You son of a bitch,” he said, as he looked down at her. She was hurt all from over from the hounds. She had claw marks and bites all over her. The wounds on her sides, legs, arms, shoulders, and head were still bleeding; some worse than others.
“What?” she asked.
“Well, I've never seen you like this.”
“Did we win?” she half-whispered, as her vision dimmed.
“You could say that.”
“Good,” she susurrated, before she closed her eyes.
“Let's get out of here,” he said, before he pulled her into his arms and got to his feet, heading for the door. She had saved his life, so now it was his turn to save hers. “Stay with me,” he said, as he walked briskly.
Two hours later, he was seated on her hospital bedside, as he waited for her to awaken.
She slowly woke up to see Dean there.
“Dean,” she greeted.
“Feeling better?” he asked.
“Yeah, thanks.”
“Then let's go.”
So after she got dressed, they snuck out of the hospital and towards the hotel they were staying at. So everybody lived happily ever after.