Summary: Katherine comes back home bitten. It was four hours ago that she was bitten. Can she drive the rest of the way to the Salvatore boarding house? Will Damon care enough to get her the cure, or will he let her die?673Please respect copyright.PENANA0uffMdIDFc
It was a dark night in Mystic Falls, Virginia as Katherine Pierce drove her SUV down the road, the Whickery bridge not far behind her. She was on her way to Damon to the Salvatore boarding house, hoping he would be there. But she wasn't sure if she would make it there alone. Her vision was so blurry that she felt herself making the car swerve from one lane to another.673Please respect copyright.PENANAFTEIMdCXiV
"Come on, Katherine. You can do this. All you need is Klaus' blood, if not Damon. Come on. You've had less than worst compared to this. And you're still alive. So come on," she told herself, until she had to pull over to the shoulder, car turned off, feeling sick. She then opened her door and got out, dropping to her knees and coughing up blood.673Please respect copyright.PENANAGCuNP6AEnk
Caroline Forbes had been walking, heading for the Mystic Grille for her date with Tyler Lockwood, her hybrid boyfriend, when she stopped a distance away, seeing the scene and swerving car, recognizing it and the vampiress.673Please respect copyright.PENANAYqFpR1FqDU
"Katherine?" she said softly, before using vamp speed to stand by her.673Please respect copyright.PENANAPbzrh4GISz
She then knelt at her side.673Please respect copyright.PENANAhOfo7lTcV4
Katherine, now done, looked at her and went to start to her feet. When she did, the blond put a hand on her right upper arm, helping her.673Please respect copyright.PENANAVev4A5McGr
"What happened?" the blond asked.
"I killed Klaus' hybrids he sent after me. You know the rest."673Please respect copyright.PENANA78DQlp78rG
"How long ago, Katherine?"673Please respect copyright.PENANA0QtCjqJa60
"Four hours ago. I guess the older you are, the more time it takes to affect you. It didn't start until two hours ago."673Please respect copyright.PENANAOitC8c205h
And you drove all the way back? Caroline thought to herself.673Please respect copyright.PENANAhSnn6Q9oVL
"I'll get you to Damon."673Please respect copyright.PENANAQEl1fBno6s
As she said that, Katherine weakened and could hardly stand. So Caroline put Katherine's arm around her shoulders, before slowly heading in the direction of the Mystic Bar and Grille.
Once they were outside, Caroline opened the door enough so everyone could only see her. She saw Damon finish a shot glass of liquor, seated on a stool at the bar.673Please respect copyright.PENANAjCP0yXytaJ
"Damon, get out here. You're needed; now."673Please respect copyright.PENANA0fFpZkv5o4
"Can it wait?" he asked, looking at her.673Please respect copyright.PENANAq9djeuREm2
"No; hurry."673Please respect copyright.PENANAMgQ1dCo6SQ
There was urgency in her voice so he headed for the door.673Please respect copyright.PENANAXVcQqnWiBQ
"Fine; I'm coming."673Please respect copyright.PENANAbY8vmwe0uw
She closed the door and went to stand a distance away from the Mystic Grill, an arm on Katherine's left upper arm. She was so weak that Caroline thought she would collapse any second.673Please respect copyright.PENANAKc0D9HIq4C
Damon walked up to them.673Please respect copyright.PENANATqtjrFSaiC
"Take care of her," Caroline told him, letting go of her and lightly pushing her towards him.673Please respect copyright.PENANAtdGxwUPxYP
He put a hand on Kat's upper right arm and looked at the blond.673Please respect copyright.PENANAeaLbbNCMF5
"What happened to her?"673Please respect copyright.PENANADgL2akC3bS
"She told me she came back to get your help to get her the cure. She was bitten four hours ago by Klaus' hybrids she was running from. I only brought her here to help her on Elena's behalf. We both know she worries too much. Now I have to get in there, or I'm going to be late for my date with Tyler."673Please respect copyright.PENANAGz5Jb48TdB
He watched her walk in and then looked at his Sire. He saw she was in worst condition than he had been a few years ago, after Tyler Lockwood had accidentally bitten him.
He put gentle but firm hands on each of her arms. He looked into her eyes, trying to get her to focus on him. She was very pale, color drained from her face and all of her skin, eyes dull, lips chapped. And he could hear her breathing. She could barely breathe.673Please respect copyright.PENANAqbJalURoh1
"Katherine. Kat, hang in there. You'll be okay. I'll get you the cure," he promised, using his old nickname for her.673Please respect copyright.PENANAMPZUh6QhKN
He could only watch, as she lost consciousness and collapsed, just barely alive. And as she collapsed, he moved his left hand between her shoulder blades, holding her up, keeping her from hitting the ground. He then let go with his right hand, using his right arm to scoop her up gently in his arms.
Once he had her in his bed, he headed down the stairs towards the basement, where all the blood was neatly kept in a cooler. That was where he also kept Klaus' blood; what was left of it, anyway. He hadn't drunk the whole vial when it had been him in that bed, Elena taking such good care of him, and listening to what he had to say, for once in her life. And then Katherine had come with Klaus' blood and had saved his life. But one thing he hadn't, and probably would never know, was what she had meant by I owed you one. She didn't care about him. Over and over, she had chosen Stefan over him. It always infuriated him that his brother got everything he could ever wish for, while he was there on the side lines watching, waiting to get the girl. Something Stefan always got. And that was how he had become who he was these days.673Please respect copyright.PENANAdLaWUHnVjU
He grabbed the vial of Klaus' blood and vanished to stand at her bedside. He then sat on her bedside and gently lifted her head, putting the vial to her lips, making the blood go down her throat.673Please respect copyright.PENANAdGdvzvfwZD
Once it was finished, he set the vial on the end table and layed her head gently back down. And then he took her hand in hers. He trailed his free hand gently down the side of her face. And he waited for her to wake. He knew she would awaken soon, due to her color and breathing turning to normal.