Elena woke up in the hospital just as a nurse came in to check on her. She was hooked up to a machine with tubes sticking out from her. She didn't know where she was or what was going on. She seriously didn't know. She just hoped she wasn't in danger. Damon didn't know where she was or that she was in the hospital. But she knew he would find her sooner or later when he realized she was missing. He always did. He was her protector and had told her that he loved her. But did she love him back? She wasn't sure. And at this moment, this wasn't the time to ponder on her questioned love. She was supposed to be in love with Stefan, but he had changed. He was a monster. He had killed people. People that were innocent. In the past, he would never had done that. If only Klaus had never come to town. She wished Klaus had never come and destroyed everything that she had had. He took Stefan away and put her brother Jeremy in danger. He had even turned Tyler Lockwood into a hybrid of his own. The boyfriend of her best friend who was a vampire now. Caroline Forbes.
She looked at the nurse.
"Where am I?" she asked weakly.
"At the hospital. You suffered quite an ordeal."
She went to sit up.
"I have to get out of here."
"Not an option. You've lost a lot of blood. You need to rest."
She saw a bag of blood by her.
"Wait. You're taking my blood?"
"Of course. It's very important for your friend, Klaus."
Klaus. Of course. I should've known, she thought. She hated the guy. Klaus was always in the way. In her way. Couldn't he just disappear like she wanted him to? Like she wished him to do? She guessed that wishing that would never work. He was in town until he was finished with whatever business he had to finish up.
Elena tried to stop the nurse from putting the syringe in her, but was unsuccessful. It was an anesthetic. Elena then fell back in bed and went back to sleep, feeling tired.
As she slept, the nurse took some more of her blood.
The nurse finished up and then left.
Katherine Pierce walked into the Salvatore boarding house. She saw that he was sleeping on the couch, a half empty bottle of whiskey on the floor.
Typical Damon. He never changes. Something I'll always love about him. She thought.
She strode over and knelt in front of the couch, looking at him.
"Damon, get up. We have a rescue mission to accomplish."
He woke up and looked up at her.
"Elena was put in a hospital. Klaus has her being drained of her blood for his hybrids."
He got to his feet and she did likewise.
He grabbed her arm.
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go. Time to save Elena."
With vampire speed they sped through Mystic Falls, Katherine leading him to where She was.
They walked into the hospital and down the hallway in search of Elena's room. Both secretly hoped she would be okay. But they didn't think or tell that to each other. They were both always secret. They always kept some sort of secret from each other. That's why they both got along just fine.
He hoped she was okay. If she wasn't, he was going to kill Klaus once and for all, no matter what the consequences. He knew that once Klaus was dead, his hybrids would come after him to kill him. But he didn't care about any of that as long as Elena was alive and safe. He would die in her place if he had to. He was her protector and he loved her for who she was. Not because she was just like Katherine. It was Elena he loved. Not Katherine. And Elena understood that. But he wasn't sure if Katherine understood that. And why had she popped up at the mansion to tell him that Elena was in trouble? Did she suddenly get the ambition to help? Did she actually care? He would never know until he asked, but this wasn't the right time. Elena was in trouble and he was her dark knight.
They walked into Elena's room.
Damon came to stand at her bedside and looked down at her. There were tubes all over and an ivy in her arm. Thank God she was okay. He didn't have to kill him just yet.
She weakly looked up at him.
"Damon..." she whispered.
"I'm here," he said. "We're here," he then added.
He gently removed everything and picked her up in his arms. As he did, she saw that Katherine was there too. She rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his neck.
What's Katherine doing here? I thought she hated me. Does she suddenly care about me? She thought before closing her eyes, feeling weak and tired.
With that, he carried her out and down the hallway, Katherine beside him, keeping pace with him, as Elena fell asleep in his arms.
Elena Gilbert awoke in her own bed and in her own house the next day with light streaming in through her window. She remembered everything from the previous night. How she had been rescued by Damon and Katherine. She understood Damon coming to her rescue. But Katherine? Why her of all vampires? Was it guilt or something? Why did Katherine care if she lived or died? Was it just to make Damon happy, or was it something more? She wanted to know why the vampiress look alike would ever help or save her. She had never shown care or compassion towards her before. So why start now? She wanted answers. There had to be a reason that Katherine had done it. There was always a reason behind everything. Even if she didn't understand or know that reason.
When she came out of her bathroom all dressed for the day, there she stood. Just the vampiress she wanted to talk to. If it had been a few years back, she wouldn't be wanting to talk to, or even to see her face.
"Hey," Elena greeted her.
"Hey yourself. How are you feeling?"
"I guess you're wondering why I was there last night with Damon. I knew what had happened so I told him and brought him to you. I know he loves you. I also know you love him, too. I only helped because I care about Damon. It breaks me to see him upset. I want to make it up to everyone for how I've acted towards everyone. Especially you. I was rotten. I don't want to do that anymore. I'm done playing games with you. I just thought you should know that. I don't hate you. I also know that you don't exactly hate me anymore, either. I'm sorry for everything I've done to all of you. I wish I could take it back. But I can't. You know that. If you need anything, anything at all, you know where to find me."
Elena watched as the vampiress sped towards and out of her window, jumping out of it like it was nothing. It probably was nothing, considering she was a vampire and all. Nothing much phased her or was hard for her.
Elena came down the stairs and came into the kitchen to see Alaric seated at the bar drinking a shot glass of wine.
"Afternoon," he greeted.
"Afternoon," she greeted back.
"You slept late today. I thought about waking you, but I figured I should let you sleep considering what you went through last night. Damon told me everything last night before he went home."
"Was he alone?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"Katherine was with him when he rescued me from the hospital."
"Katherine? Why would she be there?"
"I don't know. I'm about to find out."
Damon came down the stairs to see Katherine walk in.
"Just the girl I wanted to see," he greeted her.
"Well that's new considering the circumstances."
"Speaking of circumstances, why did you do it? You don't care about her. You don't even love her."
She came to stand in front of him where he stood in front of the fireplace.
"This may come to you as a shock, but I do love and care about her. She's my descendant."
"That explains a lot."
"I know."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Because I feel like telling you the truth. I don't want to hide anything anymore."
"That's new."
"Let's just say this is the new me."
"I like the new you. It fits you perfectly."
"You really think so?"
"I do."
"Well, you better enjoy it while it lasts."
"Because I won't be like this forever. Besides, this could be the last time you see me. Klaus wants me dead, after all."
"That doesn't really matter. You're here now, Kat. Right now, that's all that matters."
And it was the truth. He may not love her, but he did still care about her. She was his sire. A sire's bond is stronger than any other bond out there. He cared about her so much, he didn't want her dead. If Klaus killed her, it would be on. There would be a brutal fight. And hopefully, when and if it came to a fight, he would be able to kill Klaus.
Elena Gilbert walked in.
Both vampires looked at her, as she came up to them.
"Elena," Damon greeted and smiled at her.
"Damon," she greeted back.
"How are you feeling?" he asked.
"Good. I'll survive. I somehow always do."
"Katherine was just in the middle of telling me why she helped rescue you last night. Apparently, you're family."
"We are?" Elena asked.
"Yeah," Katherine confirmed.
"So what are we? Cousins or something?"
"No. Isobel was my daughter. You were her daughter. So I guess that makes me your grandmother. I know this is weird and strange to find out that we're related."
"Actually, it's not that strange. I mean, we are pretty much alike."
"Yeah. We are."
Katherine started for the front door.
"I better go. See you two around."
They watched, as she closed the door behind herself and then looked at each other.
"Damon, do you really love me?" she asked, looking up at him.
"Of course. I don't lie about something like that."
"Well, you know I don't know whether you're telling the truth or not sometimes."
"Well, I give you my word that I do love you."
"Katherine visited me this afternoon. And she is right. I love you, too. I was stubborn to say that it would always be Stefan. I love you. Only you," she confessed, a gentle hand on the side of his face.
He looked down at her.
"I love you, too."
A moment later, they shared a kiss. It was romantic, filled with everything they felt for each other. Compassion, lust, love, and protection. They both knew they loved each other now, and nothing would ever change that. No one could stand in the way of their love. Even Katherine of all vampires agreed to their love.