No Plagiarism!4wmPam9aACi7nWliQbfPposted on PENANA Bluestar8964 copyright protection536PENANAl2rQrz3U9Y 維尼
Bluestar8964 copyright protection536PENANA7ae2fnkok1 維尼
She's beautiful8964 copyright protection536PENANABq5oZ3DpKr 維尼
She's kind8964 copyright protection536PENANADBgif4xL83 維尼
She's wise8964 copyright protection536PENANAqNnYGdzewc 維尼
She's Oakheart's mate8964 copyright protection536PENANAVSEJIeOACV 維尼
She's an unknown mother8964 copyright protection536PENANAYkkewYXQFz 維尼
Only ones that know she's a mother are8964 copyright protection536PENANAtl3qTaxK1E 維尼
Herself8964 copyright protection536PENANAETfVWaChEP 維尼
Oakheart8964 copyright protection536PENANAkPRlmre0Mw 維尼
Firestar8964 copyright protection536PENANAq25qvhHSwH 維尼
And Graystripe8964 copyright protection536PENANAelJOnfBWfw 維尼
Nobody else knows8964 copyright protection536PENANAq9r2NO518z 維尼
She only told her most trusted cats8964 copyright protection536PENANA0doZsUgHp9 維尼
I'm sure8964 copyright protection536PENANAsfnUKGpiPx 維尼
If Tigerclaw didn't attack her8964 copyright protection536PENANAD9V4JzifZv 維尼
Didn't turn on his leader8964 copyright protection536PENANAbnEldAaeMi 維尼
Thirsty for absolute power8964 copyright protection536PENANAvsS4M3aQKf 維尼
She would've told him8964 copyright protection536PENANAaP39TOaMsm 維尼
Her and Oakheart's secret8964 copyright protection536PENANAAVuyHalvH6 維尼
But8964 copyright protection536PENANAmxqdQE6psy 維尼
She didn't8964 copyright protection536PENANAO6eHywL9c4 維尼
She's respected8964 copyright protection536PENANADXSGf7vVdu 維尼
She's recognized as an awesome leader8964 copyright protection536PENANAokIami6ws2 維尼
I agree with that8964 copyright protection536PENANAn8H18dlYE3 維尼
There are reasons that cats respect her8964 copyright protection536PENANAvWzGDwwCe2 維尼
She's known for being wise8964 copyright protection536PENANAsXw8p0oGRj 維尼
For protecting the good cats8964 copyright protection536PENANAeklOa4x0E9 維尼
For living by the Warrior code8964 copyright protection536PENANAI3VtZCMqeC 維尼
For sensing what cat is bad most of the time8964 copyright protection536PENANAGS9s98O9o4 維尼
And what cat is good all the time8964 copyright protection536PENANAdTjPwnzmza 維尼
For knowing who to tell something to8964 copyright protection536PENANA70Y22IdocB 維尼
For doing as Starclan says8964 copyright protection536PENANAJQcrlqNSrt 維尼
For saving Owlstar's life8964 copyright protection536PENANAW1iI50yDWA 維尼
I think8964 copyright protection536PENANA1p9ZeCoF6o 維尼
The minute that Tigerstar's mother8964 copyright protection536PENANA5zQlHm0KpO 維尼
And Bluestar's sister8964 copyright protection536PENANAv1XLH3joy9 維尼
Snow Fur8964 copyright protection536PENANAwoseRvlRFR 維尼
Saw up in Starclan8964 copyright protection536PENANAOZJz3tCxgr 維尼
That her son8964 copyright protection536PENANAD0p7hNKawZ 維尼
Tigerstar8964 copyright protection536PENANAr2S9PeUihl 維尼
Had gone evil8964 copyright protection536PENANAxBeFh5pann 維尼
She was upset of how he turned out8964 copyright protection536PENANAtS7Bo9Eb7s 維尼
That brings back the prophecy Goosefeather8964 copyright protection536PENANA1eQCAorEb9 維尼
A medicine cat when Bluestar was a kit to a warrior8964 copyright protection536PENANA4QeLLFbo2x 維尼
He told her that Tigerstar should never have been born8964 copyright protection536PENANALkxzf7KSFf 維尼
That it was a very bad omen for Thunderclan8964 copyright protection536PENANACoEvYWZo5S 維尼
And I think he was right8964 copyright protection536PENANAHL7QTXgdAa 維尼
Goosefeather died though8964 copyright protection536PENANA0DqBzVoA4e 維尼
Not long after Sunfall8964 copyright protection536PENANAPIojwxZsIq 維尼
Bluestar and Snow Fur's father8964 copyright protection536PENANAFDdhyy29M5 維尼
Became Sunstar8964 copyright protection536PENANAUnuSuziGUV 維尼
Leader of Thunderclan8964 copyright protection536PENANAt8LwDae8pa 維尼
After Pinestar left the clan to be a kittypet8964 copyright protection536PENANArIASPp3Enj 維尼
Since he was so old.8964 copyright protection536PENANAhOpzuPfiC7 維尼