No Plagiarism!9iFskAfulx0co4rULdqAposted on PENANA Cops comes and go8964 copyright protection453PENANAndperpza8M 維尼
But only the best are remembered8964 copyright protection453PENANAZx8INLO4Yi 維尼
You dress up in black and white8964 copyright protection453PENANAJkkIUh45V0 維尼
And say8964 copyright protection453PENANATjVqVUJdqs 維尼
"He was a good cop"8964 copyright protection453PENANAmXgepWWIQ6 維尼
But will he truly be remembered8964 copyright protection453PENANAhpft6Yjq4w 維尼
Kassandra St. John goes to the graveyard8964 copyright protection453PENANAmZhRRe8lMj 維尼
To see her husband and partner8964 copyright protection453PENANAPhQTdmXkjU 維尼
Tom Ryan8964 copyright protection453PENANA27U0TqNZgu 維尼
Who was killed by a gun shot in the head8964 copyright protection453PENANA7KjNd3dJ1j 維尼
As she starts to talk to his grave8964 copyright protection453PENANAj9SXGUnXDf 維尼
Her daughter8964 copyright protection453PENANAaHUdgbiUZr 維尼
Kassidy8964 copyright protection453PENANAj9VOu5QtMi 維尼
Asks8964 copyright protection453PENANAP4MHMUVJ5T 維尼
"Mommy, where'd daddy go?"8964 copyright protection453PENANATBDoPTKIvt 維尼
"He went to a better place.8964 copyright protection453PENANAoLzpOx7BFi 維尼
He's an angel now.8964 copyright protection453PENANA1mLmSxUUbD 維尼
He's watching over us8964 copyright protection453PENANAdUXzImEpI2 維尼
Just as he did in life."8964 copyright protection453PENANAEYEtxF2w9w 維尼
Kassandra tells her8964 copyright protection453PENANA4BYY3z9mEw 維尼
As they walk away8964 copyright protection453PENANAmujggLrwGw 維尼
Her little girl says8964 copyright protection453PENANA5jaV5JDTVk 維尼
"Good-bye, daddy."8964 copyright protection453PENANAlWrTK1F1UN 維尼
Kass says8964 copyright protection453PENANAtU6rL1JWR0 維尼
"Bye, Tom.8964 copyright protection453PENANAs2Dfh2sUny 維尼
You were my love8964 copyright protection453PENANAlHx2X1Lek8 維尼
You were my world."8964 copyright protection453PENANAbxLGBQdkUq 維尼