No Plagiarism!JhB9fjKRmgMwK7TM9koGposted on PENANA Every person has a time in life8964 copyright protection420PENANAalMXsErF4g 維尼
When he or she dies8964 copyright protection420PENANAhdTFQ0MV2c 維尼
Sometimes8964 copyright protection420PENANADZkRhGLFkm 維尼
It's a loved one8964 copyright protection420PENANAmjjqwI023I 維尼
Mine is Nana8964 copyright protection420PENANAsLKBERos2p 維尼
She had a great love for God and Jesus8964 copyright protection420PENANAPscDNNKauC 維尼
She loved dogs8964 copyright protection420PENANAbFtpOeiAqM 維尼
Mostly small dogs8964 copyright protection420PENANArlNkVRkbnA 維尼
Her favorite game was checkers8964 copyright protection420PENANAkIF5mY2iBv 維尼
Her favorite color was red8964 copyright protection420PENANAccIwpDnsfs 維尼
I remember8964 copyright protection420PENANA0jqfImXwMC 維尼
Love of things with Nana8964 copyright protection420PENANAtuljQ18Qd0 維尼
She used to spoil me with m&m's8964 copyright protection420PENANAmu0OtDtGQF 維尼
When I was a young child8964 copyright protection420PENANA1aOo307Uim 維尼
I still have a blanket she crocheted with my name on it8964 copyright protection420PENANALewD3gUZpI 維尼
She wrapped it as a Christmas present8964 copyright protection420PENANAB3HsnIlJ3V 維尼
She married Grandpa Peer8964 copyright protection420PENANAtY693Gl1yb 維尼
She was Clarice Peer8964 copyright protection420PENANAaLtXQF8e4E 維尼
He was William Arthur Peer8964 copyright protection420PENANATyuT7zU5xX 維尼
They had mom8964 copyright protection420PENANAfHRpCDPtKm 維尼
Aunt Sis8964 copyright protection420PENANASMGySoxkRq 維尼
And Uncle Stephan (Steve)8964 copyright protection420PENANAl4EMndDrMz 維尼
Nana was fun to play with8964 copyright protection420PENANA4E92mGn5YS 維尼
But now8964 copyright protection420PENANAoqm61YyVE1 維尼
I know8964 copyright protection420PENANAmo0lxn1jiK 維尼
She's in heaven now8964 copyright protection420PENANAHrYyhk9vUp 維尼
And she'll be waiting to join us8964 copyright protection420PENANAWYMa5mLRIp 維尼
At that banqueting table in heaven8964 copyright protection420PENANAX7izAqCmqQ 維尼
It's sad for us to go on without her8964 copyright protection420PENANApUHU2MCWCl 維尼
But she's happy where she is8964 copyright protection420PENANAMnoavLKZGf 維尼
She'll be there for eternity8964 copyright protection420PENANADlpkPLVQY3 維尼
Forever more.8964 copyright protection420PENANAEbNtMwHFsm 維尼
Copyright 2007 11-12-078964 copyright protection420PENANA0XXWDLT6J1 維尼
Dedicated to Nana, whom was the best Nana ever.8964 copyright protection420PENANAY7DV6f2NW4 維尼