No Plagiarism!IofyoHVZBFtSEjqCx0iuposted on PENANA Firestar8964 copyright protection520PENANAskTqLCEXPG 維尼
Firestar8964 copyright protection520PENANAVLkTIQiH0a 維尼
He's kind8964 copyright protection520PENANAQcUDV8eEZD 維尼
He's a protector8964 copyright protection520PENANAIabb3ALjsf 維尼
He's good8964 copyright protection520PENANALOg4jjpKpL 維尼
He used to be a kittypet8964 copyright protection520PENANARsmifmc2Ph 維尼
His kittypet name was Rusty8964 copyright protection520PENANAkXPsM1wdKN 維尼
Thunderclan found him8964 copyright protection520PENANA9DSFSKuGCC 維尼
Gave him a choice8964 copyright protection520PENANAR9Eh2OPxyw 維尼
He said he wanted to live in a clan8964 copyright protection520PENANARUEv9h33vp 維尼
Now he's leader of a clan8964 copyright protection520PENANAagaDZxIfHl 維尼
Thunderclan8964 copyright protection520PENANA8crIvFU7DL 維尼
He's now a father of two and a mate8964 copyright protection520PENANAHzgyQjHEK8 維尼
Sandstorm's mate8964 copyright protection520PENANANGz1qAudLg 維尼
When he was an apprentice8964 copyright protection520PENANAZj2tBZkAiS 維尼
And he first came to the clan8964 copyright protection520PENANAIqXPbruLG1 維尼
He was tormented by Sandpaw8964 copyright protection520PENANANzEZUZIBQr 維尼
Now Sandstorm8964 copyright protection520PENANAuZd5GiQsCH 維尼
Tigerclaw8964 copyright protection520PENANAOPywz7OtzV 維尼
Now Tigerstar8964 copyright protection520PENANAU0i4cDPYFO 維尼
Dustpaw8964 copyright protection520PENANASv6sCif3Wb 維尼
Now Dustpelt8964 copyright protection520PENANAtounD96AML 維尼
Longtail8964 copyright protection520PENANARnhbINSUXd 維尼
Darkstripe8964 copyright protection520PENANAhrPspH7riI 維尼
Halftail8964 copyright protection520PENANAjfQxa84HBZ 維尼
Whitepaw8964 copyright protection520PENANA6ZPp4IMnam 維尼
Hawkfrost8964 copyright protection520PENANAshsW7e5g3o 維尼
Ashfur8964 copyright protection520PENANALSdsDSntFC 維尼
Mousefur8964 copyright protection520PENANAaYpP7jFQRQ 維尼
Raggedstar8964 copyright protection520PENANAr9FXbHtnuE 維尼
And Blackfoot8964 copyright protection520PENANAIxJcxdIwpu 維尼
Now Blackstar8964 copyright protection520PENANANiOj4bdzhV 維尼
Now that's he's leader of Thunderclan8964 copyright protection520PENANAHqNzth2sry 維尼
Every cat has stopped tormenting him8964 copyright protection520PENANAplYWzCy0qJ 維尼
Although8964 copyright protection520PENANA3zmjuLe0Rc 維尼
Some cats like Whitepaw8964 copyright protection520PENANA49Vxp7c34o 維尼
Every now and then8964 copyright protection520PENANA9x6ggBdRSu 維尼
Say Tigerstar's tormenting words8964 copyright protection520PENANA7bqR3PTeZY 維尼
"Once a kittypet8964 copyright protection520PENANArBMknA2sGz 維尼
Always a kittypet"8964 copyright protection520PENANAQJNRyNUKNo 維尼
Firestar hates those words8964 copyright protection520PENANAF9YYu1zLnS 維尼
He remembers his apprenticehood8964 copyright protection520PENANA6nrk7tyM3r 維尼
He remembers his tormentors8964 copyright protection520PENANAdXcca3lGj8 維尼
He's glad that nobody torments him8964 copyright protection520PENANAhJRime2uuR 維尼
Well8964 copyright protection520PENANA5KWJg2fy9g 維尼
Excluding Tigerstar8964 copyright protection520PENANAngJfbV4eWu 維尼
But other than that8964 copyright protection520PENANAnpnO9EJKuS 維尼
He loves his clan life.8964 copyright protection520PENANAe4PQjE9iBa 維尼