No Plagiarism!yXUCgyX4XTvRLqXmY9O5posted on PENANA Everyone, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I had to do this. But you wouldn't understand, not truly, even if you've been through the same thing, because everyone's experiences are always slightly different. So these are my final words, all the words I could have said but never brought myself to. To my family, you were maybe the only people who saw how truly devastated I was after every agonizing day. I'm sorry this is the only way out of my pain, for eternity. To my friends, you saw me near some of my worst times, and I deeply regret putting that burden on your shoulders. To my teachers, I'm sorry, but you're never getting that work you assigned me, haha. To my bullies, screw you. You're the reason I'm this messed up in the first place. Maybe one day you'll repent, honestly, I don't care enough at this point to hope. I just want your words to stop rattling around my head. To those who think that I'm selfish for killing myself, you understand the least of all. I'm not doing this for sympathy, I'm doing this because death is better than the realm of the living. I hope that God can forgive me for taking what he had planned for me into my own hands, and still let me live in heaven with him. Until I see you all in heaven for all eternity, Goodnight, I love you. (A/N: Honestly, if I were to ever write a suicide note, it would sound an awful lot like this...)