It was late in the afternoon on a rainy Saturday and I was still under my dark covers that wrinkled around everywhere. Let's say I crashed my internet on Netflix the previous night. I still had constant headaches from the light that flashed from my laptop screen.
I crawl out of the bed and press my thumb in a square on the wall. It opened with a thud.
You must've thought that it might be some huge gizmo of a house where everything was high tech and stuff, where it was all secured with thumb prints. Ha!
Wrong. It was a wooden door that basically fell down as I tried to balance myself before stumbling over my earpods and pushing all my body weight on that poor thing. Oh, and the square was just a location where there was supposed to be a door knob which probably broke off when the owner of this huge piggy hut tried pulling it hard out of anger. Weird huh? That's not even a tiny percent of my already messed life.
Anyway, I started my day off pretty much lethargically. I lumped onto the stairs and into the bathroom. Whoa! I couldn't believe my eyes. I blinked a number of times, making sure whether I was still asleep or not. Not. It was me. A new Debbi Stones! I still stood before the mirror. I examined myself more closely. Overnight Transformation!!!
My eyes showed a pale tint of blue in my usual dark grey eyes. My lashes were voluminous. Even the dozen zits on which I had applied some medicine last night were gone, which indeed made my chubby face look brighter and prettier. My ever-curly blonde hair had strawberry blonde touches and looked as if they were temporarily straightened last night and were gaining their normal state again. They appeared even longer than they were. I kind of freaked out. No one to my rescue.
Not thinking twice, I had my quick bath. My skin was evenly glowing and felt smooth. Wow! After drying myself with my fluffy pink Barbie towel, I hurried through my cupboard to find my white long-sleeved jumper, my ripped-denim shorts and all-mushy-baby-pink-cardigan. After I was all-dressed, I pushed my new hair into a messy bun and hid my all new eyes with a floral-brown-cat-eyed Gucci shades.
I ran downstairs with a force I couldn't control. Damn! I face planted myself on the wooden floor. Thank heavens my shades were safe on the woolen-mush rug although I had a profusely bleeding knee. I stood up, brushed myself and ran towards the living room to grab a band-aid and my car keys. As I bent to place the mini-strip on my knee, I saw the wound disappear in front of my eyes! Just like magic! I, still amazed by what I had just seen, hurried into my car and rushed down the street. Exact 173 seconds later, I pulled up in front of a similar house to mine. The humble residence of my great-super-understanding-best-friend-forever Brianna Morrison. You'd think such friendships exist only in movies. Nope! Wrong again. She's real.
I knock thrice secretly in a pattern. Again one of us code. She opens the door. She jumped in excitement, pulled me in and hugged me like there's no tomorrow. In spite of realizing I couldn't breathe, I hugged her back twice as strongly as she did, I guess. She made a choking sound and that's when I let her go. Super-duper-hugging powers! Cool.
"Bri, you okay? Okay, take your time to relax. I got something to tell you. I don't know what happened, but whatever it is, it's really weird. You're gonna have goosebumps when I tell you what it is..." I squealed and sighed at the same time.
"Okay, Okay! Chill. Let's go to my room. I've got something to show you as well!" She said as we hurried into a relatively large room to mine. She closed the curtains followed by me locking the doors behind us.
"Spill out!" She yelled in a whisper.