This is a non-profit fanfic that does not intend to infringe the rights of those who own the franchises of: Lost in Space; Robotech/Macross; Thunder Jet. Translation done with DeepL and myself, sorry for any mistakes, thank you.
Capítulo 1: Lost in space
The planet was collapsing on itself and although the crew of Jupiter 2 had used this phenomenon to escape from the planet, now a small black hole had been generated where it had been and threatened to swallow the ship.
“We cannot escape the black hole!” shouted Professor John Robinson, the mission commander.
“Major, there's nothing I can do!” shouted Professor Maureen Robinson, deputy mission commander and wife of Professor Robinson.
“It's impossible, it's pulling us further and further!” denied Major Don West, captain of the ship.
“We are damned, we are damned!” shouted Dr. Zachary Smith, who had sabotaged the ship and was now with the Robinson family due to circumstances beyond his control.
West, irritated by Smith's neurotic career across the bridge, struck the despicable man with the back of his fist, knocking him unconscious.
“That felt good," said the Major with a smile on his face.
“Why don't we use the hyperdrive to get out of here?” suggested Penny Robinson, the Robinsons' 16-year-old daughter.
“She has my vote!” shouted Dr. Judy Robinson, eldest daughter of the family and an honors graduate from college.
“Come on, Major, activate the hyperdrive!” shouted Will Robinson, the youngest of the three children, who before the mission was still attending primary school on Earth.
West turned his face to John and Maureen, who nodded. The Major proceeded to light the hyperdrive right at the mouth of the black hole praying that they would not end up in an unknown section of the universe and be lost again... lost in space.
In one section of the galaxy, four Sentinel Class ships, each 144 metres long, were patrolling towards a black hole because of a report that a base of space pirates trafficking in human and zentraedi technology was located in the vicinity.
“Ma'am, we've detected movement of what appear to be modified meltran strands," said Juan Perez, a bridge officer to Captain Ana Lopez.
“Well, Juan, let the mission commander know.”
The mission commander ordered the activation of the latest generation cloaking systems that had been placed on the ships and proceeded to follow the course of the meltran mechas.
“My God," Perez whispered, seeing that the mechas were heading for a small asteroid, which apparently had been remodeled to serve as a base for the pirates and was near the black hole.
“Something tells me we should have brought more ships," Captain Lopez said to herself when she saw the massive structure.
Lopez and the other captains of the other ships did not have much time to come out of their amazement when the instruments of each ship informed them that they had been discovered by the pirates.
“Major, you are ordered to deploy your fifteen Excalibur VF-19s to intercept approaching enemies.”
“Understood, ma'am," replied Major Nathaniel Miller.
“I wonder if 60 veritechs will be enough in the face of that monstrosity?” The captain asked herself when Captain José Gonzales, commander of the group of space marines and in charge of fifty VR-066 Hurricane cyclones, entered the bridge.
“How's the battle going, captain?”
“Very bad Jose, we are outnumbered and the pirate base is huge, I wonder how the hell they could remodel that asteroid and get it here without us noticing?”
“Perhaps a politician or someone from the high command is involved in this," Gonzales assumed, "the logistics used to cover a base of this magnitude is superior to what simple robotech technology dealers could aspire to.”
The battle was not such but a massacre, in the end only the ship of Captain Lopez was still operational, but with significant damage.
“Madam, Major Miller has just returned to the ship's hangar, only he did it," Perez said.
“If we try to escape we will be destroyed. Jose, get ready to enter the enemy base," said Lopez and everyone on the bridge looked at her as if her captain had grown a second head.
"We'll hit the enemy base and Captain Gonzales will enter with his cyclones to take the command center of that thing, it's the only chance.”
“But the enemy mechas and the anti-vehicle cannons of the enemy base...." Perez said to his captain.
“That's why we must hurry, full speed ahead!” the captain ordered and the ship went to perform the suicidal maneuver.
Despite the odds, the ship was able to charge into the enemy base, and sent Gonzales and his men to take over the central command, but at that point a strong burst of energy was coming from the mouth of the black hole.
“Madam, a ship is detected coming out of the mouth of the black hole and heading towards us!” Pérez reported.
“That's impossible, nothing can come out of a black hole!” The captain replied.
“Not only that, ma'am, strong discharges of energy come out of the mouth of the black hole! My God, the black hole is expanding!”
“What! Order Gonzales and his men to return immediately! We'll risk a transposition operation without waiting for the computer's calculations!”
On Jupiter 2, Major West and the Robinson family were startled to see that they had appeared in what appeared to be a space battle.
“But what are those things?” Penny Robinson asked as she saw the pirate mechas coming and going at a hell of a speed.
“I don't know and I don't plan to find out," said West, "I'll activate the hyperdrive, there's still a charge for a second operation.”
“Activating hyperdrive!”
“Activating the transposition operation!”
“Dear, the black hole is growing!”
“Captain, strong energy discharges are coming out of the black hole!”
“Judy, Penny, Will, hold on!”
“Hold on tight, crew!”
The black hole discharges, the Jupiter 2's hyperdrive operations, and the robotech ship's transposition operation combined and tore the quantum physical fabric of time and space; twisting the known universal laws and sending Jupiter 2 and the sentry class ship to an unknown point in the galaxy, to a place where they were... lost in space....
“Are you all right, Mom, Dad?” asked Penny, who was the first to regain consciousness.
Penny's voice woke up Don and he woke up the rest of the Robinsons.
“Major, can you tell me what that is?” John asked when he saw the robotech ship in front of them, apparently next to it was a good piece of what was once the base of the space pirates.
“I don't know, but I hope they're friendly.”
“What is the status of the ship?” Maureen asked.
“Very bad," Judy replied, "metal wear is critical, and all power systems are at five percent capacity and falling. We have less than 15 minutes of life support left.”
“Get ready to leave Jupiter 2, we're going to that ship out front, we have no choice," John ordered.
On the bridge of the robotech ship, the news wasn't good either.
Almost the entire exterior structure of the ship has been damaged by 80%, the rest of the ship has suffered a metal wear of nearly 50%," said Juan. The rest of the bridge also informed Captain Ana of other damage to the ship.
Nathaniel and José were also on the bridge and both noticed an object approaching their ship.
It looked like a kind of robot that was propelled towards them by its propellers, this robot carried in its arms what appeared to be seven people in space suits.
“Who are these people?” Nathaniel asked.
“I don't know, but whoever they are, they need help," noted Jose.
“Prepare to receive these people," said Anna. Joseph nodded and went to greet the "guests".
The Robinsons and the others were inside the ship and fearful of the men pointing guns at them.
“I am Professor John Robinson and this is my family, we pose no threat, please lower your weapons.”
“We'll do it, Professor Robinson, as soon as that robot of yours stops pointing his mechanical arm at us and then disconnects all the functions of it," said José.
John agreed and ordered the robot to shut down. Joseph, ordered his men to lower their weapons and introduced himself, then pointed out to the Robinsons where they were.
“UN SPACY, an organization of the Earth?” John wondered.
“I think it's best if you meet with the captain, so that we can all clear our doubts, but we must first register you.”
Don wasn't very happy, but in the end he had to agree to be searched, so he had to hand over the gun he was carrying to the Marines.
“Check Dr. Smith carefully," Don told the soldiers.
“What does imply, West?” Smith said.
“I'm not insinuating anything, you're a treacherous, crawling rat," said Don, and Jose and his men exchanged suspicious looks.
“Slander, vile slander, spoken by someone whose intelligence is not on a par with human reasoning!” Smith said, this time abandoning the poisonous tone of his voice, for a pitiful one as he watched the guards of the ship watching him.
“It is no slander that you have sabotaged our ship.”
“I told you, I was called to check something on the ship and suddenly someone knocked me out.”
“Unbelievable, you have no shame, Smith," John criticized.
“That's enough! You will tell their story in the presence of the captain, you will not debate anything in this place," interrupted José in a commanding voice.
Jose, took the Robinsons and the others to the captain's place and there they exchanged information, apparently the Robinsons had found a way to travel between universes having activated the hyperdrive right in a newly formed black hole, and that is that the Robinsons were in a parallel universe.
“Do you think you can return to your universe, professor?” asked Ana.
“I don't think so, recreating the conditions under which we came here without the scientific data and measurements we could have taken gives us only a 0.00300% chance of success.”
“Then I think you and your family will have to stay with us," said the captain, "but I'm afraid our situation isn't very good either. We left the transposition operation in a sector of space which is completely unknown to us, whatever fate awaits my ship, it will be the same one you will have to face. Professor, your family and my ship, we're all... lost in space.”
This fanfic is based not on the popular 50-60's series, but on the 1998 film, with Lacey Chabert as Penny Robinson. Great film, I recommend it to fans of the classic series because the original actors appear in several cameos at the beginning of the film, and of course I also recommend it by Lacey Chabert.