Capítulo 5: Lost in conspiracy
“So you didn't listen to me or your father, you finally married that little boy Robinson," said Professor Garcia as he shook his head.
“Professor, don't say that, John is my dear husband and thanks to him I have three wonderful children.”
“Professor, it was good to see you again," John tried to say, but the old man brushed him aside and went straight to see Maureen's children.
Maureen introduced her children and the old teacher was delighted, especially with Penny.
“Your daughter Penny is the spitting image of your grandmother, Maureen, she also inherited your mother's eyes, she will undoubtedly become a very beautiful lady," praised the old man and Penny blushed and looked at her feet as if she were a little girl. Well, John, I guess you were good for something after all, kid.
“I see you haven't lost your good disposition towards me, professor," said John frowning, but the old man ignored him.
The whole group of humans left the imperial hall and went to a more private environment to catch up.
“So you're Nekoi's Minister of Aerospace Development!” Maureen exclaimed impressed.
“I told the Nekoi about how the Bismark and the Yamato were so pathetically sunk in World War II, and how an air and space fighter force was the future of the imperial navy. Blair begged me to take the job.”
“What other contributions did you make to the catgirls?” John asked and the old man was uncomfortable.
“Well, the empire used to have ground-based telescopes, but now they also have telescopes in space, just like the old Hubble. I am also developing in the fifth planet orbit of this system a space portal.”
“What!” exclaimed John to the surprise.
“The logistics of undertaking such a colossal task must have been impressive," Smith said in a flattering tone.
“How did they manage to defend the portal?” Don asked.
“Meowtis is different from the Earth, with a quarter less than the diameter of our planet and without such vast oceans, it was a natural thing for a single government to rule the entire planet, that's a thousand years ago. Creatures like the reptilians refuse to submit to the empire, but the Nekoi do not like to kill, they let them stay in their small swampy territory, and what harm could they do? I am not saying that they are unreasonable animals, but reptilians are like cavemen, it will be thousands of years before they have the level of intelligence to want to establish relations with Nekoi, that is, if they are not extinguished by natural causes first.”
The group continued to talk about the contributions the old teacher had made to the cat girls when Blair introduced herself and asked Juan to come with her for a private talk.
“I wonder what the minister wants with Juan?” Will asked.
“Since he is from another universe, he will surely ask you to make technological contributions as well. The same applies to us, too," Penny replied, and all present exchanged suspicious glances.
“How advanced is the technology in your friend's universe?” asked the old man.
“Very advanced," said Don, "they have giant robots and fighters that, although they look ancient in design, are fast and deadly, much more than our more advanced fighters.”
“I see, I see.”
The meeting ended and the Robinsons said goodbye to Professor Garcia, Juan was still missing, but they were told that he would soon be meeting with them.
“The old professor is someone we shouldn't trust too much," Smith said to himself as they returned to their quarters.
“That's not something you should talk about, Dr. Smith," said Penny, who had heard the man's words. “What makes you think Professor Garcia can't be trusted? I thought he was charming and he's my mom's mentor.”
“Penny precious, I tell you with absolute frankness: "Evil knows evil," but don't worry, I won't let anything bad happen to you or your family, after all, Smith is here.”
“Please stop calling me precious.”
The next morning, the Robinsons met with Juan and he informed them about the meeting he had with Blair. The minister asked him, like Professor García, to share his technological knowledge with the empire, especially in relation to robotech weapons technology.
“I told her that as a simple officer, I was not allowed to share technological information of any kind, but.... Well, that old Blair, she is very persuasive.”
“What happened?” John asked.
“She offered to share her personal star map file in exchange for my help, she also offered to use the space portal once it is complete, which means that there is a good chance that we are in my universe.”
“Maybe she is just manipulating you," Maureen warned calmly.
“Yeah, that's in the cards, but I had to take a chance.”
“Quiet, Lieutenant, it's not that the catgirls were a hostile force, and your superiors will surely forgive you for any indiscretion on your part," Smith said.
“You're good at boosting morale, Smith," Don said sarcastically.
“Ah, sarcasm, the weapon of the weak-minded.”
Juan frowned and excused himself from accompanying the Robinsons on this day as they told him that Blair wanted to have a private talk with them.
“I told you," said Penny.
The dreaded meeting with Blair was less bad than they assumed, apparently Blair was only interested in non-war technology that the Robinsons could offer them, such as medical and video technology.
“I thought Blair would ask us for information about our fighters," said Don once the group returned to their rooms.
“With the robotech technology that Juan can offer her, I don't think Blair is interested in our fighter models anymore," John reasoned.
“Robinson family, my controls tell me that Dr. Smith has separated from the group," reported robot.
Don and John went after Smith, but despite having the robot's help, they couldn't reach him or know which way he went.
“I received your note about leaving the group but could I see your face so I could see who helped me escape from the metal centurion's sensors?” Smith asked with some uncertainty.
The figure uncovered her face.
In the evening, Smith returned to his quarters and was confronted by John and Don.
“Let me tell you something, I am not your prisoner! I can go anywhere I want, without having to explain my comings and goings.”
“You're nothing but a Global Anti-Union League agent and a hired assassin," John said.
“Forget John, I saved your daughter Judith.”
“You didn't save her out of conviction, but because you had no choice," Don said, clenching his fists tightly.
“We must leave the past behind, after all this is a new world and it seems that we will not be able to return home, I think, I think the most mature thing will be to leave behind any kind of belligerent attitude on your part.”
“A belligerent attitude on our part?” Don was stunned by the man's cynicism and began to shake him by the flap of his suit.
John held Don, and Smith was able to get rid of the major's grip.
“Yes, belligerent attitude. And yes, on your part, because so far I haven't shown any distrust towards myself," Smith said, looking like a victim.
“Better go back to your room, Smith, or it will be Don who will have to hold on to me," threatened John, and Smith hurried to his room.
“I wonder what he's up to?” Don asked.
“I don't know, but we have no evidence to incriminate him, while we have to be vigilant.”
After a couple of months, Juan and the Robinsons were immersed in their task of providing the catgirls with the information they needed to expand their technological knowledge.
“After an exhaustive lecture,” Penny was filming herself, “the brilliant professor Penny Robinson feels satisfied to collaborate with her new allies so that they can reach the technological level of the planet of our heroine. After she and her family remain lost in space, this is a most convenient relationship.”
Penny was still filming, when her watch began to film the untimely movement of people rushing to a place, turning off her camera.
“What's going on?” Penny asked a Nekoi guard who was at the scene.
“ Penny, it seems that someone has just poisoned your friend Juan and at this moment they are treating him for an emergency," the guard hastily reported and continued with his fast race to Juan's lab.
“…It wasn't an accident," Smith told the Robinsons, after doing the autopsy on Juan's body, "someone poisoned the lieutenant, of course, whatever poison they used, left no trace.”
“How do you know he was poisoned?” Judy asked.
“The body has no signs of violence, no trace of resistance to an attack, no matter what it ingested or breathed in, it finished it off in a blistering manner. I already gave my report to Blair and she's very concerned about this whole thing.”
“Who do you think could have done this, Dad?” Will asked.
“The only person who would have anything to gain from Juan's death would be.... would be Professor Garcia," said John looking down.
“John, you must be joking! The professor would never do that!”
“Maureen, I don't see anyone else benefiting from this, all the cat girls would be harmed if robotech weapons research was interrupted, and Professor Garcia, no longer enjoying the benefits Blair gave him in the development of space fighters, that area was being taken over by Juan.”
“John, can I talk to you alone?” Don, who had just arrived at the place, interrupted, and the man was surprised that Don called him by his first name, and the man's face indicated that there was something strange.
The two men walked away from the group and Don gave him more bad news.
“Professor Garcia was found dead in his room, apparently leaving a letter in which he confesses that he poisoned Juan, because he was being left out of the weapons investigation. What do you think is going on?”
“I have no idea, but I don't like that Maureen and the kids are involved in all this.”
“I know, I don't believe in this suicide thing either. There's a cat in the bag about all this and never better said.”
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