A soldier walks into a room.
In the room sits a handsome man who looks like he is in his mid thirties. He has dark hair slicked back, and sat in a chair behind an unnecessarily large desk.
“General Sexy,” said the soldier. “Its draft day.”
The general opens one of the drawers in his desk and pulls a piece of paper with names written on it. He hands it to the soldier.
The soldier glances at the paper and says, “these are some good picks. Hopefully they turn out better than the last few groups.
“Poopstain, my picks for the last three years have gone to shit. Every year the balance of power seems to shift away from us,”
”We throw them into battle too quick,” said Poopstain.
“Well we don't have time to wait for them to train for half a lifetime. We can't even wait a couple days. Luckily some of these spell casters are exceptional and should be battle ready,” said general Sexy.
“I hope you're right,” said Poopstain.
A young boy with short light brown hair is walking home from school during a hot sunny day.
“Oh crap,” panicked the boy in his head when he sees Godfrey up the street.
The boy runs to the nearest tree and hides behind it, “I really hope he didn't see me.”
He waits a few minutes and peaks around the tree to see if Godfrey is still there; he sees nothing.
“That was close,” he thought.
Suddenly the boy turns around and Godfrey stands right in front of him. The boy runs as fast as he can.
“Rock Spell, raising rock,” said Godfrey.
A sudden rock lifts out of the ground and catches the boys foot. The boy falls to the ground and scrapes a bit of skin off his elbow and it starts to bleed slightly.
“Awe, little Sean have a boo-boo?” mocked Godfrey.
“Please just leave me alone Godfrey,” begged Sean.
Godfrey holds his hand open and brings his fingers close together. More rock comes out of the ground and consumes Sean's left leg and squeezes tightly. Sean yells in agony.
“Leave Sean alone!” a young girl's voice.
A young medium built girl with long black hair runs at Godfrey with her sword ready.
Godfrey laughs and draws his sword.
She chops down at Godfrey and he blocks it with his sword and he punches her in the face.
She stumbles from the force. She quickly fake swings her sword left and she punches with her right fist. Her fist connects with his jaw and he gets knocked on his ass. Without hesitation the girl swings to finish Godfrey off but the ground she was standing on pulls her legs until half of her body is consumed by earth.
Godfrey gets up and says, “you're the first girl who ever landed a hit on me, that pisses me off. You are going to watch me juice your cousin's leg. I might even make you drink it.”
“No!” contended the girl.
Sean screams from the pain of the rock slowly tightening on his leg. His eyes poor water like a fountain.
“Spell cancel,” said a voice.
A short light brown skinned guy with very short black hair puts the palms of his hands to the ground. The rocks holding Sean and the girl crumbles. Two guys, one about 6’0” tall with very short brown hair with medium-high muscle tone. The other about 6’4” with medium short black hair, medium build; stand in front of the light brown skinned guy.
“It's the new guys,” thought Sean.
“I know your new and all so you get one chance to fuck off. I warn you that i'm the most powerful person in the school. And I don't give second chances,” said Godfrey.
“I kinda hate bullies,” said the 6’0” guy.
“Listen bud, I have killed people before. Watch your tongue,” said Godfrey
The 6’0” guy sticks his tongue out and tries to look at it sarcastically, “I cant,”
Godfrey takes a step towards the new guys and they take two steps ahead. The girl runs over to Sean and stands in front of him like a meat shield. Godfrey looks around and sees that he is outnumbered, “you're not worth my time.” He walks away.
“Thank you Alice,” said Sean to the girl.
“Why does Godfrey bother you all the time?” asked Alice.
“Because i'm small and easy to bother,” said Sean.
“Next time he touches you I will kick his ass,” said Alice.
“You can't kick his ass Alice, if no guy can, how could you,” said Sean still with watery eyes..
“If you weren't the biggest fourteen year old baby on the planet I would slap you,” said Alice crossing her arms.
“Dont talk shit about girls little cousin’, guess who just got drafted by NASF!” cheered a girl who looks a little like Alice but more build, more mature in body and her hair wasn't quite as long as Alice’s.
“No way! That’s amazing!” said Alice hugging her sister.
“That's great Lex,” said Sean.
“What's wrong with your leg Sean?” asked Lex.
“Godfrey,” said Alice.
“Attah babe Alice! Kicking Godfreys ass,” said Lex raising her hand for a high five.
“I didn't,” moped Alice.
“She did good though. She held him off long enough for the new guys to come,” said Sean.
Lex smiles at Alice who is looking at the ground in shame and says, “you will be a strong fighter too Alice, just gotta work your ass off. Tell you what, when I get back I will work my ass off with you,”
“I would like that,” smiled Alice then chuckled, “whats with you always talking about working your ass off?”
“Because I am who I am because I work my ass off every day,” said Lex.
“Can you show me a few things before you leave?” asked Alice.
“Sure!” Lex said.
The light brown skinned short guy and the other two guys who showed up to save Sean are walking to the market.
“Breaker,” said the short light brown skinned guy to the 6’0” guy. “Did you finish your homework yet?”
“No Agent,” said Breaker. “I didn't.”
“You should, it's due in a week and it takes awhile to finish,” said Agent.
“Nah, we will prob be emergency enlisted by then,” said Breaker.
“That is the stupidest thing i have ever heard,” said Agent angrily. “What if we don't, and you don't finish the assignment?”
“Bro, i can help you if you want,” butted in the other guy trying to avoid a fight.
“No thanks JJ, I got it,” said Breaker.
“Well if you change your mind, i'll be at home,” said JJ.
“I'll be in the library,” said Agent.
“Alright, well I don't think I'm aloud in the library, so if I need something… i'll get JJ,” said Breaker.
“You wouldn't be such an idiot if you read a book once in awhile,” said Agent.
“Hasn't made you any less of an idiot,” said Breaker.
“Shut the fuck up guys!” yelled JJ.
Agent storms off the library, JJ walks to his house, and Breaker walks to the calmer part of the city.
Sean has been tailing Breaker for awhile. Breaker turns around and looks every so often making Sean hide. Sean is currently hiding in a back ally.
“I think he's onto me,” thought Sean.
“Why are you following me?” a voice from right behind Sean.
“I-I. umm,” Sean stuttered.
Breaker tilts his ear closer to Sean, “well?”
“I don't know,” admitted Sean.
“Weird, your not lieing,” said Breaker.
“How could he know that?” thought Sean.
Sean notices that Breaker suddenly looks uneasy.
“What's wrong,” asked Sean.
Breaker is looking up at the roofs and says nothing. Suddenly an arrow is headed right for Breaker.
“Fire spell! Fireball!” said Sean shooting a fireball at the arrow only lighting it on fire.
“Crap! I made things worse!” thought Sean.
Breaker stands perfectly still and the fire arrow just misses his neck and lands on the ground beside him.
A man turns the corner of the back alley and points another arrow. Breaker leans against the wall lazily as if he is bored.
A distant rapid panting catches everyone's ears.
The guy pointing the arrow looks around as the panting is getting steadily closer.
“What is that?” thought Sean.
“That…” said Breaker. “Is a maniac.”
Suddenly at a great speed a figure slides along the ground and takes out the guy's legs. Before he could fall to the ground the figure jumps up and punches him down; speeding the grounds arrival. The guy lays still on the ground as the figure circles him speedily continuing to pant with a mix of laughter.
“Get up-get up-get up,” circled the figure.
“Hunter I think he's done,” said Breaker.
The figure stops on a dime and his shoulders and bottom lip drop, “awe.”
“You're getting faster Hunter, i'm impressed,” said Breaker.
Hunter's shoulders and bottom lip shoots up along with his whole body as he jumps with excitement, “really-really-really?”
“Relax Hunter,” said Breaker.
Hunter's shoulders and lip drop again.
“Thank both of you,” said Sean.
“Your wel- OH MY GOD SICK TATTOO BRO!” Hunter interrupted himself
Sean looks at the palm of his hand and there is black markings on it, “oh that isn't a tattoo, i was born with it.”
Breaker looks at the marking and by the look on his face, he recognizes it.
“Who are you?” asked Breaker.
“Im Sean Tygren, why?”
“Cuz that is the mark of the Tygren family… a dangerous mark to have,” said Breaker.
“My cousins Lex and Alice don't have it?” Sean noted.
“Maybe i'm mixing something up, come with me,” said Breaker.
“Where are we going Breaker?” asked Hunter.
“To the,” Breaker gets a chill through his body. “Library.”
“I have to get home now. If i'm late for supper my mom will ground me,” said Sean.
Breaker face palms and says, “get going then.”
“Ok,” said Sean walking away. “Thank you both,”
Breaker gets close to Hunters ear and says, “make sure he gets home safe.”
Agent walks out of the library and Breaker is standing there waiting.
“Did you really find some random person to go in and find me, rather than come find me yourself?” sighed Agent.
“There are books in there,” said Breaker getting a chill down his spine.
Agent takes a deep breath, “what do you want Breaker.”
“The Tygren family is the people with the thingy on their hand right?” Breaker points to the palm of his hand.
“Yeah, but only the first born son of each generation gets it,” said Agent. “Why?”
“Just wondering,” Breaker walks away.
“You know I fucking hate that!” yelled Agent. “Just fucking tell me!”
“I know, that's why I do it,” said Breaker turning a corner.
“Why do I even talk to that asshole,” thought Agent.
Godfrey is walking down a dark alley when suddenly a voice catches his attention.
“Godfrey,” it said.
Godfree looks into the darkest corner of the dark alley and sees a silhouette of a dark evil figure.
“How do you know my name and who are you?” asked Godfrey.
“Who i am does not concern you,” The evil voice. “I need you to do something for me, and in return I will give you power beyond your wildest dreams.”
“I’m listening,” Godfrey’s crave for power replied.
“The Tygren boy, bring him to me, alive,” The evil voice continued.
----------------end of chapter--------------------------------------------------------