“What are we going to do?” asked Boris.
“Everything we can,” replied Agent watching as several ladders reach the walls and as the gate is battered down.
Purple soldiers smash into the spearmen wall. Purple soldiers are bunching up on the walls.
“We lost too much ground at the gate. The walls can hold longer as long as the hostiles don't push us too far at the gate. Reinforcements won't be coming for while if at all. Think Agent, think,” thought Agent outloud.
“Look, the gate,” said Boris getting Agent's attention.
Agent looks towards the gate and sees one figure trying to regain ground at the gate. At this distance the only way to tell friend from foe is whether the small figures are in purple or not. The lone non purple figure has broken through the purple blur and is making its way to the gateway.
“That man has a deathwish,” said Boris.
“That man is probably Breaker,” guessed Agent. “I don't know what the hell he’s doing, but it better work.”
There is about five rows of purple soldiers that are now behind the lone figure, who still pushes forwards. There now looks as if their is an invisible aura around the man that the purple soldiers don't want to enter.
“Holy shit, he's still going. How can a man be surrounded and last this long?” asked Boris.
“It doesn't look like the ones behind him are even going for him. They are too focused on the rest of the army,” said Agent.
The two soldiers in the tower with Agent and Boris are anxiously watching over the battlefield with increased interest.
“Maybe,” paused one of the soldiers. “We can win this.”
The walls are holding well, the rate of lost ground at the gate has paused and the lone figure is still fighting on.
Breaker stops moving ahead and holds his ground in the gateway. Between Breaker and any enemy, is a four foot gap that the hostiles hesitate to fill. Three brave ones charge at Breaker only to get cut down.
Breaker bangs his sword on his shield and yells, “who’s fucking next!”
The gap is then filled with purple and Breaker is killing man after man.
JJ who is on the wall watches as the number of enemies behind it dwindles, “that's it men! Push to the gate!”
A Greatfold spearman sees Breaker still alive, still fighting past a few rows of Quali. “That boy is still alive!”
A different Greatfold spearman says, “hold on kid! Were coming!”
“PUSH!” chant several soldiers as a row of quali is slayn.
Breaker’s swings begin to slow and the weight of his shield is too much to swing much more. He is wheezing with every breath but still fights on.
“I bit off more than I can chew here,” thought Breaker.
An enemy with both hands on his sword heavily swings at Breaker. He barely got his shield up in time to block it, however the force pushed Breaker to the ground a few feet back. The Quali take the opportunity and rush at him.
Suddenly several Greatfold Spearmen jump in front of him and absorb the rush.
“Take a rest kid, we can take it from here,” said a soldier.
Breaker sits on the ground trying to catch his breath. “Fuck me,” he wheezes. “I gotta work on my endurance,” he wheezes again.
The spearmen have pushed to the gateway and hold there.
“Shield wall!” yelled JJ from on the wall. “Tighten up the lines!”
The spearmen in the gateway put their shields together as the enemy smashes into them.
“Tighter!” JJ yells.
“Shoulder to shoulder! Nuts to butts!” Breaker attempts to yell.
“They did it, they actually did it,” said a soldier in the east tower.
“We’re back in this fight,” said Agent. “Send JJ these orders.”
The gate and the walls are still holding out. The swordsmen on the walls are in the front and the archers are unable to get into a shooting position.
Breaker slowly trots up the stairs of the wall to meet up with JJ.
“Well done man,” praised JJ.
“Thanks,” said Breaker still out of breath.
“But if you do that again, i'll kill you myself,” JJ made known.
“Something had to be done,” said Breaker.
“You could have died Breaker, actually you probably should have. You are sooo lucky you managed that,” said JJ.
Breaker lowers his head and agrees. A soldier approaches JJ and tells him Agent's order.
“That’s a good idea, but it might backfire if it’s not done right,” cautioned JJ. “and I can’t effectively coordinate both the archers up here and the spearmen down there.
“I got the spearmen,” volunteered Breaker making his way back down the stairs.
“Breaker, keep in mind when we break our shield wall it will be hard to get it back up,” noted JJ.
“I know,” said Breaker.
“Archers, line up over the gate. Face the city!” ordered JJ.
The archers do as he says with confused looks on their faces.
“Swordsmen! Keep the enemies off the walls!” ordered JJ.
Breaker tries to get himself to the front center of the shield wall. He gets to the third row of men and pauses, “I don't think I have the strength yet to do this,” he thinks to himself.
“Kid, what are you doing back here?” asked a soldier.
“New orders, I need everyone to trust me,” said Breaker.
“Spearmen of Greatfold! Listen up!” yelled the soldier.
“Alright! All the spearmen parallel with the gateway need to step back without dropping the shield wall. Stay tight and move as one! On my command!” announced Breaker.
“Step!” yelled Breaker.
“Step!” chanted the soldiers as they take a step back.
“Step!” repeated Breaker.
“Step!” chanted the soldiers again as the take another step back.
They repeat this about twenty times before JJ tells them to hold. They lost only 10 men in that process which is much less than expected.
Quali troops funnel through the gateway into the open. The archers on the wall shoot arrows down on them as they come of the gateway. The enemies can't group up enough men to make a push. The archers are thinning them out before they reach the spearmen who finish the stranglers.
“Breaker! Get up here!” ordered JJ.
“Great idea Agent,” said Boris.
“Yes, but we are losing swordsmen steadily, they won't be able to protect the archers for long,” said Agent.
“Reinforcements are here,” said Boris staring into the battlefield with his red eyes.
Agent sees nothing on the battlefield so he goes to the back of the tower and sees a small amount of Greatfold soldiers coming to help.
“Boris, do you have 360 degree vision when your eyes are like that?” asked Agent.
“For the most part,” replied Boris.
“Tell those men to help out on the walls,” said Agent.
A soldier runs down the tower stairs.
“Breaker, we can't let them touch the archers!” yelled JJ making his way down the wall where the enemies have killed all the swordsmen.
JJ, Breaker and a hand full of swordsmen defend the archers.
“Reinforcements!” yells a voice.
“Just in time,” thought JJ.
A rapid and familiar panting is heard over the grunts of men and clinking of metal.
Suddenly Hunter comes running up the stairs to the wall followed by Kyle, and some unfamiliar faces. Hunter wielding two short swords dashes past JJ and kills four guys. Kyle wielding a battleaxe lines up beside Breaker.
The men are cheering as the battle seems to be going well.
“Agent,” said Boris.
“I can't keep my eyes like this for long, my magic level is getting pretty low,” said Boris.
“You can rest now, I don't think they have a third hidden army,” said Agent.
Boris’s eyes fade to normal and he watches over the battlefield with his normal eyes for the first time.
“I hope my friends down there are ok,” thought Boris.
“Yes! They are retreating!” cheered Agent.
The soldiers in the tower cheer for victory.
Godfrey stands on the roof of a house across from the Tygren family’s house. Beside him is a woman dressed in all green tight clothing. She has short dark hair similar to a boy’s and a fairly large build. A perfectly tanned face and an hourglass like body figure.
“Why don't we just go in and take Sean, Lex is away is she not?” asked the woman.
“Because their dad is home,” said Godfrey.
“He is an official master swordsman, not to mention a Tygren.”
“So what? I can take him out no problem.”
“Ashley, you know some day the gods will punish you for dishonourable use of magic.”
“Pffft, ya, cuz your all honourable and shit right?”
“I pick and choose my moments.”
“Why am I even with you?”
“Because we both want the same thing, revenge… now, we have to do this very carefully.”