Agent is in his house reading a letter. The letter says that he was emergency drafted by the Greatfold Guard; the local military.
“As if Breaker was right,” Agent thought. “I bet he is going to rub it in my face.”
*thud on the window beside Agent*
Agent’s eyes shoot to the window and standing there is Breaker holding up to the window, the draft note he had received.
“I was right,” Breaker mouths through the window.
Agent responds with his middle finger and an angry face.
A man in a black robe and hood covering his face approaches Lex while she is teaching Alice how to use a sword.
“Lex, of the Tygren family,” said the man.
“Nope, wrong ass kicker,” said Lex semi-ignoring him.
“Ok so where were we?” asked Lex to Alice.
“Alice, could me and your sister please talk alone?” asked the man.
“How does he know me and Lex?” thought Alice. She looks at the creepy man and says, “I don't think I should.”
“Ignore the crazy man Kim,” said Lex making up a random name.
The man then says, “don't be a brat Alice, go away.”
“Listen bud!” Lex raised her voice and faces the man. “I will bash your fucking skull in if you talk to her like that again!”
A sigh come out from under the hood followed by, “I wish it didn't have to be this way.”
“Alice run!” yelled Lex widening her stance.
Eight men with swords jump down from the rooftop, six charge Lex and two chase Alice.
Alice, knowing that her sister is more than capable of taking care of herself, takes her leave.
Alice runs to the open street where there are civilians and a guard. The two men proceed to chase her until the guard steps in their way sword ready. Not wanting to leave the guard to fight both guys, Alice turns around and draws her sword. One guy swings at the guard and he blocks it with his shield. The guard quickly stabs the man in the chest and goes to fight the other man but was too late. Alice already killed him.
“Just like Lex taught me,” thought Alice.
Next thing Alice knows, the guard’s shield above her head and a metallic bang. She sees a man holding a bow on top of a roof. The guard then throws his sword and it pierces the man, dropping him.
Alice and the guard make eye contact.
“Hey, this guard is in my class, and he's one of the new guys that saved Sean and me…I think.” thought Alice.
The guard smiles at Alice and says, “You're in my class right?”
“Yeah,” smiled Alice. “Alice, yourrrrrrr Breaker right?”
The smile from the guards face disappears and he responds, “no.”
Alice thinks in her head, “shit, I’m an idiot! So embarrassing!”
“I'm just kidding,” the guard smiles again. “I’m Breaker.”
“I should have known,” her girly laugh. “Class clown pulling a fast one on me.”
Breaker pulls the arrow out of his shield and hands it the Alice, “here, a souvenir for your troubles.” He joked.
She takes it from him and before she could say anything Lex butts in, “are you okay Al-sorry didn't mean to interrupt.”
“No-no it's not like that,” said Alice. “He just helped me again.”
Lex looks up and down Breaker with her eyes and says, “thanks for helping my sister out.”
“Anything for a classmate,” said Breaker. “Also it's sorta my job… you-know, being a guard and all.”
“Classmates ehy?” Lex raises the right side of her lip raising her one eyebrow at Alice.
Alice grabs Lex’s hand and pulls her away. “We gotta get going. C’ya Breaker.”
Alice and Lex walk away.
“Your new friend has crazy high magic capacity. Like more than me,” Lex winked.
“Why is it every time i talk to a guy you try to get me to like them?” Asked Alice. “You always make guys seem better than they really are.”
“To get your mind off that scum ex boyfriend of yours,” said Lex.
“He wasn't that bad,” Said Alice.
“He legit has almost killed Sean twice now, not to mention he swung a sword at you.” said Lex.
“Don't remind me,” said Alice.
“Sir, the Magic council attempted to capture the Tygren girl,” said man in a skin tight black uniform to an evil man in the shadows.
“Did you get the boy?” The evil voice.
“No sir, he was being followed,” the man in black.
“Send in a squad of your best men. You bring me that boy today, or your head tomorrow,” the evil voice.
“Sorry i'm late, I had guard duty,” said Breaker after arriving in a forest.
“Your teaching me how to fight today right?” asked Sean eagerly.
“I’m teaching you how to defend yourself,” rephrased Breaker.
“That's good too!” said Sean.
Breaker looks to the woods as if looking for something, and draws his sword.
“Is something wrong?” Asked Sean.
“We are being watched,” said Breaker. “Step out where I can see you!”
A bald man with high muscle tone steps out from behind a tree with an innocent face.
Breaker lowers his swords and says, “who are you?”
“I’m...” said the man. “Boris i think.”
“You think?” asked Breaker.
“I'm pretty sure,” said Boris awkwardly.
“Is he messing with us?” Asked Sean.
“I don't think so,” said Breaker.
Breaker notices a blood stain on Boris’s shoulder.
“Are you alright Boris?” Breaker walks a little closer.
Boris takes a couple steps back.
“What's wrong?” Asked Breaker.
“You're going to hurt me,” said Boris looking afraid.
“Why would I hurt you?” Asked Breaker.
“I watched you communicate amongst each other. People tend to hurt me when I do that,” said Boris.
“Why were you watching us?” Asked Breaker.
“You guys are friends. I like to watch people be friends,” said Boris.
Breaker thinks in his head, “what is up with this guy.”
“Don't you have your own friends to hang out with?” Asked Sean.
“No, No friends,” said Boris.
“Family?” Asked Sean.
“I don't think so, no family,” said Boris.
“Ok this guy is definitely messing with us,” said Sean.
“He's not lying Sean,” said Breaker. “Boris, how old are you?”
“I… I don't know,” said Boris. “I woke up on ground few days ago.”
“Hey boys! Whats up!” JJ showing up with a stocky guy with medium short dirty blonde hair.
“Boris here had his mind wiped,” said Breaker.
“Is his shoulder bleeding?” asked the stocky guy stepping closer to Boris who backs up.
“Wait Kyle, he is afraid of us,” said Breaker
JJ slowly takes a step towards Boris and says, “it's alright man, we won't hurt you,”
“Are you all friends with each other?” asked Boris.
“Yes, do you want to be our friend too?” asked JJ.
“You mean you won't hit me and call me mean things?” asked Boris.
“This guy looks like he's 20 and jacked as fuck, but talks like a child, it's odd that anyone would dare hit him,” thought JJ.
“Come here Boris and let me look at your shoulder,” said Kyle.
“What will you do to me,” said Boris.
“I will help you, we all will,” Kyle said.
“Why would you help me?” asked Boris.
“Because that's what friends do,” Said JJ.
Boris’s eyes light up and the fear fades. “We are friends?”
“Do you want to be our friend?” asked JJ.
“I do, but…” Boris paused. “I don't know how to be a friend.”
“We will teach you, come over here man,” said Kyle.
Boris walks over to someone unexpected. Of all people to approach he walks up to Sean and says, “I think we have met before this instance.”
“Ummm, I don't think I have ever seen you before,” Sean says.
“I'm sorry,” says Boris.
“Hold still, I have to heal up your arm,” said Kyle as his eyes begin to glow green and a green aura surrounds his hands.
“You have green eyes.” states Boris as if he didn't already know.
“His eyes are green because he is tapping into powerful green magic. Do you not know about magic?” asked JJ.
“Not in depth,” said Boris.
“Well i'm not going to tell you all there is to know right now, but basically Kyle is combining his inner green magic with pure magic in his hand causing a healing effect.”
Suddenly Boris’s eyes turn red, “we have people coming this way,” he said.
“Holy shit he has red magic,” said Breaker
“Wait, who is coming for us,” said JJ.
“The bad people,” said Boris.
“Alain,” said a man in fancy purple clothes and a crown on his head.
“Yes my lord?” responded a tall strong man with a beard tied under his chin.
“Seize the city of Greatfold,” the crowned man said.
“As you wish,”