The man who told major Walls that he would save Greatfold stands in strange lands. The damp soil under his feet and ten feet ahead is all you see past the thick and cold fog. There is no sky to be seen, there is little color. Other than the color on his clothes everything is some shade of grey. The man stands as if waiting for someone.
A silhouette in the fog approaches the man until its appearance is revealed. It has human like traits such as two arm, two legs and a head. However its eyes are pure black and its skin is pale. It has long boney fingers and black scraggly hair that touches his shoulders.
“Greetings Goki,” said the man in a warm voice.
“That is no way to greet the right hand man of King Purgatory. Here, you're better off being your other self,” said the black eyed man.
“I am not worried,” the man made known is his warm voice. “I play too large of a role in your plan for you to let anything happen to me.”
Frustration strikes the pale face of Goki. “Wetherby, I don't have time for your games. Did Walls agree to the terms?”
The man's face now scolds, “if you don't watch your tone, I may go upstairs and tell them myself.”
“Your tricks may work on your human leaders, but not me. After one thousand years i've learned pick out a bluff,” Goki notes.
Wetherby hides his scold and changes the subject, “So how are we going to be sure that we aren't discovered?”
“Demons are fasts, quiet and effective. Perhaps you will mind your tongue next time you come here and remember that,” said Goki.
“Its settled then?” asked Wetherby ignoring Goki’s comment.
“My men are already on the move,” said Goki.
Alice is walking home from Xander’s house where she spent a few hours.
“I have never met such a nice guy,” thought Alice. “He’s polite, he’s a good listener and always says the right thing.”
“Alice!” Lex’s voice calls out from behind her. “Wait up!”
Alice lets Lex catch up.
“Whats going on Alice? I hear you had a little breakdown,” asked Lex.
“I was just being emotional as always,” replied Alice.
“Want to talk about it?” asked Lex.
“I sorta just talked about it for the past three hours,” said Alice.
“With that cute boy Susan told me about?” wondered Lex.
“She doesn't keep her mouth shut does she?” asked Alice.
“She's worried about you Alice, and so am I,” said Lex.
“Worry? What is there to worry about? Other than, you-know. The fact that Sean is missing. Or the fact that you are leaving and you might not even come home. Orrrr, the fact that i'm a failure to the Tygren name,” ranted Alice.
Lex knows that Alice is about to cry so she wraps her arms around her and says, “first of all, I am coming home. Im Lex Tygren, the ass kicker. Second of all you have the potential, we just gotta find you a teacher. Third of all Sean is fine.”
“What’s wrong guys?” Sean's voice.
Alice and Lex simultaneously verify the voice. Sean, Boris, Breaker, and JJ stand to the side.
“Sean!” Alice and Lex shout.
“And friends!” Breaker add’s as a joke.
“How did you guys get Sean back?” asked Lex.
“Actually I wasn't taken, Breaker saved me last minute,” said Sean.
Lex walks up to Breaker and lightly punches him in the shoulder as a thank you. When her fist touches his shoulder she feels that his magic level is very low.
“What did you do to get your magic so low?” asked Lex.
“I lifted a five pound dumbbell like six times,” Breaker joked.
“He swapped me and himself with only pure magic,” Sean butts in.
“Wow, when?” asked Lex.
“Two days ago,” said Sean.
“First of all you have been around for two days and didn't come by and let me and Alice know you were okay? Second of all he still has dangerously low magic after two days? Most of it should have regenerated by now,” said Lex.
Boris’s eyes glow red and he looks at Breaker, “she’s right. There is little improvement in him.”
“That's not normal, you should see a doctor about that,” said Alice.
“Nah, it's normal for my magic to recover slowly. That’s why I rely on my sword, not my magic,” Breaker denys.
“Wait, you're good with a sword?” Alice asked excitedly.
Breaker looks at Alice with a slightly confused look, “yeeeees, why?”
“Oh uh, no reason,” lied Alice slightly blushing and pulling her hair behind her ears.
“Everyone is looking at me, this is so embarrassing!” thought Alice.
“She was wondering Breaker,” Lex speaks on behalf of Alice. “If you could teach her the ways of the sword.”
“You don't have to,” Alice quickly and uncomfortably jumps in. “You-know, if you don't want to. But if you have nothing better to do and if you're feeling up to it. I’m a fast learner. I'd be out of your hair in no time.”
“I sound like a babbling idiot. There is no way he’ll teach me,” thought Alice.
“That wasn’t awkward at all,” sarcastically stated Breaker.
“sorry,” Alice says thinking that Breaker implied no. “I can find another teacher,”
“You don't want me to teach you?” asked Breaker.
“Yes, I mean no, I mean I do,” babled Alice.
“Well that covers pretty much everything,” joked Breaker. “I'll be teaching Sean tomorrow at seven A.M. your welcome to join.”
“She will be there,” said Lex.
“Seven? That means I have to wake up at like six. What did I get myself into, “thought Alice.
“Enjoy sleeping in tomorrow, because usually we start at like five in the morning,” said Breaker.
Alice stands quietly but you can see the screaming in her head by the look on her face.
“Don't worry Alice, he's kidding,” assured Sean.
“Thank god, because I would die,” said Alice.
A soldier walks into Major Walls office to report.
“Did you get word to Captain Cucumber?” asked Walls.
“Yes, but he refused to fall back, he says his own scouts found the goblin’s army crushed,” said the soldier.
“All of them? By who?” asked Walls.
“Yes all 8000 goblin found dead, and no one knows who did it,” said the soldier.
“How does an army take out 8000 goblins without a trace?” asked Walls.
“I don't know sir,” said the soldier.
Walls notices Wetherby leaning against the doorframe of his office, “dismissed,” said Walls to the soldier.
The soldier leaves the room and Wetherby approaches Walls with a smile. “Well-Well,” he says.
“I guess you succeeded at giving Greatfold a fighting chance,” said Walls.
“Indeed I did,” agreed Wetherby. “Now we talk business,”
“Not yet, there is still an army of Quali marching on Greatfold,” Walls reminded Wetherby.
“Fine, we'll wait then,” said Wetherby.
The warning bells of Greatfold sound. Citizens flee from the streets and soldiers rush to their battle stations. Citizens screaming with fear while the soldiers are silent with confusion.
Agent, and two officers, one about 40 years old with grey balding hair and the other about 25 years old with black stubble hair; are sitting at a large round table in a confined room discussing the battle plan.
“Agent, you will cover the east flank, I suspect that it will be a small priority for the Quali. I will give you 50 spearmen, 50 swordsmen and 25 archers to command,” told the older officer.
“Understood Colonel Lou,” confirmed Agent to the older officer.
“Captain Cutt, you will cover the north flank, you will have all of your normal soldiers,” told Colonel Lou to the younger officer. “I will cover the west and south side with my men minus the ones I assigned to Agent.”
Captain Cutt replied with a slight nod to Lou.
“Agent,” said Lou. “your men are waiting for you at the east wall, go and lead them to victory.”
“Yes sir,” saluted Agent before leaving the confined room.
Agent arrives at the East flank tower where Breaker, Boris, JJ and 5 soldiers stand.
“Please tell me that you're escorting our officer or something,” said Breaker looking concerned.
“I am the officer for this flank,” said Agent. “I am appointing JJ as my second in command,”
“I'll listen to JJ,” said Breaker.. “But not a chance in Hell are you giving me orders.”
“Breaker, this is serious, you have to take it seriously,” said Agent.
“I am taking this seriously, just not taking you seriously,” Breaker made known.
“If you don't listen to me then that’s treason,” said Agent angrily.
“Enough boys. We have hostiles no more than ten minutes away from the walls,” JJ interrupted. “Our spearmen are standing in front of the gates, the archers are on the walls and the swords men are behind the gate as backup.”
“Pull those spears behind the gate, we could use the gate as a choke point and it will give the archers more time the thin out the hostiles. Put the swordsmen behind the archers on the walls, if they brought ladders the swordsmen will move to the front when the ladders are up,” ordered Agent.
Two of the soldiers leave the tower to give the orders.
“As much as it pain’s me to say this, but that is a smart move,” thought Breaker.
“Breaker, you are likely the best swordsmen on this flank, you will stand with JJ on the walls and you will go where you are needed most. JJ you will be on the wall to make the quick small decisions. Boris, you will be with me, I may need your eyes,” listed Agent.
“Did someone hear something?” asked Breaker acting as if Agent isn't there.
“Breaker you fucking idiot! This is not the time!”
“I guess it was just the wind,” ignored Breaker.
Agent clinches his fists and begins to shake with anger.
“Doesn't he understand how serious this is! He’s fucking putting the city in danger just to be a fucking asshole!” thought Agent.
“Breaker let's go to wall,” ordered JJ.
“Fucking rights! Lets go fuck’em up!” cheered Breaker.
Breaker and JJ leave the tower and head to the wall. Agent, Boris and the three soldiers move the the top of the tower where they can see the entire East flank.
Somewhere around 50 purple soldiers in a tight square formation approach the closed gate. A small battering ram and some ladders is all the equipment that can be seen from this far.
All the Greatfold archers are lined up on the walls, bows pulled back and ready to fire. The swordsmen are almost done lining up behind the archers. The spearmen formed a spear wall just in front of the gate.
“First day on the job, I have to make a good impression,” thought Agent outloud.
“I'm sorry. I'm not sure if your talking to me or not,” questioned Boris.
“When i’m focused I have a habit of thinking out loud, I will get your attention if I am talking to you, don't worry,” said Agent.
“That seems like quite a lot of hostiles,” said Boris nervously.
“We have the defenders advantage,” said Agent.
“I hope my friends down there don't get hurt,” said Boris.
“They will be fine, but I have to focus,” said Agent. “In the meantime, use your eyes to see if there are any other hostiles coming.”
Boris’s eyes turn red and he sees nothing out of the ordinary.
JJ and Breaker stand over the gate and watch the purple soldiers as they get closer,. The archers lined up on both sides of them are ready to fire.
“Fire!” orders JJ.
A quick burst of arrows fly at the hostiles. The hostiles retaliate by charging at the gate with a battering ram. The purple soldiers are only about 30 meters away from the gate.
“Take out the hostiles carrying the battering ram!” ordered JJ.
Arrows are rapidly falling down on the enemy’s but only killing a few at a time due to their shields being up.
“JJ, ladders,” pointed Breaker at the left side of the gate.
“Swordsmen! If ladders touch the wall you must protect the archers!” announced JJ.
Over the sounds of metal on metal and moans of dying soldiers, a horn blows. A horn that is not recognized by anyone in Greatfold. It was then when more purple soldiers that were hidden in the trees charge.
Agent and Boris see the sudden extension of the purple army from the top of the tower.
“Boris! Did you not see that?” panicked Agent.
“They were hiding in the forest,” said Boris.
“But you saw the ninja’s when they were in the forest?” questioned Agent.
“When I use these eyes, It isn't the people themselves I see. I sense magic, and people aren't the only things that have magic. Nature also has magic, it's hard to pick out people from trees when they are close. I only saw the ninja because they were very fast moving dark magic,” explained Boris.
“Fuck!” shouted Agent.
The wave of purple continues to pour out of the trees.
“There is no end,” said one of the soldiers.
“Go ask Colonel Lou for reinforcements! Now!” urged Agent.
The soldier rushes down the tower stairs.
“What are we going to do?” asked Boris.
“Everything we can,” replied Agent watching as several ladders reach the walls and as the gate is battered down.
Purple soldiers smash into the spearmen wall. Purple soldiers are bunching up on the walls.