People Left: Taylor, G, E, Belle, Candi, Beck, Tammi, Tris, Sylvia, O
Sylvia backed into a corner of the room, her back to the brick wall. This was it. This was how she was to meet her end. She looked at the phone in her hand, and screamed. Why? Why did she have to be the one to die? "I hope you're happy!" she screamed. "The police will never forgive a cop killer!"
The police don't forgive killers, period. They won't forgive /you/. You think you're any better than me? You have the blood of 8 people on your hands! -O
"Show your face to me, you coward!" Sylvia screamed. "Face me, and prove you have some semblance of dignity!"No response came. Not even a text. So Sylvia waited. And waited. And waited. Her ears rang in the silence, no one to keep her company. She waited 5 seconds, 20 years, a day, 45 minutes, for another text to come in.
Your time's up. And you know what the kicker is, Officer Reagen? None of this was real. -O
What. What?! What exactly, did that mean?! What are you saying?! -Sylvia
It wasn't real. None of this was. Every character, every line, it was all me. There was no E who sacrificed themself for you. There was no widow and mother of 2 trying to reason with you. There was never even a delusional bookkeeper. It was all fake. -O
Sylvia didn't know how to respond.
Oh, you are such a bad person, Sylvia. Killing all those people? Tsk, tsk. Imagine the blood on your hands. 8 people's voices recorded, everyone dead, all because /you/ chose them. It's your fault those people are no longer walking the streets. -O
Why me? Why not some other cop? -Sylvia
My father died by the police force, putting flowers on my brother's grave. He was shot, and the police didn't bother calling an ambulance until he had already bled out. The person behind that gun, the one on patrol, was you, Sylvia. You killed not only my brother, but an unarmed man. You are the scum of the earth, and you need to see that before your final days. -O
Sylvia blinks. The realization hits her. "Oliver," she whispers. "His name is Oliver."
At least she'll know the person who is going to shoot her.
And now you're free to go. -O
Wait. Wait wait wait. What?!
You simply needed to see that you're not above the law because you're an officer. Now that you've seen that for yourself, it's time for you to make one final choice. Outside, there will be a table, and I will be sitting behind it. On the table is a knife, a gun, and a set of handcuffs. You can torture me, kill me, arrest me, or let me go, and no matter what, I won't resist you. It's your choice to make. -O
Sylvia blinked at the phone screen, seeing the words but not really comprehending them. It was fake? It was all...fake?!
The door unlocked. Sylvia stood, walking up to the door and slowly opening it. On the other side, just like he promised, was Oliver sitting at a table, a smirk playing on his lips. "So what will it be, Syl?" he taunted. "Gonna kill off the rest of my family? Lock me up and throw away the key?"
Sylvia stumbled up to the table, eyes glassy. Her hands hovered over the tools. She grabbed the gun, and held it to Oliver's head.
The door leading to the outside world banged open. "Sylvia! Put the gun down!"
Dentor. You always said you'd be there for me. Sylvia laughed inanely. "They're dead. They're all dead...because of me."
"Sylvia," Dentor pleaded. "Put the gun down. We can solve this, just put the gun down!"
"It's too late," Sylvia laughed. "It's all too late."