No Plagiarism!xbgD2ou676WkObQWp3sxposted on PENANA People Left: Kyra, Taylor, G, E, Belle, Candi, Beck, Tammi, Tris, Sylvia, O8964 copyright protection1104PENANAFuUkhrqbYb 維尼
Th-thid duddenlt got too resl... -E8964 copyright protection1104PENANAZEKI6tE4Xr 維尼
Sylvia frowned. Was the they/she typing through tears?8964 copyright protection1104PENANA9oHqmzkbff 維尼
I know, I know. I really want to get out. -Kyra8964 copyright protection1104PENANAp8haOcguCm 維尼
We have to try to look on the upside. Candi won't have to deal with the next vote -Taylor8964 copyright protection1104PENANAO0NpfRjUes 維尼
But we do. So suck it up and let's decide now. -Sylvia8964 copyright protection1104PENANA6cWmTYQ0AH 維尼
A woman just /died/. Have you no sympathy? -G8964 copyright protection1104PENANA6q473MoCwg 維尼
Clearly you don't. You voted for me. -Beck8964 copyright protection1104PENANA8BYEZ0EAGn 維尼
Only after you voted for me! -G8964 copyright protection1104PENANA8XeAMwUm88 維尼
Stop it! Stop it all of you! -E8964 copyright protection1104PENANAMF2oajHIef 維尼
E is right, we all need to take a deep breath and calm down. -Belle8964 copyright protection1104PENANAtfFGxYr2vP 維尼
Sylvia paused and listened. She pressed her ear to the locked door. O was laughing.8964 copyright protection1104PENANA4JK4V6Db6d 維尼
Guys, I can hear O laughing. -Sylvia8964 copyright protection1104PENANAqfgfNgxS3F 維尼
He is?! -Tammi8964 copyright protection1104PENANA0bwn8eq5tD 維尼
Creepy... -Tris8964 copyright protection1104PENANAbzANyTa4iP 維尼
I /told/ you guys. I /told/ you that we had to get along. -E8964 copyright protection1104PENANAYBvhdmciun 維尼
Oh, shut up, they/she! -Sylvia8964 copyright protection1104PENANADH3mWWq4L1 維尼
Cut that out! -Taylor8964 copyright protection1104PENANAHP8LkUHZuF 維尼
Oh why, just because you have a little crush on her? -Sylvia8964 copyright protection1104PENANAwzC7MU0Ujf 維尼
SHUT. UP. REAGAN. -Belle8964 copyright protection1104PENANAo06xB9dfct 維尼
What's your issue? -Sylvia8964 copyright protection1104PENANAa6HQZeucjs 維尼
You police officers are all the same...no sympathy whatsoever. -Beck8964 copyright protection1104PENANAhsyZY6rHEl 維尼
I do my job just fine! -Sylvia8964 copyright protection1104PENANATM1rNUfxWR 維尼
Yeah well that means squat here, Reagan. -G8964 copyright protection1104PENANAfDocsjDn7Z 維尼
You're the one I would've wanted out first, were the penalty not death. -Belle8964 copyright protection1104PENANAJb2D7oW5Q4 維尼
Sylvia scoffed. Oh, I'm so sure. Vote for me next time, if you really feel that way.8964 copyright protection1104PENANAFaJKvBtCXY 維尼
The chat went silent. Seconds ticked by. Okay. -Belle8964 copyright protection1104PENANAeRv1GjeHIx 維尼
Belle, that's not a good idea! -E8964 copyright protection1104PENANAHaMdbWXpCh 維尼
She volunteered herself. -Belle8964 copyright protection1104PENANAgT1BDc3x4D 維尼
This makes me uneasy... -Kyra8964 copyright protection1104PENANAQfR6BMwu6p 維尼
I'm on board. -Taylor8964 copyright protection1104PENANA7j4Y6cfKWa 維尼
Same here. -Beck8964 copyright protection1104PENANARmG9lbb1B2 維尼
Over here as well. -G8964 copyright protection1104PENANAcUsyjoeNm9 維尼
Tris, do something! -Tammi8964 copyright protection1104PENANAwQzzhqaemT 維尼
I hate to say it, but she /did/ volunteer. -Tris8964 copyright protection1104PENANAMJ5r8uOMjL 維尼
Cowards, all of you. -O8964 copyright protection1104PENANAyUAqyEJlA5 維尼
The chat stopped.8964 copyright protection1104PENANAG5IDmaeTJM 維尼
You think I'll accept someone volunteering with false bravado to die? You think that wanting to die will force me to kill you before you do it yourself? I won't spare you for something so "heroic". -O8964 copyright protection1104PENANAsxVNh3DB4M 維尼
Screw you. -Sylvia8964 copyright protection1104PENANAiqb78GnsKU 維尼
Someone banged on her door and she jumped. Flinching away, she moved to her bed. I /will/ kill you. -Sylvia8964 copyright protection1104PENANA7PJ7Fe5KrT 維尼
No you won't! -O8964 copyright protection1104PENANAPfZuwXuSyB 維尼