People Left: Kyra, Taylor, G, E, Belle, Candi, Beck, Tammi, Tris, Sylvia, O
Sylvia was typing when she felt a sharp pressure in her abdomen. Oh, no.
Guys...I need to pee. -Sylvia
So? How's that our problem? -Beck
Do you guys see bathrooms anywhere in your rooms? -Sylvia
A stretch of silence ensued, whist Sylvia paced across her room.
Would it be in bad taste to say crap? -E
Sylvia groaned. The pressure was building. She looked around. Not even a trashcan.
It's getting worse! There's nowhere to go! -Sylvia
We won't judge you if you have to go, you realize, right? -Belle
No. That was a line Sylvia had no intention of crossing. I am /not/ soiling myself. -Sylvia
Oh, I think you will be. I'm not letting you out, even to take a dump. -O
Sylvia cursed and felt a warm feeling spread across her crotch. She hadn't had an accident since she was three, and yelled a string of choice curse words, standing bow legged to keep the ammount of pee running down her legs to a minimum. Suddenly horror struck her. She was stuck here. She was legitamately stuck here. No one was coming to her rescue, not within 24 hours. No one cared that much. She was stuck.
And she was the top person to be shot next.
Sylvia was ripping herself a pair of underpants out of a pillow case. She wasn't using her old ones, that was for sure. Once a crude coverage was made, she ripped a hole in the bedsheet, pulled it and stratched it to fit her waist, and tore the edges into form, making a skirt. Her old underwear and jeans were in the puddle of her pee, which was going to be her designated "business" area from now on. She turned on the phone to check the group chat.
Have a good time peeing? -Tammi
...Please don't. I'm sorry for antagonizing you earlier. -Sylvia
Oh, finally showing a heart, are we? -Beck
Don't freak out. Don't antagonize. You need to stay alive. Look, I've been really freaked out, okay? I haven't known what to do. I'm sorry, okay? -Sylvia
It's okay, Sylvia. We all respond to stress our own way. -Belle
Sylvia smiled. Bless the idiots soul.
O came on the phone. It's time to vote again. -O