There were 9 people, excluding Sylvia, she could vote for at the end of the hour.
Kyra, the 21 year old religious student, Taylor, the high school kid who flirted with anything that typed, G, a male bookshop owner looking for love, E, the genderflux they/she of questionable nature, Belle, a widow and stay at home mother of 2, Candi, a barhopper who flirted more than Taylor, Beck, a pencil pusher in management at Staples, and Tammi and Tris, two bartenders who happened to be acquaintences from work.
So far, Kyra had gotten on her nerves the most, though Taylor and E were close seconds. And then there was O, who she didn't know squat about and was irritated by that fact.
Everyone was talking, getting to know each other, when O popped in. It's been an hour. Who do you choose?
E responded immediately: I'm abstaining from the vote. -E
Me too. -Taylor
I'm with them. -Kyra
Neither Tammi nor I want to vote -Tris
Beck? Candi? G? Belle?
Not voting. -Belle
I vote for...G. I'm sorry. -Beck
Wh-what?!?! I-I'm voting Beck! -G
I'm voting for Sylvia. Sorry, babe. -Candi
Sylvia frowned. Candi had no spine! She did nothing but go around to bars, and she didn't even have the conscience to stomach this?! Candi. And make it quick. -Sylvia
O was silent. You all are deadlocked. That means I choose someone at random. -O
The radio crackled to live. "Oh no, oh no, I hear someone at the door, guys. It's Candi! It's me! Someone help!"
Sylvia leaned back, satisfied with this choice.
"No! Oh my gosh, is that--? No! Please! NO!"
A gunshot echoed along with Candi's scream. The radio cut out and everyone lapsed into silence. O came on the chat.
You have one hour. -O