When it comes to anime, One Piece is the show to watch, and when one watches a show, pairings are certainly bound to appear. I-DONT-lIKE-i-OBSESS has made a request that I couldn't turn down, so it is time to type the most important of all One Piece shippings.
I have to say, there isn't a whole lot of pairings in One Piece, but there is one pairing that has always caught my attention. Also, please forgive me, but I don't know the names of any One Piece pairings Also, there may be a few spoilers if you aren't caught up, though I will try to avoid those.
Anyway, back on track, I think the most widely recognized shipping is Luffy and Nami, which i believe is called LuNa, but not sure. It's obvious that Luffy thinks a lot of her, so whats preventing their friendship from becoming so much more. I mean, Luffy lets her wear his straw hat. In the movie One Piece 10, Luffy is willing to sacrifice his life to get Nami back. He's saved her time and time again, and Nami really cares for him. She would scold him, but only for good reasons. Oda must ship this too, because on the cover picture of Chapter 699 Morning Paper, Luffy is the king, and Nami the queen. And everyone knows the king and queen go together.
Age doesn't always define a relationship, so I do support Zoro and Robin, though they aren't my favorite pairing, they show some potential. I never get why people jump on the Zoro/Nami bandwagon. If you ask me that makes as much sense as me as sparkly, sisified vampires.They interact so well, and age doesn't matter, especially not in anime. If age mattered, then twilight would make even less sense.Zoro can be mature, and ten years isn't that big as a gap. Plus they'd make a quiry couple. If you ship Zoro and Robin you get a -7 on your shipping ability. Same with Zoro and Tashigi. She's a marine for crying out loud.
You know those shippings you ship yet probbly aren't the best shipping in the world. Mine is Sanji and Violet. Sure Sanji is obsessed with women, while with Nami it seems kind of one sided. I just think it's a neat pairing, no real reason. I also ship Luffy and Law, because Law helped Luffy once when he didn't have to, and I had a dream that they were a shipping, and do I really need a reason?
So One Piece fans, what is you're favorite shipping(s)?
Next up-Homestuck.