You know how I told you guys I ship everyone, well Homestuck is one of those fandoms when I literally ship everyone, so I promise not to write something that will take you forever to read...ok that's a lie I plan to cover all my favorite shippings because I can. I also need more fandom suggestions. Or if you want me to do shippings for your story I can do that.
And if anyone doesn't know what Homestuck is, look it up now. And if you don't like Homestuck, shame on you! So I'll start us out with a list and then go into details as why this ship is awesome and why you should ship them.
Karkat/Nepeta is one of my main ships in this fandom, though honestly other than write an orgy based fanfic, I've paired just about all of them up. Anyway.
:33 Ok, so what can I say, Nepeta is very fond of this ship and I am too. Nepeta refers to the as OTP, so that has got to mean something. Plus her feelings parallel that of her ancestors. I'm honestly not sure how much Karkat feels for Nepeta, but I've always felt pretty strong about this pairing. Plus Karkat has gotten pretty defensive when it comes to Nepeta.
Kanaya/Rose-for starters, the first time we learn of Kanaya is when she messages Rose on her birthday, which has been the start of many a bad fanfiction I've written that will never see the light of day. They dated, they're canon, they make a great pairing though I know some people are against the troll/human pairings, but i don't care. Kanaya also shows she cares for Rose, and discourages her risky plans. Did I mention it's canon?
Dirk/Jake- They were a shipping, though Jake is a little reluctant because of how overbearing he was as a boyfriend. However he said it was better for him to stay out of Jake's life which...NO!! Do not ever do that. I need my shippings! Dirks liked Jake for years, and Jake likes Dirk. Yes, Dirk can be a dick, but those two should be together.
Dave/Jane-honestly I'm not even sure why I like this, since Dave belongs with John, but he does seem to like her, and there is some chemistry so I wanted to add this to my list, but you must know that as nice a pairing this is, Dave/John!! Shit, I can't even write this now, but it's a thing so yeah.
Equius/Aradia- we are going to ignore the fact that she said she never should have kissed him and focused on the fact she kissed him, which totally made this 100 percent and then some. Plus Im almost positive that Equius is the only one who can still weird her out in her ghost state. I'd say more but I must focus on the OTP
John/Dave (OTP!!)- So Dave considers John to be his best friend. "Friends" yeah sure...I'm not buying it, the two are totally together and will always be together in my books and I don't care what anyone says I will ship this until the day that I die because it is the perfect shipping, and the two have great chemistry and are really close friends, and love interests should also be best friends, which makes this totally a think and no I'm not acting like a 13 year old fangirling over Twilight <<....>>...<<...Ok, I totally am, but I don't care because this pairing is my OTP for this fandom, and if you don't support them I will have to pretend I didn't hear you or never discuss Homestuck with you...or bombard you with this pairing because it is the best and I don't even need a reason. They seem interested in each other, joke around, and they are totally a think because as the Master of Fandoms I declare that it should be so.