"Sadness! You've been at the controls for at least a month! It's my turn!" Joy whined.
Sadness looked over her shoulder at Joy and frowned. "But I'm the one who calls the shots, and I'm not done!"
Joy rolled her eyes and pushed sadness away. "You and Disgust have had long enough turns already. It's our turn."
E woke up and smiled. She was feeling good, for the first time in a long time.
Joy looked at Sadness and grinned. "See? She's glad to be happy."
"But you know what happens when she's happy...she crashes within the month. And then I come back for my turn. And she doesn't like it when she crashes."
Joy waved Sadness off. "I'm gonna make the most of my short time so that she doesn't feel so bad this time."
Fear and Anger ran to the controls, bowling over Disgust in their frenzy to get there. "There are going to be a lot of people at school today, we're going to be crushed!" Fear screamed.
"B had better not start breathing down our neck like he used to when we were younger, I'll slug him! And we took karate!" Anger exclaimed.
"Guys, guys, relax! E's gonna be just fine! And you know why? It's because I'm in control!" Joy soothed. "Let's get today started!"