Fear sat in a ball under the control pannel. "Danger."
"Where?" Sadness asked.
"DANGER. Dangerdangerdangerdangerdanger--" Fear repeated.
"Stop it! Where is the danger, how do I get us out of it?" Disgust exclaimed.
"They're coming to get us. They'll find us, and they'll kill us! We'll be 6 feet under by the end of the day!"
"Who is 'they'?!?!" Disgust yelled.
"You'll be crushed, E. Everyone is yelling at you and mad at you and they just want to get rid of you. They'll crush you as soon as you're in their grasp!" Fear yelled at the console.
"Who is they?! Why?! What is this?!" Anger yelled, confused, and as always, angry that he wasn't in the loop.
"They will kill you," Fear said at the console, patting in consolingly.
...I hate it when you're right... a voice carried though E's head.
"Was that...?" Joy asked in shock.
"That was her." Sadness said with conviction, "That was E."
E sat trembling in her seat, gripping her pencil, hands clapped over her ears to block out the sound. I hate it when you're right, she thought miserably.