"Unstable. That's what we are," Joy called from the manuals.
Sadness looked over at Joy and sighed. "Well, yeah. But if we weren't slightly unstable, we wouldn't be human, would we?"
Joy sighed. "Not the normal unstable, Sadness. Legitamately unstable. You and I fighting--that's not supposed to happen to this extreme. It borders--"
"Bipolar disorder?" Sadness filled in. "Bipolar Type 2 has severe depression-me-and hypomania-you, but watered down a bit."
Joy stood up. "So you know this is a problem!"
"But I'm in charge, and what I say, goes. And I'm not giving up my spot without a fight. So we're gonna live with it."
"Sadness, we're not equipped to deal with this sort of thing on our own!"
Sadness shrugged. "Well, we'll learn."
"That's not how it works! We can't just learn on our own, that's how we couldn't play those piano songs correctly for weeks!"
Sadness looked at the screen and frowned. "It will. It has to."