The new medication appeared in HQ quickly. "Hi, everyone, I'm Abilify," they said. "I'm going to be making sure all of you get along with each other."
Joy cheered. "Hey! Welcome! DO I get to be at the controls again?! Sadness has been turning E a little...dark lately."
Abilify motioned to the controls. Joy cheered, but Abilify held her back. "Hold on, now. You're not going to be the only one working there, you know."
Joy frowned. "What do you mean?"
"I mean," Abilify said, grabbing Sadness by the hand, "You're going to be working the controls with Sadness."
"What?!" Joy asked. "Are you insane?! Sadness just makes E want to kill herself!"
"Trust me," Abilify said, "You'll learn to like it this way."
Joy looked at Sadness uncertainly, and started working the controls while Sadness pressed a few buttons, negating the happiness Joy was trying to instill. "She's messing up my signals!" Joy complained.
"No, I'm not," Sadness protested. "I'm muting them. Don't you realize you're giving her hypomania?"
"Am not! I'm making her happy!"
Abilify looked between the two and sighed. This was going to take a little while of explaining.