A/N: This is a villanelle I wrote based on a few ideas and listening to some Melanie Martinez songs. For those that don't know how a villanelle is composed, an incredibly eloquent and well-known example is "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night" by Dylan Thomas. It's pretty repetitive, but has a very interesting flow to it. Villanelles are associated with obsession, so I wanted to incorporate the poem type with the theme (stalking as an obsession). Thank you all, lovelies! If you enjoyed the poem, feel free to like or review, and if you want to read more random poetry, you can always bookmark this for later. I'll probably publish a couple sonnets and a few free verse as well as some "zarg" poems at a later time.
You’re completely crazy,
Taking pictures of me when I’m at home,
You’ve gone past the point of scaring me.
Keep telling me I’m the girl of your dreams,
Now I hear your heavy breathing on the phone,
You’re freaking crazy.
You think we’re playing hide and seek,
You followed me to my place after the show,
You’re past the point of scaring me.
Finding photos of me hidden in sheets,
Watch me from your window,
You’re absolutely crazy.
Suddenly you love terrorizing me,
Why won’t you leave me alone?
You’ll never stop scaring me.
Why can’t you let me be free?
You’ve chilled me to the bone.
You’re completely crazy,
You’re way beyond scaring me.