The streets stood abuzz with activity, people on the move from fruit stand to buildings. In the streets many clapped, many dancing, some even singing. Their arms linked, chained in fact, they skipped and haulered out. Through the middle of the commotion the two walked, Dawn and Illiya. Dawn’s head shot left to right, skipping every so little bit right behind Illiya.
“Oh my gosh! Illiya, what’s going on?! I’ve never seen streets so lively!”
“Heh heh, really? Well I suppose you wouldn’t if you haven’t really left the center of the city. You see, the further out you get the less orderly things get. Just like with mortals, the wealthy enjoy their comfort and the poor enjoy the freedom that they do have. Not all worlds are like that but to the decent few, yeah.”
“So, they just dance all the time?”
“Nah. They’re probably celebrating the recent contract with the Celestial Kingdom. It’s sort of a big deal you know. Kind of hilarious really.”
“Hmm? What is?”
“People die to be given another chance, yet for them nothing really changes. We’re spirits through and through yet we require nourishment and even wealth to go places.”
“Heh, well yeah. It gives the afterlife some meaning. No one here is really poor or whatever though, we’re able to help everyone!”
“That’s the bonus I suppose, yeah.”
“So Illiya, why did you become a knight?”
“Well like I said earlier, I’m just a ranger. I guess my goal though is to live up to my father’s legacy.”
“Your father?”
“Yeah, Cardinal Rain Murasame.”
“Whaaa-?! Your dad is a Cardinal?!” Dawn screeched shooting up in front of Illiya, quickly slamming her hands onto Illiya’s shoulders.
“Heh, yeah?”
“What?! That’s so cool!”
“Heh, says the princess of a kingdom.”
“Gosh, being a princess isn’t THAT neat. So, why the need to live up to something?”
“The Murasame name is known as a legacy of people who perform tremendously, and I don’t want to let the name down. My brother actually is just a few years older than me and he’s already a Priest. Then there’s my sister who is working alongside the Bishops.”
“Holy cow,” came the response, both continuing to walk at that point.
“Yeah, heh heh. You know, I can respect wanting to be different but following something doesn’t always hurt you know.”
“Pft. You have all the freedom so long as you get to be what you want. As a princess I have no right to take my own path, I absolutely HAVE to be what they want me to be. It sucks.”
“Freedom. Heh, such an interesting word, isn’t it? Freedom is not something anyone just has, not until they pay their dues and the price for it. Everyone gets certain levels of it that others do not. I’d say while not free free, you still have some level of freedom. So why are you so set on wanting to become a knight?”
“Because it’s so exciting! My eldest brother and sister, they get to train and do everything since they’re the closest to being heirs of the throne. They have more responsibility and yet more freedom to do what they want, even take missions. The rest of us though, we just have to uphold the political image.”
“You’d think being a Celestial Being it would be different, unlike with being a mortal princess.”
“Not at all. It sucks. I just, I just want to see things you know? You guys have it easy since you get to go on missions all the time.”
“I suppose that is a benefit, yeah, so long as the Celestial Kingdom continues their contract with Starset.”
“Pft, you’re a Cardinal’s kid, you have more rights even if they shut the contract down. Uh, by the way, what are the contracts?” Dawn said stopping in place, her expression moderately puzzled.
“W-wait, are you serious?” Illiya followed, stopping to quickly zoom back around.
“Look, all they’re teaching me right now is political garbage about other kingdoms, like how to do barter trade or keep good negotiation rights. Not that any of that matters in Elysium, we’re all friendly to one another since the Cardinals just punish anyone jerkish.”
“Well uh… you see, the Cardinal Program. Typically they have their Priests handle most missions that are serious but in times like these when things are a little too busy, they contract some of the best kingdoms to carry on lesser missions that cadets or rangers can do, even missions for knights. In exchange for that we get more resources up front compared to non-contracted kingdoms.”
“Silly how that works.”
“Eh, I guess. But still, it can be kinda fun. Or at least when you’re not teamed up with a bunch of jack wagons,” Illiya grumbled.
“Oh gosh, like those guys I sent flying?”
“Eh, they’re tolerable. I’m talking arrogant people who can’t work together.”
“Oh, I see.”
“Although, there’s more to being a fighter than just having fun and dealing with people, a lot more?”
“Oh? Tell me.”
“Honor, pride, a sense of right and wrong. To protect people from the demons that threaten everyone.”
“Even here in Elysium there are threats lurking at every corner, demons and bad souls that manage to slip through that still seek what they think is there own.”
“Pft, what? Souls can’t just slip into Elysium! Er, can they?”
“Happens more than you would think. Just the other day they accidentally let some guy in that killed four-hundred and thirty, uh. Oh gosh what was it, eight? Yeah, lot of people. They let him in by mistake. People die so fast it’s at times hard to track everyone. Not to mention, just because you’re born here, doesn’t mean you’re full of virtue. Even here in Starset’s Capital, there are thugs who are full of ambition. Mostly just street punks and bandits but sinners nonetheless.”
“I, I don’t get how we could allow such people to just wander a place as holy as Elysium.”
“Elysium isn’t the pearly gates Dawn. Even if it were, there are probably some in Heaven who slip through just as easily. The endless mystery of the water’s drift, ripples formed by the Goddess’s cry. Through Sin and Virtue, the endless dance begins to blossom, flowing on in the abyss of life. Balanced, two forces in unison, the chaos and order call for the morrow be it barren or fertile. Torn asunder is the world where her voice is unreached. Only as one can her gift be felt, only as one can her truth be found. That is The Goddess’s Song, her chosen gift to those that yet live.”
“Whoa, what-”
“The Goddess’s Gift. It can be interpreted many ways. To me, I see it as yin and yang. Without sin, there can be no virtue. Without virtue, there can be no sin. Through their balance, we have life. This is why the Cardinals’s hold their own and do not step too far, why even in Elysium we must quest like those in life as mortals.”
“Whoa… that’s, that’s deep actually.”
“Most poetry is. Perhaps another time I’ll tell you more of my favorites. Anyways, let’s cut through the Shintaris District real quick. We’ll get back quicker and maybe have time to stop for some tea if you’d like. There’s this really good shop there that has the best sweets.”
“Sounds great, I’m in!”540Please respect copyright.PENANAUgORL3XR43