“Step this way now, come along, single file! Single file!” barked the voice of a man.
A variety of feet shuffled with the sound of steps echoing off the walls. Shuffling feet and light chatter, a hall full of several dozen children on the move behind two teens. The children walked fully attentive with their heads moving around observing everything, while ahead of them the two teens moved very differently.
One walked with arms behind their back and head forward, his mouth moving as his glasses slid down his face ever so slightly. A firm walk, a commanding walk, well dressed and mannered. Beside him walked another, one a tad more clumsily thrown together with hair sticking out everywhere, arms behind his head, casually throwing his feet out as he walked with a bland expression. The two glared at each other as they moved ahead.671Please respect copyright.PENANAJc3sAJ36OW
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“A-Advisor Illiago, Sir!”
“Good, I’m glad I found you two.”
“Eh, what is it old man?”
“Ugh, your speech is as offsetting as your appearance Silas. Fine, I’m glad I just found you at the very least Enzo.”
“What do you need sir?”
“I have to attend to Her Majesty’s Celebration of Arms and organize the spectacle. Originally I was supposed to, ahem… direct some cadets around the barracks and educate them on the Union’s Military. As I can not do that now, I figured a brainiac such as you would enjoy some extracurricular activity like this.”
“Y-you want me to? Sir I am honored!”
“I knew you would be,” Illiago replied while casually muttering under his breath, “Nerdling.”
A pause.
“Right then, I’m off. Oh and Mr. Deveron, take Mr. Carolus with you. He could use the, heh heh, refresher on how to be a knight.”
“Oh keep talking Illiago. We’ll see who the funny one is once I become a General.”
“A street rat like you becoming a General? Ha! You are certainly still humorous youngling. The cadets will be here in an hour. Good luck to the both of you,” Illiago concluded walking away.671Please respect copyright.PENANA2yeQIwaUyN
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Silas looked away from Enzo, his eyes scrunching as Enzo continued, “And over here cadets, this is the mess hall where all future knights will of course dine and exchange stories of their choosings. You might make many a friend here, maybe even talk strategy. Meals are served every two hours as per rotation of active duty and guard assignments, of which you can only get three through regulation and the rest out of your credit. Meals are typically served with bread, usually whole wheat, a protein of some variety, dairy, of course juice. Most meals consist of… oh and then up ahead is where you will be sleeping one day. The sheets are made of all natural material cotton and real Latex. The thread count is of course-”
“Enzo for the love of Asura just stop being so consistent about this,” Silas muttered.
Enzo paused mid-sentence with a glare right at Silas, to which Silas simply exchanged a glance, “What? I’m just saying. I don’t think many of them care about the specifics of all this rubbish.”
“Forgive Silas cadets, he’s a sad sad individual that doesn’t grasp the concept of orders or anything of the sort.”
“I’m not a sad individual Enzo, I just don’t have the time for the mundane garbage that guys like you and Illiago spit out. I have a sense of duty, not a sense of being all knowing.”
“There is nothing wrong with a little knowledge you know Silas.”
“Oh, let’s see then. Cadets, is Sir Deveron over here boring you? Be honest.”
In unison, the many dozens of children spoke out, “Yes!”
Enzo turned his head around to see them, then to Silas to deliver a quick scowl as Silas continued, “I don’t mean to embarrass you mate but come on, they’re here to see what being a Knight is all about. Not to become miniature know-it-alls like you. Even Illiago doesn’t like you when you’re like this.”
“What? Advisor Illiago likes me you jerk. That’s why he gave me this important task, to educate the youth.”
“While walking away I heard him mutter that you were an idiot. He gave you this job because he didn’t want to and knew you would love it to massage your ego.”
“You’re just jealous. I don’t get why you don’t like him at all either.”
“Because the guy is a shrew that just uses people. He’s a bit of a coward too.”
At once everyone behind the two began to break out into laughter.
“What, I’m just being honest,” Silas concluded.
“Fine since you seem to know what’s what you show them around, jerk!”
“Leave it to you to be offended by that. Illiago put you in command, you do it. I’m just a Lowly Ranger after all when compared to you advisory type people.”
The hall rumbled at once, the glass to their right overlooking the training field shattering. Screams could be heard as Enzo fell over in shock, leaving Silas to simply block the shards with an arm while continuing to look. Below a blast had gone off and from it a figure flew off skidding across the ground, “Dangit!” came the yell of a girl.
“Oh gosh, she’s at it again?”
“Guh, who what huh?”671Please respect copyright.PENANAhLhmSOdTA1
“Princess Dawn. She’s been consistently working on her magic for the last few months. Finally got to manifest something just last week except it keeps blowing up in her face.”
“Shouldn’t she not be doing this silly stuff though? She’s a princess, she should be-”
“Are you questioning royalty?”
“Er, no no not one bit.”
“Thought so. From what I hear, Dawn actually wants to be a fighter and become a knight. Alright, here’s the game plan. Cadets, how about we go and have a little fun of our own?”
“Silas, what are you-”
“Ah come on it’ll be a blast. We have a mission tomorrow Enzo, why not warm up a little bit and show the cadets how Rangers do battle?”
“Silas I’m not much of a fighter.”
“Nonsense, you’ll be just fine Enzo. All rangers need to have the ability to fight pretty well, not just knowledge. Even Illiago knows how to fight. Flex your muscles a bit man.”
“F-fine. Just don’t get me yelled at for this.”
“Nonsense, this is part of the job my friend!”671Please respect copyright.PENANAAsbF151o09