“FUCK!” came the shout of a deep voiced male.
Immediately following the yell there came a blast, the crackle of heavy objects raining down upon the ground itself. Birds flapping off, a tree crackling over and crumbling into multiple pieces. Ground ruptured with rock flying off in a variety of directions as a cloud of smoke and ash flew up in a roar. Legs stuck up from the epicenter, visible through the shifting of the smoke and ash though only for a moment before being drowned again. Landing a fair pace off was a set of feet, feet attached to a young girl who looked ahead with a simple grin.
Dead trees and ruined buildings lay scattered around either standing or fallen around this girl, the ground mostly rocky though with some green present further away. Above drifted puffy clouds on a bright blue sky. A slight wind danced around though nothing too noteworthy as it barely touched the smoke in front of the girl, yet enough to make her long golden locks flop with some reflecting into her stunning purple eyes. The young teen stood at the ready, twin blades in hand held at the ready with a red aura orb dancing around right behind her.
Rock tumbled and blew away with the smoke, a figure dropping down atop where the legs had been sticking out, a tall man breathing heavily. His face, drenched in skull paint which upon closer inspection appeared to go on throughout his entire body. Blood dripped from his right shoulder practically waterfalling onto the ground, “Brat, damn you! That hurt! It hurt like a son of a bitch, god! You can’t even imagine how painful it is to have a damn nail bomb go off inside your god damn shoulder!”
“I don’t know why you’re complaining Soreis, you’re healing just fine by the look of it.”
Through his chest plunged a blade, straight out through the center. Blood sprayed from the man’s mouth as he stumbled forward, yelling in rage, “Fuckin- bitches!”
Another figure landed behind him quickly, slamming down sending a small dust cloud up. From behind a large pole was visible attached to the blade in the man’s back. A scythe. Slowly his shirt fell apart with half flopping onto the ground as the other half stayed on by the sleeve. Standing firm his head cocked back with his teeth gritted, blood coating them, “Dammit!” he then barked.
“Nice shot sis!”
“Thanks sis!” the new comer said.
Several flashing lights came down and quickly slammed into the skull paint man, the lights exploding on contact. The scythe flew back out of the man, quickly flying back into the hands of the second arrival. Her red eyes looked up, a hand brushing the blue hair out of her face to see a third person. Down came an older man this time, though not all that much older with long brown hair flapping in the wind along with a black cloak.
His purple eyes looked from the first girl to the second, “Illiya, Soren, where are Flare and Spirit!?”
Illiya, the first girl, responded first, “Tending to Soreis’s friend in the bunker a few clicks back.”
“Rick, what happened to Kakaroth?” Soren replied.
“I sent him on ahead to the bunker. If those two are still fighting Soreis’s comrades then Kakaroth should be able to lend a hand. So what’s the status on this guy?”
The smoke from the chain of blasts cleared, revealing the man standing and slowly moving forward towards Illiya with a wide grin and vengeful eyes. His hands formed into fists, twin rods in hand that ended in jagged break offs. Few signs remained of the wounds he had been dealt from before.
“The guy is definitely an immortal. His regeneration is a definite ten. His Power Rating is a definite Dragon. His Danger Rating, definitely S Class, maybe even Two S based on his cult,” Illiya replied.
“So this guy lives up to the reports. No wonder the people of this planet couldn’t kill him if he’s all that,” Rick muttered.
Drips of paint came from the man’s body, black paint to be exact, though as it touched the ground it quickly became dark red. Lines flashed orange along his body, lines that became inscriptions and cursed seals of which faded away immediately as the paint reappeared.
“Soreis the Unholy Soul Stealer, speaker of Demigrah’s Will. I will say this once again, by name of the joint operations of the Elysium Cardinal Program Revelations and of the Elysium Kingdom of Starset, I sentence you to arrest for your crimes!”
Soreis simply tilted his head back at the comment, looking right up to Rick, “Pftew.”
Blood was spit from his mouth off to the side as his mouth opened, “You ignorant hoe bags think you can just lock me down? I am a servant to the great Lord Demigrah mother fuckers! If you think I’m going to just surrender and go down that easily then you have another thing coming.”
“This guy is absurd,” Rick chuckled hovering downwards.
“You ignorant godless dicks should just let me go at this point, clearly you can’t capture me and clearly I’m in a hurry to complete the ritual!”
“Soreis, if you think we’re just going to let you out of here then you’re sorely mistaken,” Illiya replied looking him dead on.
Her expression oozed with confidence, at least for a moment. All at once there was a rumbling of the ground and then a blast, her expression changing at the rumble itself. To the West a blast flew out, trees sent tumbling down right at the entire group of fighters. Soren and Illiya both screeched, leaping backwards as Rick shot upwards, leaving Soreis to then be buried under the rubble as he gave one more laugh.
“What in the name of Elysium was that?!” Rick yelled out.
Lying on the ground was a man of spiked red hair and golden eyes, considerably tall and to some extent buff. His wardrobe, blackened with soot, “Hoohoohoohoo HOOOOOMAN what a rush!”
“Flare you idiot!” came a shout further from the blast radius, “You messed up the trap again!”
“Aiye not my b, your b for making such a stupid trap Spirit.”
“You blew up the Power Drive and created a blast, you probably killed have of the cultists!”
“Like, your point? Obviously Fallen Spirits that needed to be condemned anyway.”
“Dammit Flare!”
“Dammit to you both!” came the yell of Illiya as the second individual, Spirit, came into view.
Both of them looked quickly to Illiya as the dust cleared away, watching as she came near. As she went towards them, Rick began to descend over the area glancing around quickly in mid-hover. Soren also began to look around, quick to sigh.
“Soren, Rick, can you sense his spirit?”
“No Illiya, he- he got away in the confusion underground,” Soren said with a sigh.
“Dammit!” Rick spat as another individual hovered towards him quickly, “Kakaroth, with me and call in reinforcements. Soren, you and Illiya clean this up while we go after him.”
Rick quickly shot a look to Flare and Spirit, the two of whom began to yell at each other, “And Illiya, take care of your damn mess. Part of becoming a Priest is controlling your partners so they don’t screw the pooch like this.”
With that Rick and Kakaroff turned and shot off, heading East through the air leaving both Illiya and Soren standing casually. Flare slowly began to stand with a cough, “Ah, dude, that was radical. I can’t wait for the next fight.”
“You jerk… there won’t be a next fight!” Illiya spat quickly turning to the male with an approach, “Your incompetence screwed the capture of a dangerous criminal! Now he’s managed to break off and go on his way. It’s a wonder why you’re stuck going after simple assignments like taking care of bandits. You haven’t a future if all you’re going to do is screw around!”
“Eeesh, lighten up a bit guuurl, I didn’t do no wrong.”
“You both fucked this up!”
“Ok one, don’t lump me with Flare. I had a perfect plan and used a trapping device, he went ahead an acted the fool and ruptured the condensed battery,” Spirit grumbled.
“You said you’d keep an eye on the jerk. I’m not your Captain, I’m your partner. Yeah we should look out for each other but we should have faith in one another. My faith in him was rocky that entire time, you reassured me, then pissed in the wind of this entire operation. So pardon me if I’m a little bit angry but this took months of coordination and investigation.”
“Yeah well maybe the damn fools should’ve only dispatched Priests,” Flare chuckled.
“Hey, you don’t get to laugh,” Soren growled, “The Cardinal Program is stressed with all the latest activity from the Underworld. They rely on Kingdoms like us to cover the gaps.”
“Coulda sent Knights then,” Flare muttered.
“You guys have been on board for a decade. You should’ve had the experience. Your experience plus that of two Priests plus us, I can’t blame Spirit but I can certainly look at you Flare for jeopardizing the mission. Your attitude is crap!”
“Aye, you got a clear problem with me Sin so why not go on. You and Illiya both be a bunch of stuck ups wantin’ to make daddy dearest happy.”
“Ok one, that’s Illiya’s goal. Two, at least she has a goal. You just want to party.”
“I’ve had it! I’m talking to Illiago when we get back. I want you off this team!” Illiya spat.
“Good, I don’t need this crud anyway. I’m a superstar fam.”
“I hate this guy!”661Please respect copyright.PENANA5jQyZjCz8R