Inhuman shrieks flooded the air, the sound of a distorted baby’s cry. Smashing trees and shattering rock, thunder crackling with a barrage of explosions. Absurd laughter could be heard following another explosion, then more laughter and cries of the beast.
Five in red jumped around the massive thing, four leaping away while one charged swinging an ax forward and a scythe. Many tentacles flopped cut clean off along with many a leg, one arm ripped off. With but a shriek the tentacles spewed their blood, new parts blasting right out and into place. Old joins fell with new legs quickly blowing out of the skin and into place, all of the wounds replacing themselves with old limbs simply falling off or being ripped apart form the inside.
“Eh!?” Senya spat, “This is so broken. I keep hacking away and it keeps on finding its form again. Cheap! Coward, fight me like a real warrior you giant baby thing!”
Its head turned, its mouth open with a shriek. All at once dark red aura began to pool around the mouth from the outside around the head and from in the mouth. In seconds the aura congested to form a sphere, one that exploded and fired out a massive dark red beam of energy straight into Senya.
“Fyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!” she yelled as the attack hit and blew her away.
“Its regeneration isn’t a solid ten, more like an eight or a nine. Usually these things have a limit. So what do we do, continue to hack it apart and hope it has that limit?” Garwald growled.
“Our forces are spread too thin to contain it. Too many of our Priests are now injured thanks to this thing,” Ember replied.
“Because we didn’t come in with enough of them.”
“We’re short handed Garwald, make do with what you have,” Grabriel growled back.
At once the creature’s head turned with more aura collecting, its face turning towards the remaining four. Ember’s eyes lit up quickly, “Move!”
With a grunt and a howl the creature unleashed its attack straight at the group. All of them splintered off with Ember and Rain heading right while Garwald and Gabriel went to the left. At their speeds they moved as blurs, evading just barely as the blast came straight through the area with a swelling force of destruction. All skidded to a halt, their eyes locked with the beast’s.
“This thing is getting feistier as time goes on. We need to act now. Chromoss!”
“Yes?” came the response telepathically.
“Haku’s down and we still can’t beat this thing. Options, give us options!”
“I’m sorry Ember but I have nothing to offer. The creature’s abilities far exceed my prior calculations. Honestly I’m surprised that it hasn’t dropped yet, regardless of its ranking.”
“So is there anything we can do to stop it?”
“Well, not you but for who should be showing up, yes.”
“What do you mean?”
“Ember!” came the shout of Rain.
Ember turned her head, eyes growing wide. The creature had raised itself, its head into the air with tentacles and arms weaving around a singular point as another aura sphere began to appear with the same energy now turned into a copper-like color. Ember stumbled back, “Whatever it is Chromoss it had best be good. This thing is charging up a heck of an attack! Crap, I’ll have to let you go Chromoss.”
She jumped forward quickly, landing alongside the other three Cardinals who had now come together. The three stared out at the beast as its power climbed.
“That attack is enough to reduce everything around here to ash. Ember, this is over our heads. Everything we throw at it is just nothing. That thing has restricted our powers too much with its vile energy, we have to-”
“Hold on one moment, something is approaching!”
The beast’s eyes turned round, facing its flank as a single figure slowly approached. All heads turned staring in awe, the sight of a figure of black and white approaching. Black and white hair, a black and white suit, black and white gloves and shoes, all alternating as the appearance moved from location to location; the pants inverse of the shirt, the gloves invest of the shirt. A scythe with a chain held in hand with the chain attached to this individual’s body, a bright blue chain almost see-through.
Blue fire propelled beneath this individual’s shoes and even from his back as black-like manifold wings stuck out.
“Is that-” Gabriel began.
“No way, he came here personally?” Ember followed.
“My my, hello hello,” the individual spoke out loud, directed right towards the beast.
The beast growled, wailing slightly in response as its eyes then became bloodshot. The trees around it collapsed, those that stood withering away and becoming black prunes near immediately. The grass dried away into not but ash as the ground crumbled, a red vapor leaving all around it. The individual looked around, purple eyes zooming towards the vapors and then back to the creature, “I see, so that’s why five of my Cardinals together are unable to detain you. You have the unnatural ability to vaporize and corrupt spiritual forces. They who could reduce a continent to ash, heh. I see I see.”
“Lord Asura, be careful!” Garwald spat out.
“My my you are certainly an unpleasant beast. Sorry fella’ but you’re going to have to die now,” Asura chuckled.
The beast’s neck crack, an event that left Asura’s head to slightly rise. All at once the head spun around, its shriek heard and then the powerful roar after as blood red aura coated the beast perfectly. Asura’s eyes narrowed ever so slightly as the sphere formed by the creature spun with the head, slowly lowering to the Cardinal Lord.
“No way, if he takes a hit like that-” Garwald choked.
“That attack’s enough to punch a hole clean into the planet’s mantel and maybe beyond-” Ember stammered.
“Lord Asura!” Rain shouted.
The sphere cracked, splintered, and then shatter with the roar of the beast, firing itself off as a beam of energy heading straight towards Asura. Cracks of the attack’s power splintered out through the air like ripples on the water, spiraling as it drew ever nearer. Asura smirked looking at it, his scythe slowly rising.
Down the scythe flew, right at the beam. No contact made, nothing fired, just a simple swing. Nothing at all seemed to have changed…
With a loud grinding sound that then became a hypersonic noise, the beam split itself in half and parted way, flying right by around either side of Asura. His eyes closed as he then smiled as the beam turned into flames that then exploded behind him with much of the power leaving. The wind became fierce for many moments following, and as it did so the creature remained still before Asura. All at once a crack appeared, one straight down the middle of its head.
Garwald’s jaw hung, Ember’s eyes going wide as did Rain’s, Gabriel’s head lurching forward. Slowly that crack spread and split, the entire body slowly splitting apart with blood and aura raging out in moments. The whole body, split clean down the middle by just a single strike. Down it fell with its blood flowing out like a tidal wave, crashing to the ground as a corpse with the light leaving the beast’s eyes.
“No way!” Senya spat approaching the other four, “Old man Asura just went and spoiled the fun!”
“Holy mother of-”
The thud of the creature’s body crashing to the ground was big, the ground all around rumbling sending fragments and splinters of land rising up in all directions around the body that flew out a quarter kilometer in radius.
“Simple beast,” Asura chuckled.
His scythe was swung again and then lowered as he let out a sigh, his head slowly turning off to the side to view the five. In the blink of an eye he vanished only to then appear right before them. They stared, only staring, their jaws still hanging somewhat.
“Well? How was that? Not bad for a several thousand year hiatus from any action if I do say so myself.”
“S-sir,” Rain began.
“That was, after all we did-” Garwald chimed in.
“To just make us look like useless pups, heh heh. That’s about normal,” Gabriel chuckled.
“Don’t sell yourselves short. That creature had the ability to diminish your abilities by well over half due to exposure. If I had gone forward with raw strength alone, I would not have been able to win so easily. As a mass of pure hatred, it was exceptionally vulnerable to my own powers.”
“I thank you sir though it doesn’t change the fact that we were still spread thin,” Ember mumbled, “I think it’s about time we start looking into the kingdoms that support us.”
“Oh? Now why would you say that Ember?”
“The Program is stressed right now. It’s time, time for us to find new Priests to back us up on assignments like this. We need to contact the Kingdoms and begin looking for new blood.”
“Mmm, I couldn’t agree more actually. Our forces are very thin at this point with all the latest attacks. Alright then, let’s make it official. The Baflare Exams are coming back baby!”
“Y-yes sir!”
“Heh heh, what fun!”
Ember simply nodded, “So be it milord.” 704Please respect copyright.PENANAAs3ihHxPiw