Putting their bowls into the empty skillet, Lucious had just emptied his first cup when Cassian rose. “Done well finishing your meal. Care to show me a quiet spot in the city? Need to take a breather or two.” “You’re lucky. I know just the place.” Lucious smiled helplessly at the joke, rose and led Cassian out from the main hall as Merridian re-joined the Jercflosey group and have another spatting bout with Floki. Outside in the Union compound, the celebration was dying down as drunks laying around on the field, some still drinking and others wasted and the lucid ones had already stumbling back to their house. Among the unsightly drunks and wasted, a figure was still going strong, gushing cups by cups as if relishing his thirst. The large man with a ponytail sat down on the ground, laughing loudly while emptying the bucket under the amazed gasps of some onlookers. “HEEEEEYYY!! CASSIAN...COME AND JOIN MEEEE...!!” Spotting them, Quingon gave them a big wave and a loud shout. “Do you know him, Cassian?” “...Not sure I do...Let’s move on...” Brushing the question aside with a bland answer, Cassian gestured Lucious to lead on. Ignoring the louder and angrier shouting, they left the Union compound and headed toward the main square.
Navigating through the familiar scene, Cassian and Lucious trying not to step on the drunks and wasted, laying everywhere on the main square. “Wow...They really go gung-ho with the whole thing...” “Yeah, we are still grieving for the loss and worried about the uncertain future of our livelihood. Your arrival gives us hope. For that, I thank you for getting here as fast as you could.” “...No need to thank...It is a part of our duty. And we did get something in return, so no worries.” Answering Lucious’s heartfelt gratefulness with a wink, Cassian looked up to the empty dark sky. “Behold. Where I’m taking you is a place between the stars and the seas of light.” “Hooo...” Cassian grinned with anticipation as Lucious navigated through narrow alleys. Luckily Kibo took him there before. Lucious thought happily as he took them climbing the stone stairs and heaved themselves up to the Western Rampart.
Looking at the quiet Farfner Forest as the green carpet swept evenly by the caressing breeze, Cassian and Lucius stood still silently with distant bright stars shining far above their heads on the dark night and hundreds of light spots from the lamps and lanterns of the city behind them. “Indeed it is a very perfect spot to view the city. Even the forest and the stars...” “Phew...Really have to throw a bone to Kibo for that...” Lucious smiled, satisfied by the magnificent view which Kibo showed him a week ago. The thought of Floki’s faithful partner took him back to his disastrous assessment when he tried to chant his barrier. What was that? How? Even now, Lucious could not figure out the reason behind the terrifying mutation of his barrier, although he guessed it had something to do with the gigantic flame in the cave entrance of Abyss. The question was how. More and more questions seemed to arise day by day. There were also Cassian and Daelous, Floki and Old Grawy. Lucious grimaced at the unanswered problems.
“Are you curious about tons of stuff? About how I know your name.” He could barely hold himself when Cassian broke the uneasy silence. Nodding his head, Lucious waited as Cassian pondering his words. “...I am acquainted with your brother, Daelous...” It took a moment before Cassian’s words sunk in. Daelous. Sir Cassian. Acquainted. “I was introduced to Daelous two years ago when I passed through the city for specific missions...” Continued, Cassian started to recount his memory with Daelous as Lucious listened quietly. “...It was strange. As if we knew each other a long time ago. As if we shared a similar belief and thought. I had never felt like this before...” “I can understand it, Cassian.” Gathering the knots that tightened in his heart, Lucious concentrated fully on Cassian’s words, as if trying to recover his brother from the tale.
“...He was a capable man. Old Grawyrad let me borrow him once before. More than a year ago...” “Ah...” Lucious recalled the day when his brother boasted secretly to him that he was going on a short trip with “a VIP from Jercflosey” as the region’s guide and gone for almost a week. Of course, Lucious regarded it as another tall tale and dismissed it as an exaggeration. After all, Jercflosey was the siblings’ pipe dream to make something for themselves. “So...it was real...Daelous...” “...I could have dragged him to Jercflosey and take the Trials of Worth, but he rejected. Said he was not ready yet...” “W...What? Brother rejected to go?!...No way...but...is it...?” But even as his mind confused at the rejection, Lucious knew for sure that his brother thought of him and stayed. “Stupid-aelous...”
“...Lucious...?” Sensing the darkening mood, Cassian stopped and faced Lucious with his eyes widened firmly. “...Do not think badly of yourself...Anyone would have stayed for their only little brother...Anyone...” “...Cassian?...” Lucious jolted from his endless self-blaming as he spotted a sad and anguished look on Cassian’s face. “...Forgive me...Lucious...What I trying to say...No matter how many times it takes...even with your persuasion, he would definitely refuse to budge even for half a step...That’s the kind of man he was...” “...Yeah, you’re right...if he is the brother I know...” Remembering the stubborn silhouette of his late brother, Lucious smiled sadly. “Thank you, Cassian...” With his eyes shining in lingering tears among the stars, Lucious thanked Cassian with all his sincerity. Cassian answered with a widening big smile as he clapped the shoulder of the young man who was wiping his tears away.
Cassian was gazing the stars when Lucious wiped his tears away. “...Say, Lucious. I do not mean to be insensitive, but we are looking for someone to guide us to the cave. Of course, Floki will offer himself, but he is the crucial leader that the Knights of Sheldon cannot afford to lose...” Cassian was flustered for a bit, but Lucious had predicted his intention. “...If you think you are alright to return to the cave, we would love to have you as Floki’s guard...” Or more like a desperate shield. Tressmoor and the Union needed Floki now than ever, and losing him would cause further turmoil to both. “Guard Floki with my life, huh...” For a young man who had his life, promise, and aspiration shattered, it was a perfect way out. Died protecting his ever-roasting mentor was not a bad tale at all. Perhaps even served as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a new life in Tressmoor if he survived the journey. Clenching his hands tightly, Lucious faced Cassian with firm determination.