The street was quiet as the residents were still fast asleep after a long day of labour. After the subjugation of Vorgion and the sealing of the Abyss, Tressmoor had seen a surge of life returned to the face of peasants, merchants, and craftsmen alike as the looming threat had gone and the tragedy was buried by the success of the Jercflosey’s expedition. The people returned to work with renewed vigour that every farm had their hays harvested before the end of the month which was unseen since the founding of the city. Catching the good news, travelling merchants started to come back and the route that connected Jercflosey to the rest of the coalition of Thamathus was once again back to business.
The ceasing of the Tress family feuds could be one of the factors that contributed to the rapid recovery of the city and its people. Realising the urgency, the elder uncle of the Baron Fargon, Sir Hearn proposed a temporary truce to concentrate their effort on bringing the city back to its track. Hursel had to agree with his supporters were majorly farmers and the Baron wanted nothing more than a breather from his overwhelming uncles. Thus, every member of the city even the riches and poor worked together although they would be back to their separated communities with their leaders tearing at each other’s throat in no time. Within a month, Tressmoor climbed back to its feet with bustling Armo market and well-stocked supplies and taverns readied and opened for travellers and adventurers.
Sighing with mixed feelings, Lucious shouldered his rucksack with mild disappointment for not witnessing and joining the revival of the city while knowing that the Tress would involve everyone in their useless bickering later on. “Not my problem anymore.” Lucious walked to the main gate of the city with a relaxed humming. At least he was able to disembark from the backwater ship with a looming mutiny in the not-too-distant horizon and hopped on to another one with a brighter prospect. Lucious could recall vividly the excitement when Cassian came walking to him and invited him to go with him to Jercflosey as he was strolling around the training field. Several days after his awakening, Lucious decided to get up and walked around to feel his strained arms and legs. At Ruffia’s reluctance, Lucious left his bed with his childhood friend following behind.
It was a lovely morning with a gentle breeze soothing the hotness of the summer. Expecting an empty field, Lucious was thrown aback by the sight of dozens of people working themselves in the sweltering morning. It seemed the training was going on with full attendance unlike a month ago. Some members from Jercflosey including Merridian, Quingon, Lowen, Olwen, Julian, and Lucson were seen mingling among the trainees, instructing and barking instructions. Floki was standing under the large tree with Kibo overlooking the training field with a satisfied grin as determined heaves, moans, and screams were heard loud and clear even from the dormitory. “...What is...that?” “Training session. It seemed Master Floki asked for some helping hands...” Ruffia made a somewhat troubled smile at the unusual sight. “Floki...” Lucious did not want to go across the training field; even getting near the field with its hellish sight and sound was a tiring task of its own. Still, he was interested in the lessons given by Julian and Lucson, and he needed to talk to Floki. With a resigned sigh, he walked slowly toward the training field.
Walking at the farthest edge of the training field, Lucious passed across the stable without looking at the gruesome field heated by sweats, tears, and awe and made his way to the large tree. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t our reverend trainee, Lucious the sleepy dung.” “Floki...” Lucious looked grumpily at his instructor and decided to ignore the suppressed laughter from behind. “Let’s see if you’re the Maeist or the dung...” Approaching Lucious, Floki extended his arm and touched Lucious’s head lightly. Instantly, Lucious felt a surging flow of his Natura as his skin pricked by a warm sensation. “...At least you’re not on the path of the dung. The road still far ahead, letting someone to control your Natura so easily...” “Give the wounded a break, baldy.” Floki smiled wickedly at the mention of his baldness and turned toward the training as Lucious’s stomach turned sour. “Trainees, your friend Lucious just reminded me of my days of youth when training was a real deal. One hour extra before lunch!”
Despair and resentment swept through the training field as eyes filled with anger and hatred penetrated Lucious. Shrunk from the overwhelming heat of silent vows to kill, Lucious stared at Floki with a frustrated look when a chilling voice silenced the field. “...It seemed I was too naïve to you lots...” Lucious could swear that the trainees jumped at Merridian’s mocked sadness and shivered with frightening premonition as the seasoned swordswoman continued. “...Let’s end this recreation and get to the real deal.” Screams and shrieks escalated as the pace and steps became faster and heavier. The ghastly sight was too much even for the instructors with Quingon swallowed in sweats, Lowen and Olwen looked on with a troubled expression, Lucson brushing his head helplessly, and even the ever-smiling Julian tried to maintain his demeanour with obvious effort. “...Well, at least it’ll end an hour earlier...” Forgotten his purpose, Lucious watched with solemn apology until the last trainee fell on the ground with complete exhaustion.
“...Gonna see to this mess. Later, boy.” Before he could recall his intention, Floki left Lucious hurriedly as Lucious stared blankly at the terrifying mess of wasted trainees. Scanning casually across the trainees, Lucious was surprised to find Jasse among the fallen with Einard and Geran nearby. “...Lucious.” Before he could wonder about the sudden diligence of the lazy trio, Ruffia tucked at Lucious’s sleeve. He looked up and saw Cassian and Cassia watching the mess with an apologetic expression. Catching Lucious’s gaze, Cassian walked slowly toward them with Cassia at his side. Lucious stood frozen as he noticed the elaborated bandage secured over Cassian’s body, particularly his left arm. Struck with sudden guilt, Lucious looked down with heavy feelings as Cassian and Cassia reached the large tree.
“Lucious...Ahoy...War goddess to wimpy Lucy!” Seeing the downcast Lucious, Cassia grinned jokingly. “Don’t call me Lucy!” Reacted instantly to his nickname, Lucious looked up and shouted at Cassia with annoyance. “Hmm, looking good, aren’t we? Ouch!” Cassia smiled wickedly at Lucious’s spirited retort when a palm slapped on her head. “...Apology, Lucious. Cassia is being reckless...Stop that, will you?!” Cassian flipped away Cassia’s silent protest with his right arm when his younger sister was pocking his waist. “Well then, I leave Lucious to your gracious care, Sir Cassian. Please follow me, Lady Cassia.” “W...What...Wait...” With a cheerful smile, Ruffia bowed to Cassian and proceed to push the protesting Cassia forcefully from the large tree toward the stable.
“...Such courtesy and demeanour...impressive but unneeded although she would not listen to it...” “Ruffia has always been well-mannered. I guess that’s the difference of birth...” Lucious smiled weakly at the compliment but he still could not bring himself to look at Cassian. The deafening cicadas went on to their cacophonic symphony to welcome the summer as the sun started to cover the area with overbearing heat. Yet, not even the sweltering heat could melt the awkward silence between the dignified knight and the trainee Maeist. The deed could only be done by human warmth and bravery. Lucious did not have what it takes to face his guilt. Fortunately, his opponent was a very firm and determined person. “Lucious, look here, please.” Lucious sensed plead in Cassian’s voice and the notion was causing enough guilt by itself. Unable to cause further shame to himself and Cassian, Lucious steeled himself with a deep breath and turned to face his fear.
With his left arm bandaged with elaboration, Cassian was covered with patches of clothes wrapping around his chest beneath the plain tunic with various scratches everywhere from the face to arms and feet. Even as he looked better after a month of recovery, traces of fatigue still visible on Cassian’s expression after his short walk from the room. Taking in everything with a hardened will, Lucious still could not help but sniffed his nose with bitterness with his eyes watered slightly. “...I seemed I caused you pain and for that, I apologise...but...” Cassian looked at Lucious with deep concern after his slight bow of apology. “...The sight of you fell with possible irreversible damage to your psyche was so frightful...Even Pompadous snapped at such recklessness...Why are you going on it with such stubbornness?!”
Lucious could not help but lower his head. It was, after all, his fault. “It was not your fault. Anything can happen on a battlefield.” Lucious looked up in surprise. “From your capture to my injury...That was what I am trying to comfort my inability during the past month.” Lucious looked as if he was in pain of all the self-blaming. “But move on, Lucious. Grit your teeth if you really aiming for what lies ahead of you. Learn, digest, and make it part of you.” Lucious could not look away from the young knight who filled with such sadness and determination unbefitting of his age. “...If you think you have what it takes, come with me. Come with us. To Jercflosey.”
Everything went blank in Lucious’s mind and it took a moment before it sunk in as Cassian affirmed his invitation. “The road shall be especially hard for you, but even so...Come with us.” Lucious widened his eyes in disbelief even he knew he had done well to warrant such an invitation. “Cassian...What do you mean ‘especially hard’...Don’t tell me?” “...Yes. I came here not only to see to the Grimkeeper but also you.” Lucious’s blood ran cold at the thought of Cassian and the others from Jercflosey came for his life. “Floki should have told you something. True, the Principle is not in its best moment and your power will become another catalyst for disruption and chaos...” Cassian looked desperate. “...Even so...Even so...I want you to come with me...To Jercflosey...” “...Cassian...I want nothing more than to follow you...but...” “It’s alright. Floki and I will prepare a way for you. It’s up to you whether you have what it takes to walk the path.”
Approached Lucious with a speed unlikely of a wounded, Cassian grabbed his shoulder and looked into his eyes. Lucious responded to the frank confrontation and found sincerity and anticipation in Cassian’s eyes. Yes, Cassian was not entirely honest to him, but so does himself keeping his power a secret. Floki also kept a lot of secrets in his chest. Everyone has something they did not want everyone to know. At last, everything had laid in plain sight. It was a matter of acceptance and moving on. Closed his eyes with the knowledge held firmly in his heart, Lucious took a deep breath and opened his eyes. On that day, he had made the decision.
As he scanned through the empty street, Lucious climbed the Western Rampart to have a final look at the small city which he grew up and shared most of his fondest memories. The Fafner Forest was faintly visible as the first light glowed slightly at the distant horizon. A chilling breeze swept the greenery to a swaying wave of dance. He looked back and gazed at the sparsely lit city with most of its light focused on Rose Boulevard. Not a soul except rats and dark shadows crept about, but the night was slowly receding to another morning. Lucious inhaled the fresh air with his eyes closed as he raised his arms and stretched his body. Even as it was rustic with dirt and smell, Tressmoor had been a wonderful place with bountiful resources and market which were able to support the town-city, largely due to the effort of the past generations of Tress and the people. He would never forget the small alleys, the throng in Armo Lane, the farmlands, and the Western Rampart where he played with Daelous and Ruffia.
“Lad...Are you going or not?” Lucious jumped with surprise and immediately focused his senses before seeing Kibo stood behind him. “Hmm, although I should applaud you for the alertness, it would not make a difference when you’re taken from behind.” Relaxed his composure, Lucious shrugged and let out a relieving sigh. “Floki? Where’re you?” “Where do you think, boy? The main gate, you dung. Even Kibo act smarter than you.” With a snort, Kibo turned and sprinted away from the bewildered Lucious. Brushing his hair with a helpless smile, Lucious descended from the Western Rampart. At last, he was going to Jercflosey. Jumped down from the steps, he followed after Kibo.