Everything seemed quite blurry for Lucious even as he was brushing his sweaty back with a wet cloth and scenting his clothes with a little of thyme oil bought last winter. The scent of the rich flavour of pottage and broth did not stir the boy from his trance as he took his share of bowl and bread quietly and ate around the fire burning with twigs, branches, and thyme leaves for repelling mosquitoes and insects. The world around him chattered amicably but Lucious did not join the merriness of the campsite. His mind still lingered on what he learned before his dinner. Naturally, Lucious did not notice the voices around him started to dim as eyes were focusing on him, waiting for the promised story.
A clap on the shoulder jolted him from his thought as Lucious looked blankly at Cassian. “Lucious, can you repeat what you told me to everyone?” “Ah...Oh...Yeah...of course...” It took a fraction of moment for Lucious to compose himself. Even so, he did not start right away as he scanned the faces around the fire, gathering courage from every face waiting patiently. He winced at the sight of Quingon staring at him with such ferocity. Cassian’s firm gaze and Merridian’s hand on his shoulder are the shackles that barely contained Quingon to jump at the young trainee. Leaving Quingon, his eyes focused on the flame in front as it burned with occasional cracks and flickers, rising and falling mesmerizingly. The insignificant bonfire mimicked the terrifying gigantic snake of inferno with its nefarious will. Shaking a little, Lucious started his narrative of him entering the cave as one of the members of the rear when the chaos ensued. When everyone at the front came crashing down at the rear. When everyone focused on running out from the cave. When even the most seasoned members fell. When the dark mist hissed and laughed at his pitiable effort to save his brother. When his world came to an end.
As if beckoned by the fire in front of him, he spoke softly and slowly while trying to suppress his fearful memory and remain calm. His story and his dreadful reaction drove a riveting recount that left the party silenced as they were trying to swallow the grim detail that reminded them of countless reports about the failures to seal some of the entrances to the Abyss. The members of the expedition were still digesting Lucious’s report when Quingon stood up suddenly. He spared a glance at Lucious and exhaled loudly as if disappointed by the report before walking away from the fire and dissolved into the dark corner of the campsite. Merridian rose and gave Lucious an appreciative squeeze on his shoulder before following her troublesome squad leader.
Wishing some time for himself, Lucious also roused from his seat and walked away as eyes focusing at his unsteady pace to the river. He could hear murmurs and whispers of discussions after his departure, but Lucious did not have the heart to eavesdrop or even care about the heating conversation behind his back as he sat down at the bank. Looking at his grim and pale complexion with self-mocking smug, Lucious could guess roughly where the conversation came from and headed to as he recalled the disheartening evening.
After Emma was gone, everything seemed to be still as Lucious stayed still, too stunned to comprehend the rest of the world as his mind continued to churn with the newly obtained knowledge. Least than half a year. Emma’s verdict of death echoed in his mind, looping with each reverberation forcing him to face the truth. “So I’m dying...” Lucious did not aware of the gradual dissipating of warmth as the sun sunk to the horizon barely visible from the sea of forest. Lucious shuddered at the cool and soothing breeze as his body was already pitched cold from the realisation of his pending inevitable. Lucious was still at it when sounds of grasses and leaves crumpling approached him from behind. The sounds stopped a few steps behind him and make no further advance to him. Lucious did not need to confirm the person behind him as he called out to the figure from his back.
“...So...you know about it right from the assessment...Is that it...Floki?” More than a minute has passed but there was no answer to his frantic question. “...YOU LIED TO ME, IS THAT IT, FLOKI...?!” The scream sounded almost like a sob as Lucious pleaded for an answer to his unending uncertainty and fear since the day he found his barrier mutated. “...Please...just...tell...me...” Tears started to flow again. Honestly, Lucious had no idea for how many times had he cried ever since that day when he lost everything that it would be no surprise if he found his tears had run out. “...Lucious...lad...” A voice broke the silence. “...I’m not sure about it...About the remaining time you have...” Something in Lucious flared as he turned suddenly and stared at Floki with such rage that the older man’s eyes widened slightly. “...So you know...!! You know!! THEN, WHY?!” “BECAUSE AS I SAID, I’M NOT SURE ABOUT IT!!”
Lucious threw back slightly at the loud and sharp response, but he remained steadfast. “What do you mean you’re not sure?!” “Well, to be precise, it’s more like I’m not so sure about the so-called unfortunate demise of those survivors...” Lucious blanked out for an instant as his fire dwindled to a smouldering ember of silent wish before he started out again for more. “What do you mean by that?” “Well, you know I had been in Jercflosey for a long time. I actually knew a guy just like you. Getting all scratched but no evident wound after surviving the similar case when his team literally wiped out...” Lucious held his breath several times today as each revelation he received was enough to drive him to further confusion.
“...We tried to cheer him up...Old Grawy and me. It took some time, but at last, he seemed to snap out of it and even applied for the role of a trainer. We even had a drink together...” Lucious swallowed silently as he noticed the distant look of sadness and reminiscence on Floki’s face. Looking far away, Floki seemed old and helpless at the passing age of his prime as his eyes narrowed at the iridescent shade of crimson, opal, and tangerine reflected on wisps of lazy clouds. “...We were shocked when the report of his death spread across the Principle. It was almost unbelievable as he sat beside us, drinking and talking about how he will beat the new Seeders to shape. That night was the last time we saw him...” Lucious became puzzled at the seemingly chaotic and intersecting facts and knowledge he received. Floki must be telling the truth. He thought as he watched the older man with his eyes closed, immersing in his memory of his tragic friend. At least to some extent.
“...But then, what Emma told me...” “It is also the truth, to some extent.” Floki opened his eyes and looked at his young charge intently. “Remember what I told you this morning? That the Principle will not be pleased with the news and your life is at stake...” The Principle. Not pleased. His life. At stake. “Don’t tell me...?!” “Smart boy. That is what I’m worried about.” Floki nodded his head slightly after observing the face of his trainee turned pale with horror. “I believed the Principle might have involved in some of those ‘unfortunate’ deaths, but then again it might have been the Grimkeeper’s curse...” Floki shrugged and shook his head in annoyance. “...I’m not sure...I’m not inclined to place my complete faith on the Principle...They kept some foul secrets and I am glad somehow without knowing any of those...” Lucious could only nod his head in grim acknowledgement. “...Anyway, don’t use your barrier and do your best...if you’re inclined to risk the chance...Remember, tomorrow night.”
Lucious sighed at the memory and continued to gaze at the glooming silhouette that reflected on the darkening flow of the river. He did not notice a pair of footsteps approached and arrived at his side. “The stars from Tressmoor are beautiful, but it could not match the ones which shine with such brilliance from the darkness. Don’t you think so, Lucious?” “Hmm...Yeah...What...?!” Lucious turned to find Cassian standing at his side, gazing at the stars above. “...Oh...You scared me...Cassian.” “Keep your senses. We are in the forest. Anything can happen.” “You’re right. Thanks for the warning.” Lucious scratched his scalp in embarrassment and looked down to the surface of the river again. The atmosphere was enshrouded in awkwardness as a cool breeze passed softly at their side. “...Lucious...I am sorry to have you recalled that awful memory, but thank you...” Lucious was shocked to find Cassian bowed his head slightly to him. “...The information you gave is useful. It might save our lives. Even it might sound horrible, I thank you for being alive. At least, I can find some peace, knowing that not everything is lost...” “...Such kind words...I appreciate that...Cassian...” Lucious stood up and returned the favour. “Well then, Lucious. Mind if I take some of your time and introduce you formally to everyone?”