“Damn... everyone, retreat!” Lowen and Olwen followed the lead of Cassian as they backed away from the terrifying sight of the fake Grawyrad shedding its shell as skins torn apart and fleshes burned by the darkening miasma released from the demonic presence within the fake old warrior. Quickly averting his gaze from the gruesome sight, Lucious turned and dragged his mortified mentor with him. “Don’t look away. It’s coming!” Forcing his eyes to return to the demon Grawyrad, Lucious choked on his breath when he saw the behemoth abomination of heads, fleshes, and bones swirling with miasma. “Squad, shields at the front. Maeists, do your things. Warriors, keep on your toes and protect the Maeists.” Stopping their retreat, Lucious assumed his position behind Lowen and Olwen with Julian, Emma, and Floki while the Maeists flanked by Cassia and Pop.
Looking at the boiling mess of fleshes, it was hard for Lucious to suppress his nausea as the overwhelming smell of blood and entrails mingled with a faint smell of rotting permeated around the area. “Boy, use your Natura and calm yourself. Remember your practice...” Lucious nodded appreciatively at Floki who regained his composure although the old Maeist still stared at the giant nightmare with obvious hatred. “Squad, move three steps forward. Maeists, burn it.” “Lucious, we’re doing group casting.” Moving three steps forward, Lucious nodded and established a Natura link with the Maeists by hand contact on Floki’s shoulder while Emma touched both Floki and Julian on their shoulders and led the call to bring a magnitude of the purifying flame of life Lucious had ever seen before.
“By the collective will of fire, I herald the coming of a great cleansing...” Lucious could feel his invoked Natura drained rapidly as like other Maeists as the air around them was absorbed by a huge fireball above them as it shone with a vigour that brought hope for the living and eternal rest to the dead. “Burn away the defiled and return them to the cycle of life. Harbinger’s Little Son.” Pulsing with the scorching heat and power of a miniature sun, the fireball descended slowly toward the abomination.
A grotesque shriek was heard from the abomination as the fireball collided and seared its corrupted fleshes. The squad stopped few steps away from the devastation as the abomination struggling and rampaging on the ground throwing stones, sands, and pebbles around the area. Knocking the obstacles away with a simple barrier, the knights brandished their shields and observed cautiously at the moaning abomination. Even with the gigantic fireball, the abomination started to regenerate as fast as the damage inflicted by the flame. “Julian!” The white-robed Maeist gathered a trembling orb of light on his staff and threw it up above the air. “Lucious, throw everything to the light!” Tapping Lucious’s shoulder, Floki urged the young trainee to direct his Natura to the orb of light.
Without much deliberation, Lucious followed the rest of the Maeists as they channelled their Natura to the floating orb of light. With a motion of his finger, Julian directed the orb to descend toward the abomination. Another round of terrifying scream sounded from the abomination as the remaining flicker of purifying flame merged with the orb of light to deny the materialisation of the demonic existence. “Wow, we can do this!” Feeling exhilarated by the one-sided battle, Lucious threw his everything to the light as Julian worked slowly on the giant walking flesh.
Suddenly, Lucious felt cold and lifeless as if a sudden wave of desperate helplessness flowed into him. His concentration was becoming stalled. Looking down at his legs, Lucious was surprised to find a decayed hand protruding out from the ground between his legs and grabbed his left ankle. “Lucious!!” Dropping to his knee, Lucious felt lightheaded as he trying to pry the unholy grip away. Slowly, his hands became powerless and his effort ended in vain. Losing his focus, Lucious shook his head violently as he tried to preserve his consciousness, but everything seemed far away. Someone shouted something but Lucious could not comprehend the sound as it stretched on endlessly and distorted into an inaudible groan.
Fighting to maintain his grip on his consciousness, Lucious could not even react with surprise as a darkened figure covered in ominous miasma climbed out from the soft earth where his legs were standing and knocked him down. Unable to recover his footing, Lucious could only support himself using his arms. Suddenly, another wave of paralysing chillness assaulted him as a cold hand touched his face playfully. Feeling an unfathomable disgust, Lucious threw out and tried to escape from the figure. It was too late as the figure had both of its arms firmly grabbed on each side of his head and lifted him to his knees. Crouching under the darkened figure, Lucious shook with fear and disgust when a familiar voice rang in his head. Focusing his eyes, Lucious turned still and silent at the nostalgic face which he has longed to see once again and to apologise for his inability to save him. “...D...Daelous...brother...”
“Lucious!!” Startled by Floki’s shout, Cassian turned his head briefly to the back and alarmed at the sight as Lucious sank to his knee while trying to free himself from the deadlock grip of an unholy hand. “Damn, we’re fooled!” Realising the grave disadvantage that assaulted them, Cassian quickly barked at the bulky twin knights to stand their ground while he pulling away from the frontline to confront the surprise attack at the centre. The ground where Lucious was standing gave way as it crumbled and a darkened figure climbed out from the hole. The figure grabbed on Lucious’s head before Floki and Cassian could get near. Securing its hostage, the figure held Lucious’s head firmly between his hands and whispered at his ear.
Suddenly, Lucious stopped his feeble struggle and remained still as he stared at the darkened figure with an astonishment which transformed into a mixture of joy and sadness as tears flowed out profusely while reflecting the ominous brightness of the cave. “...D...Daelous...brother...” Cassian did not miss Lucious’s soft whimper as the young trainee trembled but was made to stand rigidly by the hypnotising eyes. Chuckled with satisfaction, the darkened figure released his deadlock but retained a firm grip across Lucious’s shoulder as it moved slightly away from the young trainee and eyed the rest of the squad with a relaxed composure.
Veiled in the terrifying miasma, the darkened figure was more than six flings tall, around the height of a man with a powerful build. Its feature was unidentifiable but it appeared as if the figure was composed solely by the thick concentration of demonic essence and miasma mimicking the shape of a man. If Cassian has to guess, the figure in front could be the true essence of the Grimkeeper. “...You...What is the big lump behind you we are fighting against?” “Well...Well...Well...Did not expect such an absurd question from the one who served the fake light.” Shaking its head disappointingly, the figure spoke with a weird and metallic sound as if metals were made to scrap against each other.
“...Cassian...A Grimkeeper doesn’t have a physical body from the start...” A sudden realisation struck the shield knight as the appearance of Grawyrad shook him, had not Floki reminded him. Did it make that pile of meats just to distract us? “...Is this the first time you see us...with our existence fixated on this plane? My...My...A pleasure to meet you, knights of Jercflosey.” The Grimkeeper placed its hand at its chest as it bowed mockingly at Cassian. “...Julian, go to the twin and keep the meatball busy. Emma, assist him. Pompadous, keep them safe...” Using this short moment as he gazed cautiously at the ominous figure, Cassian issued the order to the squad without looking back. “...But...” “Leave here to us. We must see to the end without getting anyone lost in the Abyss...” Sensing their hesitation, Cassian encouraged them to go on ahead.
Nodded in understanding, the members went to the twin knights. “...Please be safe...” Cassian caught a soft whisper from Emma as she walked passed. Nodding firmly, Cassian maintained his gaze at the Grimkeeper and its captive while the lady Maeist went to join the members dealing with the abomination. “...Now...Where’re we? Never mind that.” The Grimkeeper pondered with his head tilted slightly before giving up. “What’re you planning to do with the kid?” “...Nothing. It was hard to find a body with such affinity to the Abyss. Such sorrow. Such darkness.” Without realising, Cassian started to flare with anger as he gripped his fists tightly at the statement. “...You wish!!” Roaring with rage, Floki stomped an earth spear toward the Grimkeeper but the demon grabbed and stopped the spear without much effort.
Crushing the earth spear into half, the Grimkeeper chuckled lazily as it shook its head and laughed with obvious glee to Floki’s effort. “...Is that all you can do, mortal? Come at me harder if you want the boy back.” Ignoring the provocation, Floki released two earth spears at the demon. Wrapping its arm around the spears, the Grimkeeper broke them into the half when Cassia rushed at the demon. Cassia aimed and stabbed at its head with her rapier, but the Grimkeeper seemed unfazed by the onslaught as the sword passed through its head. Realising her futile effort, Cassia focused her Breath and switched to unleash a series of stabs following her initial stab. Even as the attacks were ineffective, the wind pressure from the powerful combo blew its head and miasma apart.
An annoyed screech was heard as the Grimkeeper swung its free arm, which expanded to the size of a boulder, to the female knight. Cassia evaded the counterattack by lowering her stance and parrying the heavy attack to her side. Grimaced at the pressure of the sheer brute strength, Cassia withdrew as Cassian advanced with his shield levelled at the Grimkeeper. Screeching its gleeful laugh, the Grimkeeper thrust its hand forward as it extended, spread to half a dozen smaller spears, and homed at the charging shield knight. Pushing Cassian behind his back was the old Maeist Floki who called upon a barrier carved in roaring lion that expanded across Cassian’s shield. The duo rushed to engage the deadly attack.
With Cassian’s shield and Floki’s barrier, the duo knocked the spears aside and gave themselves to the momentum as they tore across the Grimkeeper’s arm. Observing the advancing duo with a snicker, the Grimkeeper opened his fist. The gigantic spear-like fingers shot forward and started to wrap over the advancing knight and Maeist. Trapped between the tangling hold, Floki expanded his barrier but they could not hold too long. Catching up fast, Cassia shot forward with dazzling speed and thrust with her rapier with several stabs on the Grimkeeper’s shoulder. With its shoulder scattered by the combo, its hold on Cassian and Floki was weakened. Without missing the opportunity, Floki transformed his barrier into a gale shockwave. The blast expanded and scattered the ominous hold of miasma. Cassian resumed his rush to close his distance between the Grimkeeper.
Suddenly, countless spikes of miasma spears ruptured from the roaring Grimkeeper and spread rapidly around it in a circumference. Caught unguarded by the attack, Cassian and Floki dived to the ground while Cassia threw herself sideways to the ground. Following up its onslaught, the Grimkeeper spread a sheer Natura shockwave to its surroundings and sent the trio flying to the back as the spikes withdrew into the Grimkeeper as fast as it appeared. Straining his aching body to rise, Cassian heaved himself out quickly and faced the disgruntled Grimkeeper. “...Such persistent flies...So annoying...” Tilted its humanlike head horizontally, the Grimkeeper hissed at Cassian as Floki and Cassia recovered and stood out to challenge the demon once more.
Patting gently at the hypnotised Lucious, the Grimkeeper regain its composure as the annoying atmosphere replaced by sinister dances of its miasma. “...You don’t mind if I take the boy...Not like you guys will let this Blessed Child live...” A chilling sensation struck Cassian as the Grimkeeper stared lovingly and lowered itself at the kneeling Lucious. “...Let it go, boy. Leave me your body and soul...Let me have them all...” As the Grimkeeper started to insert its miasma into Lucious, something snapped inside Cassian as the sight forced a memory long-suppressed but unable to forget floated in his mind. “Ceister...damn it...” A hotness in his chest expanded beyond his endurance. Consumed by the desperate rush of anger and helplessness, Cassian did not realise when he discarded his shield even his sword as he charged at the Grimkeeper like the reckless Quingon who he kept on reprimanding.
Surprised but delighted by the suicidal attempt, the Grimkeeper released a few miasma spikes toward Cassian. Without hesitating, Cassian threw himself forward to the ground as the quick spikes grazed his cheek. The knight immediately pushed himself up and continued his throttle toward the kneeling Lucious. Indifferent of his own safety, Cassian closed the distance between him and the Grimkeeper with such speed even the quick feet Cassia had a problem to keep up. In retaliation, a few miasma spikes fired from the Grimkeeper. Unable to dodge in such short distance, Cassian shifted his body to a side stance and raised his left arm to guard against the spikes.
An intrusive coldness entered Cassian’s veins before the pain flashed intensively. The spikes pierced his arm and worked its way into the ribs. Cassian’s breaths were replaced by excruciating coughs stained with blood as his chest was injured by the powerful pierce. Blood flowed profusely from his palms and arms pierced by the spikes as his chest bleed severely. Even as the indescribable pain assaulted his body, Cassian’s mind retained a certain degree of calmness. The penetrating stabs on his arm did not pierce his main artery and his heart still beating without complication. What narrow luck. However, Cassian felt his consciousness started to drift away due to the loss of blood.
Biting his grimace, Cassian did not need to look to catch the Grimkeeper’s triumphant expression as the demon continued to assimilate its essence into Lucious through mouth and nose. It cannot be. It must not be. Is there no other way? Discarding his hesitation, Cassian worked his remaining arm with grimaced desperation as the arm shook weakly and crossed the little distance between him and Lucious. The palm reached and grabbed on Lucious’s shoulder. Taking a convulsing deep breath, Cassian tightened his grip on Lucious and closed his eyes as he withdrew deep into his mind and called for a dormant power which he had sealed in contempt of his sin.