Mordecai returned, staring at Grounder in bewilderment. "So basically you mean I have to save everyone or something?! That's asking a little much don't you think?" Mordecai questioned, nervousness hinting in his voice.
"Yes that is true however, you must seek the elder first, he has a bit of info...I think. Mainly something here and there" Grounder replied, sounding a little unsure. Mordecai stared at the ground then at his paws. Kai whispered something in Grounder's ear and Mordecai looked up. Huh?
"Mordecai, I want you and Kai to go to the elder, Keen, and ask him for help or hints, alright." Grounder instructed. "You two should maybe now. I've got to go. Kai, just stay with him and make sure everything goes well, okay?" Grounder added, awkwardly rushing them. Mordecai and Kai look at him funny and leave.
"Hey, sorry about him. Grounder's kind of lost it since this whole mess started. He had to go home to get something. I'm sure he's heading somewhere else next" Kai whispered. Mordecai closed his eyes then slowly looked at her. "Don't. It's fine. This is really hard for me to take in. That's all" He replied back.
Now he was left alone with a new face. Mordecai felt as though he could trust Kai. She came off as honest as could be. Grounder, on the other hand, was a little odd. Mordecai hoped that whatever this quest thing was, he could finish it and return home. However, in the back of his mind, he knew it wasn't going to be that simple. It could take days or even weeks.
They stopped at a shabby looking house. Kai tiptoed in first. Mordecai followed behind, wrinkling his nose. A sense of uneasiness hit Mordecai. He ignored it and moved on. It's too creepy here. It also seems horrid! EW!
There were broken objects inside and an odor of...feet and some questionable things. There seemed to be barely any lighting at all except for a few lit up candles. A messy table stood in the middle of the room with piles of scrolls and books.
"Geesh, has he ever taken a bath? Not to be rude or anything, just asking" Mordecai asked, holding his paw up to his nose in disgust. Kai laughed, "No, not since he got to this age I believe. Some offer to help him, but he refuses and they go on their merry way...well if they survive the dreadful odor of this den that is" she answered, looking around.413Please respect copyright.PENANAJonC4brewG
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"W-what, who goes there?" a croaking voice echoed from afar.413Please respect copyright.PENANAzTLJNuPExG
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"Oh, it's just me, Kai, and I've brought a friend" She informed the voice. An old wolf came out, limping a bit. They were a rather grayish one.413Please respect copyright.PENANAJ8smRMyNl5
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He looks at the two younger wolves and smiles, "Oh you must be Mordecai, correct?" the elder asked, coughing and wheezing a bit.413Please respect copyright.PENANAPMWnmRx85t
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"How do you know my name?" Mordecai asked, startled. He was already a little freaked out about the whole 'kind of knowing your name because you may or may not be special' thing. The elder let out a loud cough. He sighed and sat down in front of them, curling his matted tail around his paws.
"Oh, so you ask. I know everyone because of the Book of Life. Your arrival was added to the book not too long ago. Each resident or birth is kept as a record. It sounds creepy I know. That's just how it is" he answered with a crooked smile.
Kai sat down, looking at the ground and murmuring something. Mordecai glanced at her then leaned a bit closer to see what she was doing. Kai slowly looked up and jumped, "O-oh sorry what were we talking about?" She yelped in surprise. Keen and Mordecai laughed at her and the fur on her face felt hot. "I believe you came for advice from me about saving the kingdoms from that angry wolf. Er, who was it? Shadowfoot or something?" the Elder Keen questioned Kai, giving her a frown. "Yes that's him...sorry" Kai replied and turned her head to Mordecai who yawned and slowly blinked.413Please respect copyright.PENANAR5fDi6y5kI
"Yeah, can you give us some advice? It would help, really...I’m still lost on this whole weird thing." Mordecai joined in, yawning. The two sat there, patiently looking at him. The elder didn't respond for a long time and sat there, unmoving. "Uh, Mr. Keen, are you alright?" Kai asked, staring at him in bewilderment. He still didn’t answer with a word. Mordecai slowly approached him. "Are you alive, are you breathing? Hellooo?" He asked, waving a paw in front of the elder's unblinking eyes. 413Please respect copyright.PENANAC9ZE7B9cnU
Elder Keen turned his head towards Mordecai, "Yes, I'm alright. I was just sleeping...that's all" He chuckled. Mordecai and Kai exchanged looks. "Are you kidding me?! Kai protested. "Was he even listening to what we even said to him? I don't really have all day for his shenanigans" She groaned.413Please respect copyright.PENANAfJEhlN3nZM
"Maybe, maybe not," Mordecai said, "I think we could ask him for a story. Might help..." he then suggested. "I suppose it could help" Kai replied, impatiently sighing. "Mr. Keen, could you...I don't...tell us a story?" Kai requested, nervously. The elder nodded nods, "Why yes, yes I can" then he began:413Please respect copyright.PENANAXHhm7KtZk1
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Long, long ago there was a wolf king by the name of Marcai. He battled his brother for the throne after their father had passed. He didn't wish for the odd hate his brother had for him. The younger brother was never like that before. Marcai had learned of a wicked place called Darkmoon. He needed a trap to secure his brother's soul. To end the madness the only way he knew how.
He lured his brother that had turned evil, to the Broken Core. He felt grief that weighed his heart down but, he had to do what was right for his family, his kingdom, his brother. Not soon after his triumph, his heir was born but, a dark force shadowed the kingdom and he had to keep his child safe. Marcai traveled to a place called Wolgon City and put his son in full protection with one of the leaders. Then he was never seen again after that. His only problem was the fate he had chosen.413Please respect copyright.PENANAL8wHPEEBNa
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"Oh! Thank you for that story. It helped a lot" Kai thanked him, respectfully nodding. Elder Keen smiled.”No, problem. Now if you excuse me...I have some beauty napping to do” he answered, limping back to his old tattered bed. Mordecai glanced at Kai. She sighed in relief.
After they left, the elder sat up and smiled, "Oh, was that him? The prophecy is true after all!" Elder Keen then rested his head and went back to sleep, snoring loudly and annoying everyone else on the island.
Mordecai glanced back at the den, signing. He caught up to Kai, running by her side. I'm disappointed.
The two young wolves quickly galloped through the scorching sand, making it to the trio’s house. "Wow, that was really weird. Something about two brothers. Kind of interesting. I think" Mordecai pointed out, still unsure about the story itself. Kai laughed "I know. It was different. What shocked me was his sleeping. Was he really sleeping or just spacing out?" she asked, kicking the sand beneath her paws. "Yeah. Asleep with your eyes open! Now that's creepy!" Mordecai exclaimed "Plus it smelled like someone stuck their smelly foot up someone else's butt. Like mad disgusting" He snickered. Kai began laughing as well. "Wow, that’s disgustingly vivid! Death row here we come. Can't wait to suffocate!" She laughs while trying to catch her breath.
Mordecai stopped laughing and pondered for a moment. I'm not sure if Kai saw it but...there were strange faded markings on his body. I wonder what those markings mean?413Please respect copyright.PENANAnrmrABiPxY
Kai slowed her walking and turned around, "Hey, are you coming?" she asked, looking back at the pondering wolf hybrid. 413Please respect copyright.PENANAFwmW5Gfg0A
Kai's voice broke Mordecai's concentration and he jolted his head upwards, "What?! Oh yeah, sorry I'm coming." He answered back. Mordecai quickly caught up to her and they found themselves back with the others.413Please respect copyright.PENANA5UK1m4Epbu