Mordecai woke up and found himself, looking up at a shiny glass bottle hanging over a huge slated rock. He looked up, balancing a jump to catch the bottle. He successfully caught it and opened it up then read:
425Please respect copyright.PENANAI4sBCwJMSx
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Dear, Mordecai425Please respect copyright.PENANAk7ImprMqA0
425Please respect copyright.PENANAEVtzczsZf0
You probably wonder who sent you this but; it is not really important right now. I need you to follow these simple directions: first, go to the shore you will find a necklace there, wear it. Next, fly to the Coral-Tide Cave, go inside. Finally, go through the bronze gate and wait there. Do not worry your friends will be alright and Kai knows.425Please respect copyright.PENANATdBFeNj3Cy
425Please respect copyright.PENANARRzqvk5Bm6
425Please respect copyright.PENANA8xmfELts3n
From, 425Please respect copyright.PENANAuBi0lcUFNT
Anonymous 425Please respect copyright.PENANA1QXWCgB07G
425Please respect copyright.PENANABMDmyvHKhO
425Please respect copyright.PENANAccK2BgdMps
Mordecai followed the steps, with caution. He headed to the direction noted; focusing on every minor detail he passed. This had been now the second time he blindly followed someone’s directions. Who in Anzellix was sending these notes?425Please respect copyright.PENANAFkqBcBt5yP
He stopped at the shore and spotted a necklace of some sort lying on the ground. Mordecai picked it up, examining it. It had a face of a black wolf and a silver moon behind its head. He placed the necklace over his head. He and then flew to the next location, Coral-Tide Cave. Mordecai quietly entered the cave that stood before him.
Coral-Tide Cave was filled with the most fascinating lighting that glimmered in the cave due to the colorful carol that sat within it. Silence and the dripping of water were the only things you could hear.425Please respect copyright.PENANA5UEVYbOjlj
He then entered the slightly rusted iron gate and sat there, waiting patiently. Mordecai did not want any sort of unintentional figure lurking around ready to jump out and strike him. He unsheathed his claws, preparing for any figure lurking in the darkness. 425Please respect copyright.PENANAdyMlOkYNsE
425Please respect copyright.PENANAeqt9hz4ShP
"There you are you, young one! Do not fear me for I am alive not dead" a voice that seemed disembodied replied, moving in the shadows.425Please respect copyright.PENANAqvdIeMa9Ld
425Please respect copyright.PENANAgc6AVzGXjF
"Why, why are you alive? Aren’t you dead or something?" Mordecai answered, pure confusion in his voice. 425Please respect copyright.PENANAUoag71Gx7N
425Please respect copyright.PENANAs9nacXauz4
"I DON'T KNOW WHY ARE YOU ALIVE!?" the voice shouted back, angrily.425Please respect copyright.PENANAX2shc7MjJY
425Please respect copyright.PENANANnv6qe1xtO
There was complete awkward silence between them. Finally a figure stepped out of the shadows. Mordecai tackled them to the ground with his crimson talons, unsheathed.425Please respect copyright.PENANAW6QB6LnKpu
"Oh, please don't try to kill me! I'm just here to help awaken your special powers and stuff!" They begged, whimpering and squirming underneath him. Mordecai rolled his eyes and got off, "Fine, you act like you have to beg for mercy so I don't kill you" he paused then attempted to laugh like a villain, "Mwahaha! I could just throw you into a pit of lava or...something. I don’t know." The dark brown wolf, laughed nervously "Heh...that's nice and all but, can you listen to me real quick?" he asked, a nervous smile forming on his face. Mordecai nodded, sitting down to listen to his words.425Please respect copyright.PENANAsNub5LtCC2
"I Ti, Arkoh's loyal apprentice, shall give the honor o- '' Ti is then interrupted by a loud growl. Mordecai turned around to see a huge creature with its blood red eyes staring directly at him. Its lengthy spike tail thumped on the ground. He could see the anger boiling in its eyes. What on Anzellix is...that?! 425Please respect copyright.PENANAeIFSkTLSXO
"HOW DARE YOU WAKE ME UP!" The beast roared then hurled itself at Ti. 425Please respect copyright.PENANATqwGlKoGTW
Mordecai bolted towards the beast and gnawed on its leg. It stopped and looked down at him in confusion. “Are you challenging me?” they asked. Mordecai stopped and looked up? Challenging? Is that something these guys do?
Ti yelped and covered his face with his paws. “That’s a Razorfang! When you bite on their leg that issues a challenge!” he said.
Mordecai released its leg and rolled to the side. He stood up and positioned himself in a battle position. That’s an actual Razorfang? They’re massive. I thought those were just stories. These guys are real!
“Well then I guess I will challenge you to a duel!” An odd burst of energy surged through his body. Mordecai felt pumped up somehow. Something really off was happening in his body. "Am I going to die or explode?!" He panicked out loud. He looked back at Ti, who was too busy covering his face with his paws, freaking out.425Please respect copyright.PENANAj8UeVw4dI7
Mordecai rolled his eyes then charged towards the gray canine spiked beast. He jumped on its back and buried his talons into its and flesh. It screeches in agony, trying to hurl him off. He holds on tight, sinking his teeth into its back. The metallic taste of blood gushed into his mouth. Mordecai gagged, spitting it out. 425Please respect copyright.PENANAAmAzfXFTEb
"GET OFF OF ME YOU WHELP!" The Razorfang yowled, angrily. He reached a claw behind them, ripping the hybrid off. A new wound was now visible and Mordecai cringed from the sight of it. Geesh...didn't really mean to do that much damage. 425Please respect copyright.PENANAXMzcLH9gXO
Mordecai opened his wings, hovering in the air for a few seconds. He then landed on the ground, rolling away to safety.425Please respect copyright.PENANAJL8iS0EGHW
Mordecai stopped moving and felt something oddly warm build up in his stomach. It got hotter as it traveled up his throat. Am I about to puke fire or something? Something started glowing and hissing in his mouth. He opened his mouth and scorching fiery violet flamethrower erupted from his mouth. It hit the Razorfang directly in the face, scorching its fur and flesh. He ran around, screaming "BY THE MOLTEN SUPREME, IT BURNS LIKE MOUNT COMBUSTION!" The Razorfang dropped to the ground and started rolling back and forth.425Please respect copyright.PENANAKFkImgaXQR
Mordecai burped up a cloud of smoke and sat there, staring. How my throat is not scorched right now is beyond me. His ears perked up and he stood up, alert. A few new growls and snarls reached his ears. The hybrid turned around, scanning the area. Four red eyes peered out of the darkness. "Great, here comes company" Mordecai sighed, watching two other Razorfangs stalk out of the darkness. "Uh oh, this doesn't look too good!" Ti panicked, shaking with his tail tucked between his legs. His ears flattened as he watched them get closer. 425Please respect copyright.PENANAp7FOqMuir4
Mordecai glared at beasts, unsheathing his talons. He leaped into battle once more. He jumped into midair, letting another burst of fire out of his mouth. The Razorfang yelped, running around in frenzy as fire engulfs its tail. The purple flames enlarged, covering the beast's body completely. The Razorfang collapsed to the ground, it's body sizzling and covered in ash from the flamethrower. The hybrid rammed into the other Razorfang, slamming his body directly into its stomach. He unsheathed his claws and created a perfect claw mark on its muzzle. The black and gray Razorfang yowled, running for the hills. 425Please respect copyright.PENANAphrQoEPizv
Now, the last one was standing there. The Razorfang with a scorched face glared, baring his fangs and swinging his tail. Mordecai rushed towards them. They vanished from his sight. He turns around, seeing nothing there. "Where is that freak?" Mordecai mumbled, frustrated. The last Razorfang appeared right behind him. Ti jolted up in a panic, shouting "MORDECAI, LOOK OUT!" Mordecai quickly turned around and the Razorfang whacked him with his tail. He was sent flying and crashed into a nearby wall. He growled, struggling to get up. As the Razorfang mocked him, with laughter, he slowly stood up. Something was burning in his stomach again. This time it was much hotter than the fire.
His eyes started glowing white and a bright light formed inside his mouth. Ti watched closely as more light started entering into his mouth. Finally, Mordecai puffed his chest out and a beam of light blasted out of his mouth. The beast tried to shield the attack but failed as the bright scorching beam approached them. "CURSE YOUUUU!" He screeched as the beam incinerates him. They were no more.
Mordecai coughed and shook his body. He dropped to the ground then raised a paw up "Take that!" Mordecai yelled back, victoriously. Ti ran over to him in excitement. "Wow, that was an intense battle!" Mordecai nodded and stood up, slowly beginning to walk away. That was possibly the weirdest thing that had happened to him. Why the heck did I do all of that for exactly? I just felt this burst of powerful energy shot through my body.425Please respect copyright.PENANAuzcJJs9DWc
"Hey where are you going?" Ti asked, trailing behind him. Mordecai stopped and turned around, "Going back to the others. Why?" Ti looked at him and sighed "I'll have nowhere to go. My mentor told me to stay with you." A painful look crept on his face. Mordecai stared back at Ti for a moment then replied, "Well I guess come with me." Ti's tail started to wag uncontrollably, "Oh that would just be wonderful, just wonderful!" He yipped happily. Mordecai sighed, shaking his head. "Let's just go already, okay" he answered and began to walk away. Ti nodded and followed behind him. First thing first was first someone owned him a long explanation.425Please respect copyright.PENANAlXqmlUA4Qx
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***425Please respect copyright.PENANADZAM8CbqH4
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425Please respect copyright.PENANAR4vKisOt5r
Arkoh laughed at the sight of Mordecai’s confusion. "He doesn't even know what’s in store later...oh well back to reading." He headed to his huge bookshelf and picked out a book called Anzellix Kingdoms. Arkoh walked back to his spot, dropping the book that he had clenched in his jaws. Arkoh begins to read the first chapter of The Lightfeather Kingdom Chronicles. 425Please respect copyright.PENANATvzAX4Y66Y
Arkoh scanned the first couple of chapters then placed a bookmark in it. "Well, that's enough reading for today." He turned towards the glowing Vision Gem, continuing to watch over Mordecai and the others.425Please respect copyright.PENANAT3ckNZ93It
With time running, his mind raced. I hope they can get there more quickly because I sense danger and it's traveling their way.425Please respect copyright.PENANACJppegIvPv
425Please respect copyright.PENANAtgJoxwMZS6