Chapter 7: “This Place is One Large Circus”
Cathy started walking slowly and silently, she was being cautious of her surroundings and fount a big door with a sign on it. “Caution!” it says. She saw a lock, so she thought of her mind that this big door needs a key for her to get in and explore deeper. He roams around the place, it was a bit dark since Dr. Kylo turned everything off, the lights, the machinery and especially the cameras.
-- Cathy stepped unto something, she couldn’t see so she decided to touch it.
- it was all gooey and slimy. The thing that Cathy touched started growling towards her.
“What the heck is going on, first of all. I’ll try to find a light source so that I can see clearly.” Cathy questioned herself and continued to walk. She saw a little bit of what that thing is, it was the size of a dog clearly since the thing was growling at her.
“What’s this?” Cathy grabbed something while walking her way to find some light.
[Cathy obtained a blue flashlight]
“There we go, I can now see. Now, where is that thing I touched earlier.” Cathy was looking for that slimy and gooey thing he touched earlier…
While looking for it, she found herself a key.
“This could be the key to the big door I found earlier!” Cathy felt a little bit of excitement because she’s about to save Howl and Howl’s mother.
“Don’t you worry Howl and Howl’s mom; this girl will be the hero for the both of you!” ---
“Woah, Woah. There, little girl.” Someone has shown up in front of Cathy. Cathy pointed the light to that someone…
--- it was someone who they thought was a friend…
-- someone who they thought who just cracks bad jokes around.
- West White, himself has shown up
“What’re you doing, Cathy?” West asked Cathy.
“I am just here for the toilet; I need to pee,” Cathy answered.
“Didn’t know Dr. Kylo was that kind…” West walked slowly to Cathy.
“What will you do, West. Harass me? Give me pain? Tell me, West.” Cathy confronted West.
West held her hand, and said: “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.”
|| Smack! ||
[West got slapped by Cathy]
“You’re now friendly? Huh!?” Cathy furiously said.
“Look what your Dr. Kylo did to Howl! He is unconscious and severely injured! What will you expect me to do? Accept your apology that easy? –”
Cathy grabbed West’s shirt and slams him to the wall so hard. West coughed a bit-of blood. Cathy was about to punch West on the face, but he grabbed her fist and said. “Look, if I won’t do anything that monster will turn my parents unto one of his experiments like how he did to Howl’s mother!! –”
Cathy was shaking, “Ho- Howl’s mother?” she started sweating, West cleaned up the blood on his mouth and sat down. Cathy sat down beside him…
“What happened to Howl’s mother, West.” Cathy asked shockingly.
“I don’t know! I’ve heard Dr. Kylo said that on our calls, he said that those he kidnapped will be toyed with and be turned into one of his experiments.” West answered…
West grabbed Cathy’s key that she found and the two of them went to the big door. West opened the door quietly, he then turned on the lights since West knew that this room was camera-free.
--- what Cathy saw was shocking,
-- she saw big tubes with different objects/creatures/people inside…
- West then confessed to Cathy.
“Cathy, look, I am one of Dr. Kylo’s experiments. If it weren’t for him, I’d die on that car accident.” West then showed his feature that Dr. Kylo put in. West has a small tail behind him, he detects if the people were lying or not.
[One of the tubes looked at them]
“West? Why are those eyes looking at us?” Cathy got scared and asked.
“Oh, those are the all-seeking-eyes. Dr. Kylo collects them in the woods every Tuesday, they won’t do anything but stare on you.” West replied.
While they were wandering around on what Dr. Kylo has created these past few years. They heard slithering coming on their way, it was like a snake was guarding the place.
“I sense, humans. I, Slithering Sam, will be on my duty to find these humans trespassing Dr. Kylo’s beloved place.” The snake tried to scare the trespassers…
Cathy found the snake, it’s not just a snake that’ll you find on a jungle. It’s a snake that its size is like a banana palm. Cathy asked West about the snake.
“Tsk, Slithering Sam, One of Dr. Kylo’s successful creations. That snake used to be a janitor on a school, not-so-far-away from this lab. He then met Dr. Kylo on the streets and followed him. He then became the predator of our nightmares.” West warned Cathy about him…
Cathy went behind West and both of them started wandering around cautiously. They gathered of bit-by-bit information about Dr. Kylo, like when he’s birthday is, where are his parents and many more. Cathy then remembered why she was doing here, is to make Howl and his mother escape Dr. Kylo’s laboratory—
“West! We must help Howl escape this place.” Cathy grabbed West’s shirt and asked.
“Absolutely, how unfortunate on his mother’s whereabouts. We don’t know what happened to her, I am sorry.” West apologized…
They hid behind a turned off tube and started planning on what they will do next. While they’re at it, West remembered that to turn off the machines of Dr. Kylo, they must go to the basement. Where all his technology was kept.
Cathy thanked West and said. “Thank you, sorry for the slap.” Cathy apologized to West…
“It’s alright, I deserved it anyway,” West admitted it that it was his fault for today’s catastrophe—
“So? What happened?” The snake appeared on top of the big tube, and hissed on both of them,
Its fangs are sharp as a chainsaw and its body is hard as metal, its eyes are wider than the sun and its saliva is hotter than lava.
[The both of them ran as fast as they could but--]
[West was captured]
“West!” Cathy shouted…
“Leave me, Cathy. Be the heroine and save Howl, I have faith in you. Now go!” West tries to fight the snake, but it was too strong, the snake bit West’s head off and started swallowing his body. Lots of blood streamed down on West’s neck…
West sacrificed himself for Cathy, so she has the chance of running away on going to the basement door. It was something that Cathy regretted watching, West’s death was the saddest death she has ever seen in her life…
-- the snake followed tried her, but the snake was too big for the basement door…
- Cathy, lost a comrade, a fellow and most importantly a friend…
[and then Howl woke up from his death slumber---]
“End of Chapter 7”