We ended up taking the long way home, as he fell asleep. I hate to wake him up, but I do anyways.
“Time to go in.” I shake him gently and he groans in response.
“Come on, you can sleep once we are inside.” I laugh softly as he gets up.
I take or stuff inside and he walks into his room. I’m not tired, but he usually is, his iron is still a bit low.
“Alex?” He stands at his doorway.
I turn around to face him as he says, “Thank you.”
“Anytime, Aidan, anytime.”
I had to study that night, which was hard, because I can not even clear my mind of the situation going on. It is good, but still…
I wake up the next morning with my face stuck to a paper while I’m sitting at my desk with my phone going off. Great. It is a text from Willow.
Willow: You fell asleep studying again didn’t you?
Me: How did you…
Willow: Aidan sent a picture. He said “I tried to wake him up but I felt bad so I left him there”
Me: ughhh, what do you need?
Willow: A question answered
Me: Go ahead
Willow: You better not runaway, I’ve seen you try to run from those who care. Don’t do it with Aidan.
Me: Where is the question?
Willow: omg you suck, I gotta go I’m being paged.
“What time is it?” I groan, and see it is 6am.
This is so not fair, why can’t I get a decent amount of sleep… oh wait I’m a med student. I get up, take a shower, and go to eat breakfast. Finally a moment of peace from school work. I hear movement from his room and remember that he is probably awake knowing him.
He wakes up at all hours and I can’t blame him in all honesty, I used to also. I grab a cup of coffee and sit on the balcony, seeing the light shine from the sunrise. It honestly is beautiful, and better then the view I had many years ago. Then I hear a soft padding of footsteps behind me to see Aidan still with bedhead.
“I’m awake.” He yawns while coming over to sit.
I laugh to myself as he curls up onto the chair, holding a mug full of hot chocolate, the same thing every morning.
“Barely.” I tease.
He looks over and gives me a glare, well he attempts to but ends up smiling.
“I’m not wrong.” I shrug while going back to the sunrise.
He leans his head on my shoulder so I pull him closer and look down at him, “Am I comfortable?”
“You always have been.”
“Alex!” He cries out as I run up the stairs.
I’m breathless when I reach him, and see him with a swollen face, honestly knowing these people I do not want to know why.
“Come on Aidan.” I rush, we have 45 minutes until they both get home.
He has his bags and I have mine, so I’m running with him out to the car that picks us up. Anxiety flows through my veins as I hope we are not too late.
We both make it into the car, and he is breathing heavy.
“It’s okay, Aidan.” I whisper softly as he lays on my lap.
I run my fingers through his hair as he slowly drifts off, which he needs to in the 45 minute car ride.
I thought he was falling asleep but I was wrong, he is laying his head on my lap, shivering and crying softly. I whisper quiet reassurances in his ear, hoping he’ll calm down slightly.
“You are okay, it is okay.” I reassure him.
“This is not okay though, I want to be normal.”
“I know, trust me… I know.”
“I’m so scared.” His voice is hoarse.
“I know, so am I. We all are.”
So for the ride there, he cried silently on my lap.
“Alex?” He asks softly.
“Hm?” I question, snapping out of my thoughts.
“I love you.” Aidan mumbles, still laying at my shoulder.
I pause for a moment to let that all sink in before I respond, “I love you too.”
A couple days later I’m driving home from a tiring day at work, ready to meet my bed. I walk up the stairs and see it is 3am… lovely. I reach my apartment and go in to silence. My usual routine is taking a shower, checking on Aidan, and going to bed. So I start my routine, and end up trying to not fall asleep in the shower. After that, I search my room for my sweatpants that I left out. I obviously put those on and then go to Aidan’s room. I see him curled up as per usual, except he peeks his head out from the blanket to look at me.
“Trouble sleeping?” I ask.
“Yeah.” He admits.
“You have the opposite problem of me right now.” I laugh softly and turn while saying, “Goodnight.”
“Wait,” He starts, “Stay?”
“You sure?” I question.
“If you want to.”
I walk back over to his bed and lay beside him. He takes literally no time to curl up at my side and rest his head on my chest. I run my fingers through his unruly locks of hair as he starts to drift off. He begins his usual soft breaths that he does when he actually feels safe enough to sleep peacefully. I remember this, when he would curl up at my side or sometimes lay on me to fall asleep most nights. The nights we’d be freezing and he’d shiver until I pulled him into my arms, or when I would cry when I thought he was asleep and he’d just be there. I remember this while I press a kiss to his forehead, the same thing I used to do most nights years ago, and finally I fall asleep.