In a white room.
I expected to be strapped to something again, just like before.
But surprisingly I was, instead, chained to a wall in a white prison.
I easily slipped my wrists out of the cuffs and picked the lock on the door.
Those scientists' one fatal flaw with me was making me the perfect being.
Which meant I had superior intelligence.
I tip-toed down the corridors, avoiding any possible encounters with anyone who could possibly blow my cover.
I was, of course, a robot, which meant it wasn't too hard to imitate an evil robot henchman.
I didn't know anything about where I was going, or my exact location, but I knew one thing; I had to save my friends.
I heard a muffled female scream.
I knew at once who it was.
I followed the source of the noise, and eventually came to a small room, partially filled with a massive, complex machine with many buttons, knobs, and levers.
There was also a masked white robot, with laser guns instead of hands, and...
She was chained to a wall, with cuffs much bigger and heavier than mine had been. So thick, in fact, that she seemed literally unable to move.
And she was being attacked.
I leapt in there, without thinking, and single-handedly wrestled the robot into submission.
And then I took out the machine, just because.
I cut through Dianne's chains and she fell into my arms, exhausted.
"Reese..." she began. "We... we need to find Jack... they know about his powers..."
"Later." I replied. "First, we need to make sure you're ok."
After a couple minute's recuperation, Dianne was fit and ready to go.
After 20 minutes of stumbling almost blindly through the endless whitewashed corridors, we came to an insanely large room.
Not a room any different than the others, except for the fact that it was from this room that we'd heard the crackling of electricity and the blood-curdling screams of a male 12-year-old.
He was strapped to a wall, really high up, and being electrified by a really pointy, terrifying rod that seemed to shoot electricity on command - no doubt part of an experiment testing the resistance abilities of a human with supernatural ice powers.
There seemed to be no way to get him down safely, unless...
Unless I shoot the straps holding him in place while Dianne gets something to catch him, I thought. But it’s too risky. He could get hurt…
As if he could get hurt any more, I found myself thinking. It’s always worth a try.
In as few words as possible, I explained my extremely risky plan to Dianne.
We heard another scream, this time more desperate.
There was no telling whether or not Jack had seen us, but we still needed to rescue him.
And fast.
We didn't know how much time he had left.
I loaded up my laser gun and closed one eye, to aim.
And that was when I realised I had an in-built targeting system.
Well, what can I say? I was still learning about myself. It's not as though I came with a manual, or anything. Or I could have asked the scientists who created me(?) - not ideal, seeing as they were still bent on capturing and brainwashing me.
Dianne had somehow found some tarpaulin (where on earth can you get tarpaulin in a lab?!) and was setting it up in place to catch Jack when he fell.
The way we'd arranged it was that I'd shoot down all four of the straps that held Jack, and then I'd have approximately 8.43 seconds (I have my calculator to thank for that) to run to my place and grab the tarpaulin, ready to catch Jack.
Now we had to time it well.
Just before the rod was going to shoot.
There was approximately 45 seconds in-between each shooting.
3, 2, 1...
The plan was set into motion.
I shot at the straps one after the other, like the well-oiled machine I was, before dashing over to the tarpaulin.
Jack bounced off it somewhat sleepily, and for a couple of moments he was unable to move.
Then, slowly he heaved himself off the tarpaulin.
"Thanks, guys," was all he could say.